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9/30/2022 5:12 am  #21

Re: How many hours do you game a week?


9/30/2022 11:24 am  #22

Re: How many hours do you game a week?

I've been able to maintain an in-person weekly after-work 3.5 hour long game for a few years now. We augment with the occasional 8+ hour weekend game once every month and a half or so on average.

It took quite some trial and error to end up on the right timeslot for our weekly game. Playing online would buy us an hour more of game-time per week - tho we've decided on in-person quality time over online quantity time for our group.


10/01/2022 9:04 pm  #23

Re: How many hours do you game a week?

In person gaming would be impossible with the two main groups I've ran over the years.

One group had people in California, Nebraska, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, and Ohio

The other has folks in Florida, Indiana, Minnesota, and Ontario.

The pandemic has curtailed in person gaming for me.

What? Me worry?

10/04/2022 4:34 pm  #24

Re: How many hours do you game a week?

3-6 hours depending on if both groups meet that week. 

I may have a problem...

Has anyone seen one? Has anyone seen one in a hundred years??

Board footera

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