"Hmm, I had hoped that you would have seen the vision the harp had granted me, Sir Votin," says Narrhil. Then the cryomancer began to dictate to the barbarian what he had seen...
[My dumbass is back. I must have gotten an email while out of town so didn't get any new ones and it has been busy as hell here. But at least I got the new pdfs from the kickstarter . I'll try and backtrack and catch up before writing a Keét post. I did see that his hand and something in his pack is glowing as I clicked the back pages.
Keêt, having eaten nothing but random raw strips of pre-chewed food or dubious origin, digs into the stew and gruel as if it was a five-course meal at the Silvery Eel in Khromarium. He stares at the ring on his hand, wondering what it does.
eakratz wrote:
Keêt, having eaten nothing but random raw strips of pre-chewed food or dubious origin, digs into the stew and gruel as if it was a five-course meal at the Silvery Eel in Khromarium. He stares at the ring on his hand, wondering what it does.
How does Keet get some soup?
Tillak is eyeing the dirty bowl and the dirty spoon on the floor, but he hasnt made a move for it yet.
Is he eating the spilled gruel from the floor?
I'm not sure I scanned through the posts I missed and thought there was a magic bowl that refilled with soup.
eakratz wrote:
I'm not sure I scanned through the posts I missed and thought there was a magic bowl that refilled with soup.
[The spoon is magical, the bowl is just a bowl! ]
Keet was told there was something magical sensed within his satchel.
Keet saw gruel magically fill the bowl startling the barbarian to spill it over the floor.
Keet saw the barbarian magically fill the bowl a second time with gruel and eat it all, then the barbarian was called into the chapel, he dropped both the dirty spoon and the dirty bowl on the floor and left.
Tillak is looking toward both items on the floor.
There is spilled gruel on the floor.
There is wolf stew in the kettle over the burning fire.
There are a two charred hindquarters half eaten.
There are two raw front legs uncooked.
There is a cut up wolf torso.
There is a smashed table.
Caveman wrote:
"Hmm, I had hoped that you would have seen the vision the harp had granted me, Sir Votin," says Narrhil. Then the cryomancer began to dictate to the barbarian what he had seen...
Votin mulls over what Narrhil had described to him.
"Do you think the woman is the one the beastmen call "she" ?"
"Aye, I do, and I think she sent a plague to kill the villagers here, if the rumours were true, and succumbed the children to her cause," He hissed back...
Under his breath..."How long ago do you think this was?"
"Many years Sir Votin, more so for you!" The cryomancer scans the church and it burnt and rotten woods, "but if our fears are true, it could not be that long ago?"
"Let us return to the kitchen and mull over what we have learned...there are chores there that need to be finished."
"If there is time I would like to check out the stairs going up around the bell tower."
"We need to figure out the witches connection with the beastmen and why there seem to be two groups that are opposed to each other."
Last edited by bald_headed_yeti (9/17/2024 4:29 pm)
Votin and Narrhil return to the kitchen.
Both Tillak and Keet are deciding which might grab the spoon and bowl to sate their hungers first.
Kèet shrugs and says, “I’ve had nothing but meat for a while. I’ll try the spoon trick,” He picks up the bowl and spoon, wipes both off the best he can and puts the spoon in the bowl.
“Guys, I’ll catch up after I eat.” He says to the others.
eakratz wrote:
Kèet shrugs and says, “I’ve had nothing but meat for a while. I’ll try the spoon trick,” He picks up the bowl and spoon, wipes both off the best he can and puts the spoon in the bowl.
“Guys, I’ll catch up after I eat.” He says to the others.
Gruel fills the bowl a third time.
Iron Ranger wrote:
eakratz wrote:
Kèet shrugs and says, “I’ve had nothing but meat for a while. I’ll try the spoon trick,” He picks up the bowl and spoon, wipes both off the best he can and puts the spoon in the bowl.
“Guys, I’ll catch up after I eat.” He says to the others.Gruel fills the bowl a third time.
"How long will this go on?"
"Is there a limitation to the number of times the spoon will work?"
Iron Ranger wrote:
There is spilled gruel on the floor.
There is wolf stew in the kettle over the burning fire.
There are a two charred hindquarters half eaten.
There are two raw front legs uncooked.
There is a cut up wolf torso.
There is a smashed table.
Votin tends to the stew feeding the fire from the smashed table.
Using the warpick Votin roast the front legs.
"We should move the meat somewhere where it can stay frozen, the cooked food may stay good for a little while or we could freeze it again.
Once our bellies are full we must stock up on firewood.
If there is time we should investigate the wooden stairs and if they serve no purpose, also use them for firewood.
Does someone have a knife that we could carve utensils to eat with?"
Last edited by bald_headed_yeti (9/17/2024 9:20 pm)
"What do we know of this church and it's surroundings?
It's history? The cemetery's headstones mark it as a church of Helios.
What of the moving hole in the cellar...what purpose does it serve?"
Votin is full of gruel.
Keet is full of gruel.
There is more table left to burn.
I think there are 3.5 torches left.
Last edited by Iron Ranger (9/17/2024 9:56 pm)
Narrhil join Votin back in the Kitchen and extinguishes the torch...
"Uncertain, I presume it a permanent magic cast onto the spoon, if we are lucky we need never fear to stave in these ruins... Still, we should be concerned for the light, I have been working at a spell which may help and I feel I have the power to cast it now but I must prepare myself, and get some rest to memories the spell."
"There is still the other wolf carcass downstairs," say Narrhil cutting some of wolf meat with his dagger and eating it. He fears to touch it with his hands; least he freezes it.
Narrhil indicates his dagger and hatchet, if the barbarian wants to start cutting and carving the spare wood into some form of spoon. He sits waiting his turn to eat the magical gruel after Tillak.
"I came from Dunwich, though I originate from Khromarium. And though I am a novice seer of the cold north, I wandered; being, set loose to discover the cold lands by my master, the Keeper of Ice, Ruler of the Freezing Lands, and Seer of the Frozen Wastes. Only Yikkorth; 'The Ashen Worm,' know why I have come here and why I was sent!" He pause in hope that the others may share their stories of why they are here in this foul ruined temple of Helios...