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5/29/2022 4:59 pm  #1

More Eight-Legged Foes

Giant Jumping Spider: a five-foot-long arachnid thatis an ambush predator, it leaps from great distances to catch its victims by surprise. With eyes on the back of its head it is able to have a perfect bestial understanding of its hunt. These dangerous predators do not spin webs and instead prefer to sleep in hammocks made of webbing. There is rumored to a larger, more intelegent variety that can be identified by its bigger fangs. These are said to be around 7-to-10 feet long.

Giant Jumping Spider: #E 1d4+1|AL N|SZ M|MV 30 (hop 90)|DX 12|AC 6|HD 3|#A 1/1 (bite)|D 1d8|Sv 15|ML 8|XP 107|TC nil| Special:

•Nimble: Can move across walls and ceiling at normal MV.

•Surprise: If it leaps atleast 40-feet and attacks a victim its chances to surprise are increased by 2-in-6 chances.

•Venomous: Bite victim must make death (poison) save or be paralysed in 1d2 rounds, lasting 2d6 turns. Wound becomes necrotic in any event, with 3-in-6 chance of infection unless a Cure Disease is cast. After 30 days victim must make another save or die; otherwise, infection subsides.

Giant Long-jawed Jumping Spider:#E1:10|AL N (or CE)|SZ L|MV 30  (90)|DX 15|AC 5|HD 5+2|#A 1/1 (bite)|D 1d10|SV 14|ML 8|XP 780|TC D|Special: (see Giant Jumping Spider.)


5/30/2022 5:20 am  #2

Re: More Eight-Legged Foes

Nice one Leto

Mark II version.

This is Jimm.Iblis' Mark I version.

​Welcome to Hyperborea...


5/30/2022 10:14 am  #3

Re: More Eight-Legged Foes

Caveman wrote:

Nice one Leto

Mark II version.

This is Jimm.Iblis' Mark I version.

​Welcome to Hyperborea...

Thank you. I guess I should have expected someone else to make a giant version of these brilliant creatures. I thought I would try homebrew, but for my first time figured borrowing special abilities from other creatures to build them.

I think I prefer Jim's method of straight up showing the chances to surprise instead of the bonus to that chance I have listed.

Last edited by Leto the Red (6/01/2022 6:03 pm)

     Thread Starter

6/01/2022 7:11 pm  #4

Re: More Eight-Legged Foes

Leto the Red wrote:

straight up showing the chances to surprise

Over time, I've found that the better way to go. Circumstances might modify that base, but it gets wonky when circumstances modify a modifier. I'm up to 1,593 converted creatures for the Hyperborea engine now and I've streamlined and standardized a lot. One of the things that really stood out in converting from other games, esp AD&D was how the same ability could have several different resolution mechanics depending on the author of that creature. The notion to have standard mechanics for like abilities was one of the better things to come out of 3e.
By the way here's my current jumping spider.

Giant Jumping Spider | ×App 1-2 | AC 6 | MV 60, climb 60 | HD 2+2 (hp 14) | ATT bite (1d6 +poison) | SV 16 | ML 9 | INT non | DX 16 | SZ S | TC J-N, Q | XP 246 | Instinct: ambush predator
This fuzzy blue and silver spider might be cute if it weren't for it being 4 feet long and wide.
* Blindsense: Immunity to gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, and other attack forms that rely on sight. Aware of moving opponents within 120-feet regardless of stealth or invisibility. Cannot normally be surprised (base chance 0:6).
* Ambush: 3:6 chance to surprise prey, due to their cunning stalking abilities
* Leap, Charge: The arachnid can jump up to 60-ft. It can treat this jump as a charge (+2 dmg) over any kind of terrain, as long as the leap is made in a straight line. 
* Poison: Bite delivers deadly poison (dth save +1 negs)


"Role-playing isn't storytelling. If the dungeon master is directing it, it's not a game."  ~ Gary Gygax

6/02/2022 5:54 am  #5

Re: More Eight-Legged Foes

Leto the Red wrote:

Caveman wrote:

Nice one Leto

Mark II version.

This is Jimm.Iblis' Mark I version.

​Welcome to Hyperborea...

Thank you. I guess I should have expected someone else to make a giant version of these brilliant creatures. I thought I would try homebrew, but for my first time figured borrowing special abilities from other creatures to build them.

I think I prefer Jim's method of straight up showing the chances to surprise instead of the bonus to that chance I have listed.

Great minds, etc.


11/10/2022 9:27 pm  #6

Re: More Eight-Legged Foes

Leto the Red wrote:

Giant Jumping Spider: a five-foot-long arachnid thatis an ambush predator, it leaps from great distances to catch its victims by surprise. With eyes on the back of its head it is able to have a perfect bestial understanding of its hunt. These dangerous predators do not spin webs and instead prefer to sleep in hammocks made of webbing. There is rumored to a larger, more intelegent variety that can be identified by its bigger fangs. These are said to be around 7-to-10 feet long.

Giant Jumping Spider: #E 1d4+1|AL N|SZ M|MV 30 (hop 90)|DX 12|AC 6|HD 3|#A 1/1 (bite)|D 1d8|Sv 15|ML 8|XP 107|TC nil| Special:

•Nimble: Can move across walls and ceiling at normal MV.

•Surprise: If it leaps atleast 40-feet and attacks a victim its chances to surprise are increased by 2-in-6 chances.

•Venomous: Bite victim must make death (poison) save or be paralysed in 1d2 rounds, lasting 2d6 turns. Wound becomes necrotic in any event, with 3-in-6 chance of infection unless a Cure Disease is cast. After 30 days victim must make another save or die; otherwise, infection subsides.

Giant Long-jawed Jumping Spider:#E1:10|AL N (or CE)|SZ L|MV 30  (90)|DX 15|AC 5|HD 5+2|#A 1/1 (bite)|D 1d10|SV 14|ML 8|XP 780|TC D|Special: (see Giant Jumping Spider.)

Upon further learning on Jumping Spider's intelligence, feel free to give them class levels.

     Thread Starter

2/28/2023 1:35 pm  #7

Re: More Eight-Legged Foes

Thread gave me something to think about.

Na Chuba! Na Gita! Negatorie Na! Na! Natoota! 

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