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3/06/2023 7:43 am  #1

Other monsters that can be used as PC's

Besides humanoid monsters or some possible aliens and dimensional beings. Does anyone have ideas on what would be some good monsters to use as NPC's, or even Pc's?

Na Chuba! Na Gita! Negatorie Na! Na! Natoota! 

3/06/2023 3:35 pm  #2

Re: Other monsters that can be used as PC's

Chartauk wrote:

Besides humanoid monsters or some possible aliens and dimensional beings. Does anyone have ideas on what would be some good monsters to use as NPC's, or even Pc's?

I tend to strictly look at the reincarnation possibilities, but I am curious to hear how others might think. Great question!

HYPERBOREA- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy

3/06/2023 10:45 pm  #3

Re: Other monsters that can be used as PC's

The giant wolverine comes to mind they are intelligent and can speak.  They’re pure evil of course but that’s fine for an NPC (and PCS depending on campaign).  A little low on manual dexterity, lacking thumbs,  but maybe they can’t intimidate some lackeys into doing the heavy lifting.


3/07/2023 10:23 am  #4

Re: Other monsters that can be used as PC's

I need to look those up. I had not considered those before. 

I am also looking into some Lovecraftian creatures too.

Na Chuba! Na Gita! Negatorie Na! Na! Natoota! 
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3/07/2023 10:57 am  #5

Re: Other monsters that can be used as PC's

One of the players in our group wants to play a martian from the War of the Worlds. I don't know if it will work but going to give it a try.

Na Chuba! Na Gita! Negatorie Na! Na! Natoota! 
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