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9/16/2024 3:47 pm  #1

Last year of Perpetual Darkness

Assuming the official campaign start date of 576 CÆ. What was the date of the last year of Perpetual Darkness, as well as the date of the last year of Perpetual Light?

I know that I can place those dates whenever I want, but I was wondering if there was an "official" answer.


9/16/2024 4:03 pm  #2

Re: Last year of Perpetual Darkness

As of page 233 in the 3e Referee's Manual on table 263 it show that the last nightfall would be 572, and that 576 is Tempest


9/16/2024 5:37 pm  #3

Re: Last year of Perpetual Darkness

Thank you!
But if they are 6 years apart, wouldn't that be 578 instead of 576?
Just wondering.

I found a date in the 1st edition of AS&SH. The last year of perpetual darkness occured in 568 CÆ (Assuming the start date of 576 CÆ). So using the calandar in 3rd edition, the last year of perpetual light was 574 CÆ.

Last edited by digitalelf (9/16/2024 8:01 pm)

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9/16/2024 9:05 pm  #4

Re: Last year of Perpetual Darkness

I think your math is off, or maybe where you think the start of the cycle is.

In all editions the Gazetteer is published in 576 CAE which has always been listed as Tempest (year 4 of the cycle).

572 CAE is given as the sacking of Swampgate and is listed as Nightfall

Counting back from that gives 566 CAE for High Summer (Waning)

576 CAE isn't the start of the 13 year cycle.

Here's dates through 2 cycles ending with publishing of Gazetteer.

550 CAE - Tempest
551 CAE - Deluge
552 CAE - High Summer Waxing
553 CAE - High Summer Waning
554 CAE - Drought
555 CAE - Tranquility
556 CAE - Autumnal Equinox
557 CAE - Twilight
558 CAE - Coda
559 CAE - Nightfall
560 CAE - Genesis
561 CAE - Renaissance
562 CAE - Vernal Equinox
563 CAE - Tempest
564 CAE - Deluge
565 CAE - High Summer Waxing
566 CAE - High Summer Waning
567 CAE - Drought
568 CAE - Tranquility
569 CAE - Autumnal Equinox
570 CAE - Twilight
571 CAE - Coda
572 CAE - Nightfall
573 CAE - Genesis
574 CAE - Renaissance
575 CAE - Vernal Equinox
576 CAE - Tempest

Last edited by gizmomathboy (9/16/2024 9:05 pm)

What? Me worry?

9/17/2024 1:39 am  #5

Re: Last year of Perpetual Darkness

gizmomathboy wrote:

I think your math is off, or maybe where you think the start of the cycle is... 576 CAE isn't the start of the 13 year cycle...

Here is what AS&SH 1e as well as 2e had to say about the year of Perpetual Darkness:

AS&SH 1st Edition wrote:

If a fighting man is 23 years of age in Drought (Year of the Eagle), he may remember with horror his 15th year, when the sun never rose, but too young was he to recall surviving his 2nd year, when still he clung to his mother’s teat.

Please indulge me as I walk you through my thought process...

If the campaign setting's starting year is 576 CÆ, then if said fighting man was only 2 years old and 15 years old when he encountered the Year of Perpetual Darkness, then counting back from 576 CÆ , that means the last year of darkness was 568 CÆ. Counting back an additional 13 years from there (when our example Fighting Man was 2 years of age), the year was 555 CÆ.

But I can see how the above is incorrect. Because this incorrectly places 576 CÆ at the start of the current cycle.


If he is 28 in 576 CÆ (being 23 in year 8 of the cycle), then that pushes the last year of darkness back to 563 CÆ when our Fighting Man was 15 years old, and 550 CÆ when he was 2 years of age.

But again, we've already determined that 576 CÆ is not the beginning of the current cycle...


Your example of two cycles puts the years of darkness at 559 and 572 CÆ. That would make our example Fighting Man 32 years old at the start of the campaign setting (i.e. 576 CÆ), and having lived through 3 Years of Perpetual Darkness instead of the 2 used in the 1e/2e example. So if our example Fighting Man lived through a total of 3 years of darkness, then why did Mr. Talanian confuse the issue by placing his example Fighting Man nine years or more prior to the starting year of the campaign setting (remember, the example started him at 23 and said that he was 2 and 15 during the years of darkness he had lived through)?

I admit that I am totally new to AS&SH, and information from 1st and 2nd edition may differ from that of 3rd edition. But these are the most seemingly concrete dates that I could find as it uses an example of someone living through 2 years of darkness and provides the age of that individual when he lived through them.

But please, if I am incorrect in this and reading it all wrong, by all means, let me know how I've made the error. I genuinely wish to know. I want this to make sense.

Last edited by digitalelf (9/17/2024 4:23 am)

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9/17/2024 10:02 am  #6

Re: Last year of Perpetual Darkness

If the campaign setting's starting year is 576 CÆ, then if said fighting man was only 2 years old and 15 years old when he encountered the Year of Perpetual Darkness, then counting back from 576 CÆ , that means the last year of darkness was 568 CÆ. Counting back an additional 13 years from there (when our example Fighting Man was 2 years of age), the year was 555 CÆ.

This is where you're confused, I think. The example you quoted says he was 23 in Drought (most recently 567 CE), not that he was 23 in 576 CE (which is specifically listed in the chronology as Tempest). There's no connection between this example and the chronology of the current year (which is spelled out on the table - it doesn't have to be inferred). Hope that helps!

Michael Sipe 1979-2018
Rest in peace, brother.

9/17/2024 12:49 pm  #7

Re: Last year of Perpetual Darkness

What Ghul wrote is that the person had solid memories of the horrors of Nightfall because at age 2 they wouldn't necessarily have the same memories of Nightfal as they would at age 15 and 28.

See the comparing of age and year and cycle.

538 CAE - Deluge
539 CAE - High Summer Waxing
540 CAE - High Summer Waning
541 CAE - Drought
542 CAE - Tranquility
543 CAE - Autumnal Equinox
544 CAE - Twilight - born
545 CAE - Coda - age 1
546 CAE - Nightfall - age 2
547 CAE - Genesis - age 3
548 CAE - Renaissance - age 4
549 CAE - Vernal Equinox - age 5
550 CAE - Tempest - age 6
551 CAE - Deluge - age 7
552 CAE - High Summer Waxing - age 8
553 CAE - High Summer Waning - age 9
554 CAE - Drought - age 10
555 CAE - Tranquility - age 11
556 CAE - Autumnal Equinox - age 12
557 CAE - Twilight - age 13
558 CAE - Coda - age 14
559 CAE - Nightfall - age 15
560 CAE - Genesis - age 16
561 CAE - Renaissance - age 17
562 CAE - Vernal Equinox - age 18
563 CAE - Tempest - age 19
564 CAE - Deluge - age 20
565 CAE - High Summer Waxing - age 21
566 CAE - High Summer Waning - age 22
567 CAE - Drought - age 23
568 CAE - Tranquility -age 24
569 CAE - Autumnal Equinox -age 25
570 CAE - Twilight -age 26
571 CAE - Coda -age 27
572 CAE - Nightfall -age 28
573 CAE - Genesis -age 29
574 CAE - Renaissance -age 30
575 CAE - Vernal Equinox -age 31
576 CAE - Tempest -age 32

What? Me worry?

9/17/2024 3:12 pm  #8

Re: Last year of Perpetual Darkness

Okay, so I was correct when I said that our example Fighting Man would be 32 in 576 CÆ and would have lived through a total of three nights of darkness (one in 546 at age 2, one in 559 at age 15, and one in 572 at age 28).

This now makes sense to me!

Thank you all.

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