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7/06/2024 11:43 am  #1

D&D 5E to Hyperborea for Caverns of Thracia?

Hi all. Thinking that the Goodman Games Caverns of Thracia would be good for Hyperborea. Does anyone know how easily the 5E version would be to convert to Hyperborea 3E. I haven't played either game yet, so don't know much about 5E. I am very familiar with DCC however.


7/06/2024 3:33 pm  #2

Re: D&D 5E to Hyperborea for Caverns of Thracia?

Way back in the early days of the game, before we even published the first edition of Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea, I ran this adventure for my home group, and it was great, but that was using an old, beat-up copy of the Judges Guild original. I think that the original  would likely be a lot easier -- practically seamless, really -- version to use, if you ask me. Adapting it was a lot of fun, because we already had Thracian background stuff built into the game, influencing the Ixian and Kimmerian races and their respective languages/dialects.

HYPERBOREA- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy

7/06/2024 5:06 pm  #3

Re: D&D 5E to Hyperborea for Caverns of Thracia?

I suspect the DCC version would be easier to convert over (or at least it would if you're more familiar with it), but both editions should come with the original AD&D version as well which would probably be the best bet.


7/15/2024 12:45 pm  #4

Re: D&D 5E to Hyperborea for Caverns of Thracia?

I believe 5e is a typical WotC garbage fire. I highly doubt the mechanical aspects of it will add anything to the adventure.

As stated, the original AD&D version would be your best bet. It would hardly need any changes at all.

Michael Sipe 1979-2018
Rest in peace, brother.

7/16/2024 8:28 pm  #5

Re: D&D 5E to Hyperborea for Caverns of Thracia?

I've seen the original, 3.5 edition, and the 5E versions kicking around. If you can't get a hold of the original, then the 3.5 would be the next easiest, 5E is a Dumpster fire...

BlackKnight, AKA Sausage
Older than Dirt, Crusty, and set in my ways. Been playing TTRPGs for over 45 years...

7/17/2024 4:35 pm  #6

Re: D&D 5E to Hyperborea for Caverns of Thracia?

I mean, the mechanical shortcomings of 5e are a bit of a moot point; a) the maps and encounters aren't going to be radically different and most of them you can just replace with the equivalent monster or encounter, plus using Hype3e means you're not going to be engaging with 5e mechanics, and b) 5e or DCC, the OAR releases come with a reprint of the original adventure packed in (with history and commentary, the OAR releases are also reference books). I'd still recommend going for the DCC version; if you do find something in the expanded section you want, it's easier to convert from a system you're already familiar with (and as I understand it, it's easier to convert to 5e than to convert from 5e), but really the big question is which cover do you prefer?


8/24/2024 12:18 pm  #7

Re: D&D 5E to Hyperborea for Caverns of Thracia?

There are online "converters" from 5e to OD&D back and forth. It might be worth a try.


8/26/2024 11:34 am  #8

Re: D&D 5E to Hyperborea for Caverns of Thracia?


There are online "converters" from 5e to OD&D back and forth. It might be worth a try.

Do you have a link? or will a google search pull one up? I've never seen any, but would be very interested...

BlackKnight, AKA Sausage
Older than Dirt, Crusty, and set in my ways. Been playing TTRPGs for over 45 years...

Board footera

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