In 2E ASSH, there was a Table 79 on pg. 236. Though the rule is listed as optional, at least it gave some guidelines as to how much weight a character could carry before becoming Encumbered which affect Move and AC. It seem in 3E the determination for encumbrance is now in the hands of the DM to determine. This seems more abstract. Was this intentional not to include table 79 in 3E?
It was by intent. If you liked the previous guidelines (which I found unsatisfactory, personally), feel free to use them or you can devise your own guidelines that you think suit your campaign best. Cheers!
Shinrin, I too think a table of known encumbrance values is fairer to players than referee fiat. As a player, let me know what the limits are, and I’ll manage my character accordingly. As a referee, I have enough to do without worrying about what the PCs are carrying. If you prefer calculated encumbrance, then you might make use of the revised Table 79 that my group adopted last year.
HYPERBOREA » Table 79: Calculated Encumbrance, Recalculated (
Last edited by DMPrata (5/24/2022 7:15 pm)
Definitely time to make myself a bookmark.
If your group prefers calculated encumbrance, of course do so, using Table 79 from 2E or David's variant, linked above.
I like the 3E rule - seems like a workable system to me. I missed that AC penalty - that adds a bit more bite to encumbrance discussions!