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6/09/2024 7:14 pm  #6741

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Caveman wrote:

"Look comrades," says Narrhil holding the red gem high so it shines in the firelight, "we are rich if we can get out of this place alive!"

He proceeds to take a look inside the leather pouch, and then at the scrolls, reading the titles of each only.

Narrhil unrolls the second parchment, 
which is written across hastily in charcoal,
the first lines are recognizable common marks of man,
"This blessing please for Cure of Deafness..." 
The writing continues in worship and plea...



6/09/2024 7:16 pm  #6742

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Caveman wrote:

"Look comrades," says Narrhil holding the red gem high so it shines in the firelight, "we are rich if we can get out of this place alive!"

He proceeds to take a look inside the leather pouch, and then at the scrolls, reading the titles of each only.

Narrhil unrolls the third parchment, 
which is written across hastily in charcoal,
the first lines are recognizable common marks of man,
"This blessing please for a Poison Neutralization..." 
The writing continues in worship and plea...

     Thread Starter

6/09/2024 7:17 pm  #6743

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Caveman wrote:

"Look comrades," says Narrhil holding the red gem high so it shines in the firelight, "we are rich if we can get out of this place alive!"

He proceeds to take a look inside the leather pouch, and then at the scrolls, reading the titles of each only.

Narrhil unrolls the fourth parchment, 
which is written across hastily in charcoal,
the first lines are recognizable common marks of man,
"This blessing please for the Healing of the most Critical Wounds..." 
The writing continues in worship and plea...

Last edited by Iron Ranger (6/09/2024 7:17 pm)

     Thread Starter

6/09/2024 7:19 pm  #6744

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Caveman wrote:

"Look comrades," says Narrhil holding the red gem high so it shines in the firelight, "we are rich if we can get out of this place alive!"

He proceeds to take a look inside the leather pouch, and then at the scrolls, reading the titles of each only.

Narrhil unrolls the fifth parchment, 
which is written across hastily in charcoal,
the first lines are recognizable common marks of man,
"This blessing please for the protection of a Barrier of Blades..." 
The writing continues in worship and plea...

     Thread Starter

6/09/2024 7:35 pm  #6745

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Just noticed that we've passed the 6 year anniversary of Scorched Sanctuary and nobody's even scratched the surface of it yet! LOL!

[TILLAK + 200 XP for playing along!]
[VOTIN + 200 XP for playing along!]
[NARRHIL MORRTOS + 200 XP for playing along!]
[KEET GOOCH + 200 XP for playing along!]

to anyone who's read along the way - jump in anytime! 
and to all the dead or moved on folks - we miss you and await your returns!


     Thread Starter

6/09/2024 7:57 pm  #6746

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

[Hail Scorched, hail...!]


6/10/2024 4:48 am  #6747

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

"Barrier of Blades? What deviltry is this?"

  • “Moonglum licked his long lips. 'So it’s sorcery again. In truth, Elric, this whole country is beginning to stink of wizardry and the minions of hell.' Elric murmured for his friend’s ears: 'No hell-beings these—but honest elementals, equally powerful in many ways.'"

6/10/2024 6:11 am  #6748

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

SullyB74 wrote:

Tillak moves over to him and looks at the items. "What do you suppose is in that vial of black liquid? Ink?"

"Well, might be, either that or poison. Best we not drink it!" Says Narrhil, in part-grim grin.

The cryomancer looks inside the jingling pouch.



6/10/2024 6:14 am  #6749

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Iron Ranger wrote:

[Narrhill +100 XP or Divide evenly by 4 for red garnet gemstone.]

{We can divide +25 XP each; plan is to share loot with comrades.}


6/10/2024 7:28 am  #6750

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

"Wisdom comes from mistakes...we have learned to not touch the glowing icicles and best not to taste an unknown liquid...perhaps it is for writing?"


6/10/2024 7:43 am  #6751

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Name: Narrhil Morrtos; Class: Cryomancer: 2nd-level; Culture: Common.
Str: 11, Dex: 12, Con: 10, Int: 14, Wis: 10, Cha: 8.                                                         HP: 5 (2); AL: N.
Saving Throw (SV): 15 (+2 vs Sorcery, +2 vs Device, -2 vs Fire, +2 vs Cold).             XP: 4433/5000. 
ToS: 2/6; EfoS: 4%, ToD: 2/6; EfoD: 4%, HPA: +0; PA: +0; TS: 75%; ToC: 2/6; EfoC: 4%, Lan: +1; MBS: +1 Level 1; MLNS: 65%, WA: +0, R/LA: -1; MNH: 3. 

FA: +0. AC: 9. Mv: 40. 
Mêlée: 1H Pick (horseman’s): +0 (1d6) #Att: 1/1; WC: 1.
Missile: Stone (x6): +0 (1+1) #Att: 1/1; Range: 30/60/90. 

Abilities: Alchemy, Fire/Heat Vulnerability, Ice/Cold Affinity, Icicle, Read Magic, Read Scroll, Scribe Scrolls, Sorcery, +1 Int (Age)

Gear: Winter robes, loincloth, belt, trews, boots, cloak, fur hat, pick (horseman’s): x2 (gave one to Votin), dagger, hand axe, bandages, gauze (10-ft. ball), backpack, winter blanket, sinew cord 100 ft., drinking horn (stoppered), fishing hook: x12, fishing string (100 ft.), tinderbox, torch: x4 (see below), 50 ft. hemp rope (now 40 ft.), iron pry bar, bone spoon, bowl. Parchment: x1. 

Found Equipment:
Torch: x3 (x7 total torches for group)
1 Charcoal stick (loose)
1 charcoal stick (heavily used nub)
1 piece of chalk (unused)
1 hourglass (laterally packed)
4 bandages (unused)
1 vial of thick black liquid (full)
1 quill (clean)
50' of silk rope (coiled)
1 waterskin (empty) 
Set of metal picks

Languages: Common, Esquimaux. 

Loot: 80gp; 5sp; 4cp. Large red garnet gem ( (fist-sized)

Description: Long black hair, blue eyed, thick long pointy beard, 5', 11'' tall, weight, 160 lb., Age: 25. Trained as a gardener. Follower of Yikkorth 'The Ashen Worm,' beliefs. Dressed in white robes trimmed with pale blue and silver. 

Spellbook (CA: +2; spells: 3/day): Chill Touch, Identify, Cold Resistance, Detect Magic

History: A seer of the cold north, he wanders, set loose to discover the cold lands by his master, Keeper of Ice, Ruler of the Freezing Lands and Seer of the Frozen Wastes.

 Magic: Scrolls of Cure of Deafness, Scrolls of Poison Neutralization, Scrolls of Healing of the most Critical Wounds, Scrolls of Protection of a Barrier of Blades. 

Ring of Warmness: (Broken?).
Wand of Freezing: Lying out side in snow.

Last edited by Caveman (6/10/2024 10:13 am)


6/10/2024 7:47 am  #6752

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

"Yes, it makes sense that it is ink," considers the cryomancer.

He pulled forth his spellbook, I have been working at a new spell, detecting magic. I will study it and cast it on this room and the newly found items. Perhaps that wand I dropped, I am not sure anymore whether the charges had depleaded! I will soon find the truth."


6/10/2024 8:23 am  #6753

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Caveman wrote:

SullyB74 wrote:

Tillak moves over to him and looks at the items. "What do you suppose is in that vial of black liquid? Ink?"

"Well, might be, either that or poison. Best we not drink it!" Says Narrhil, in part-grim grin.

The cryomancer looks inside the jingling pouch.


[NARRHIL already looked inside the small leather pouch:
"Opening the flap of the leather pouch reveals a set of metal picks."]

     Thread Starter

6/10/2024 8:28 am  #6754

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Caveman wrote:

"Yes, it makes sense that it is ink," considers the cryomancer.

He pulled forth his spellbook, I have been working at a new spell, detecting magic. I will study it and cast it on this room and the newly found items. Perhaps that wand I dropped, I am not sure anymore whether the charges had depleaded! I will soon find the truth."

Narrhil opens the book, but immediately his eyes glaze over and the magical words blur, as exhaustion set in. His watch is done and even the potential for learning new magic cannot keep his heavy lids aloft. He knows that without decent sleep the magic will not set in his brain. He contemplates simply reading the spell straight from his book - though he knows that will lose its power for him forever.
[What does the nearly delirious cryomancer do?]

     Thread Starter

6/10/2024 8:29 am  #6755

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

bald_headed_yeti wrote:

"Wisdom comes from mistakes...we have learned to not touch the glowing icicles and best not to taste an unknown liquid...perhaps it is for writing?"

Narrhil and Tillak look to the sleeping barbarian, marvelling at the wisdom he speaks in his sleep!

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6/10/2024 8:45 am  #6756

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

[TILLAK levels up to 4th. Roll new HD(d8) and adjust FA, CA, etc.]

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6/10/2024 10:09 am  #6757

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Iron Ranger wrote:

[NARRHIL already looked inside the small leather pouch:
"Opening the flap of the leather pouch reveals a set of metal picks."]

[Ah, not see that one. ]


6/10/2024 10:17 am  #6758

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

"Yes, I must sleep," he whispers, as if answering a voice in his head, "I sleep now Master Tillak."

The cryomancer stores most of the object in his own backpack and that of the new one. He then places two torches near Tillak in case he needs the extra light. 

Now that he had his robes back, his cloak, and his winter blanket, he curl upon the mattress near the fire and goes to sleep.


6/10/2024 10:43 am  #6759

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

The second watch begins. 
[What is Tillak doing during this time?]

     Thread Starter

6/10/2024 12:07 pm  #6760

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Iron Ranger wrote:

bald_headed_yeti wrote:

"Wisdom comes from mistakes...we have learned to not touch the glowing icicles and best not to taste an unknown liquid...perhaps it is for writing?"

Narrhil and Tillak look to the sleeping barbarian, marvelling at the wisdom he speaks in his sleep!

[It's a special talent he picked up during his long walks on the beach...]


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