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8/09/2024 10:21 am  #7081

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

"Hope they not taking our other wolf carcass, they stole the other one with ease, plus how did they get in though our barrage, it, whatever it is does not sound so loud?" whispers a questioning Narrhil.


8/09/2024 4:11 pm  #7082

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Tillak hears Narrhil's musings. "Is there another passage into this chamber?" Tillka asks aloud.

  • “Moonglum licked his long lips. 'So it’s sorcery again. In truth, Elric, this whole country is beginning to stink of wizardry and the minions of hell.' Elric murmured for his friend’s ears: 'No hell-beings these—but honest elementals, equally powerful in many ways.'"

8/09/2024 5:11 pm  #7083

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

"Perhaps the windows in the kitchen?" replies the cryomancer.


8/09/2024 7:01 pm  #7084

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

"Is there a way to look out but not be seen?"


8/10/2024 4:44 am  #7085

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

[We are in the basement, the only way up is the stairs]


[The stairs go to the kitchen: the kitchen has two broken windows? Not sure if it is one pane of glass, or lead inlaid with multiple sections (would make it more difficult to enter).

The roof in main temple area is collapsed and open, perhaps a Bird-man has entered?]



8/10/2024 7:50 pm  #7086

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Keét remains silent, gripping his axe ready to spring when necessary.

It is immortality of a sort.

8/12/2024 8:52 pm  #7087

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Votin too tenses...he dreads the silence...


8/13/2024 8:19 am  #7088

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

The minutes go by. No more noises are heard.

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8/13/2024 11:50 am  #7089

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

"It be a trap," states Narrhil, "it happened to us before!"


8/13/2024 9:18 pm  #7090

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

"Let us wait a bit more...what happened last time?"


8/14/2024 3:40 am  #7091

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

"The ape-men captured us, we had slew half of them, but...!" Narrhil trailed off as he thought of the horror of failure...


8/14/2024 7:01 pm  #7092

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

"I hate to say it...fight or starve...do we have anything special we can use to our advantage?"


8/15/2024 6:33 am  #7093

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

"If I had time to at least tell what is magical, was it not that some of there bottles could heal?" said Narrhil indicating the wine bottles on their racks.


8/15/2024 9:08 am  #7094

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

More minutes tick away. On the floor, Keet's torch begins its first inevitable sputterings....

Last edited by Iron Ranger (8/15/2024 9:09 am)

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8/15/2024 10:25 am  #7095

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

[How badly wound is every person again, Narrhil is 4 out 5].


8/16/2024 5:13 pm  #7096

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

"If we are to do something it must be now. our torches are going out...light another one and we can go outside and confront this new menace."

[That's if everyone agrees! Don't want to be pushy!]


8/16/2024 5:50 pm  #7097

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

[We just lit a torch coming into the church, plenty of time with that one].


8/16/2024 5:55 pm  #7098

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Caveman wrote:

[We just lit a torch coming into the church, plenty of time with that one].

The sputtering one on the floor still has some life, and the 2nd is practically brand new.

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8/17/2024 1:50 pm  #7099

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

[okay ... one's still got some life in it]


8/17/2024 1:53 pm  #7100

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Votin edges up the stairs to the cellar door and listens carefully...



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