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10/13/2024 6:16 pm  #1

A sword, a scabbard, a helmet

Grand Cycle Sword: A grand cycle sword is a finely crafted short sword, with a jade hilt decorated with astrological symbols. For most a grand cycle sword is a short sword +1, but when wielded by one who knows the proper techniques its true powers become known. In the hands of a monk, the weapon is effectively a long sword +2 in almost all respects, including WC, though not designed to be wielded two-handed. The blade does not physically extend, though one can see a small white bead of energy, perhaps the wielder's own ka/qi, that travels up from the hilt to the "tip" of the "blade." In addition, the grand cycle sword adds 3 to the wielder's dexterity for purposes of determining who strikes first when initiative is tied.
It is said that there were 13 of these swords made, each with unique hilts pairing both monthly and yearly zodiacal symbols but, in the countless ages since their creation, most have been lost. Rumours hint darkly at the swords bringing misfortune to their wielders when both month and year match the sword. An up-and-coming thief in Port Zangerios is known to possess one of these blades, with the signs of Taurus and Fish.
XP 1000; GP 10000

Kingly Scabbard: A well crafted hard leather scabbard for a long sword or broad sword, lined with fur and decorated with the image of a bear in a Keltic style and a silver spiderweb design. When worn its owner does not bleed, allowing them to continue fighting from 0 to -9 hp (death still occurs at -10). In addition, while at 0 to -9 hp, the owner will regenerate 2 hp per round until reaching 1 hp or more, and furthermore natural healing is doubled. Finally, if a non-magical weapon is sheathed with this scabbard, it is treated as a +1 magical weapon while in use.
These scabbards are considered a sign of nobility and lordship among the group of Kelts known as the Children of Camlann, and anyone wearing one receives a +2 reaction bonus while dealing with them. Mere dream-imitations of the original relic, they are taken from deep in the ever shifting Crypts of the Dream Weavers. Being as much dream-stuff as reality they make any item saving throw at an additional +4, but if their owner dies there is a 2:6 chance that the dream keeping the scabbard extant is broken, leaving naught but a rotten lump of leather.
XP 2500; GP 25000 (double that to certain Kelts)

Mind Helm: A strangely designed helm of silver and crystals, when worn this device allows one to attack with the powers of the mind, the mere thought of a blow turned into reality. Mind helms can only be used by a wearer with 9 Intelligence or higher and the crystals glow more intensely the higher the wearer's Intelligence is; for anyone with an Intelligence of 4-8 the helm does nothing, while someone with an intelligence of 3 must make a Trauma Survival check as the roaring emptiness of their mind causes the helm to invert its mental field, a failure indicating the wearer's head explodes. An attack with the helm can be made once per round to a range of 30', is made as if by a fighter of equivalent level (if not already), and is treated as an unarmed pummeling attack. It deals 1d2 damage modifed by the wearer's Intelligence score (9-12: -1, 13-14: +0, 15-16: +1, 17: +2, 18: +3). Doing so requires focus and concentration, precluding any other actions that round. If a victim of the attack has 17 or higher Intelligence, they may make a Device (willpower) Save at -2 (no modifier for 18 Int) to cause feedback in the psychic connection. Feedback causes the wearer 1d4 damage and requires a Transformation Save or be stunned for 2d4 rounds. In addition to its combat effects, three times per day the wearer can cast extrasensory perception and once per day can cast inner eye (CA 9). A mind helm is non-magical though attacks made with it can damage creatures only harmed by such. A mind helm is not a protective device and is fragile, making Normal Blow, Crushing Blow, and Fall Impact Saves at -2. 40% have old Ixian designs, 50% have Hyperborean signs and sigils, and 10% have alien markings unknown to all.
XP 3000; GP 30000


Yesterday 4:32 am  #2

Re: A sword, a scabbard, a helmet

Very interesting items specific to Hyperborea. Cheers!

"It is all very well to point out that the man lacks facility; as he asserts, sheer force can overpower sophistication."
Jack Vance, Rhialto the Marvellous

Yesterday 12:40 pm  #3

Re: A sword, a scabbard, a helmet

Very nice...

BlackKnight, AKA Sausage
Older than Dirt, Crusty, and set in my ways. Been playing TTRPGs for over 45 years...

Today 7:28 am  #4

Re: A sword, a scabbard, a helmet



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