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4/05/2023 7:39 am  #1

Daemon possession

So, after reading some more on the Magic Items of Hyperborea I noticed that the Staff of Life Essence has a property “perform exorcism” intrigued, I noted that there is also a spell called Perform Exocism (pg. 217 3E). My question is this, where in the rule book does it discuss how daemons possess characters or NPC’s? Looking under Daemons I didn’t see it.

Secondarily, how would or have any of you ruled on such things.

If I am completely missing something here, just point me in the right direction and call me dense.

Del Teigeler, Illustrator

4/05/2023 1:06 pm  #2

Re: Daemon possession

I don't believe this is addressed in the Hyperborea rules. I would probably borrow the "demon's amulet" procedure from page 16 of the original Monster Manual.

Michael Sipe 1979-2018
Rest in peace, brother.

4/05/2023 2:22 pm  #3

Re: Daemon possession

I didn't intend for it to be something that is codified, but the solution offered by BA23 works well enough, if you wish.

HYPERBOREA- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy

4/05/2023 6:20 pm  #4

Re: Daemon possession

Ghul wrote:

I didn't intend for it to be something that is codified, but the solution offered by BA23 works well enough, if you wish.

I didn’t think I missed it, just couldn’t find it because it wasn’t there….

BA23: I shall refresh myself with MM I pg 16

Del Teigeler, Illustrator
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