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11/22/2023 10:32 am  #21

Re: Carthaginians (New Minor Race)

Blackadder23 wrote:

Nice! Do you have a link to the name generator? I can find some of the others, but not that one. Or do you have a link to all of your apps?

All the apps:

The name generator is tucked inside the pc generator.

I added an entry to the above link for the name generator.

What? Me worry?

11/22/2023 11:28 am  #22

Re: Carthaginians (New Minor Race)

gizmomathboy wrote:

Blackadder23 wrote:

Nice! Do you have a link to the name generator? I can find some of the others, but not that one. Or do you have a link to all of your apps?

All the apps:

The name generator is tucked inside the pc generator.

I added an entry to the above link for the name generator.


Michael Sipe 1979-2018
Rest in peace, brother.
     Thread Starter

11/22/2023 12:31 pm  #23

Re: Carthaginians (New Minor Race)

Caveman wrote:

Vetus Miles wrote:


Anyone want to take on Aztecs?

I did the Kickstarter for this OD&D (white box):

Macuahuitl: Whitebox Roleplaying in the Aztec Empire - The Basic Expert | DriveThruRPG

Thanks, I will check this out!


Board footera

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