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2/02/2022 4:25 pm  #1

Gary Con 2022!

Is it too early to start talking about this one?

Anyone else attending in person?

What are we running this year? 



2/03/2022 1:56 pm  #2

Re: Gary Con 2022!

Going ... Not running any games officially, may look to run some pick-up games (or play in some) ... Will of course endeavor to sneak into one of the coveted slots in Ghuls few games, no luck in years prior, but I'll keep trying!


2/22/2022 5:41 pm  #3

Re: Gary Con 2022!

Looking forward to it! It's going to be a blast.

HYPERBOREA- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy

2/23/2022 8:16 am  #4

Re: Gary Con 2022!

Running my usual assortment of Circus Maximus stuff along with my Peatcutter Pete's Pet Peeves scenario I've run a few times

What? Me worry?

2/26/2022 11:39 pm  #5

Re: Gary Con 2022!

So Stoked! ... I actually finally got into one of @ghul's events at GC! ... Can't wait to sit at Mr. Talanian's table, been a long time coming ... I also noticed I get to play in a second Hyperborea event with @mavfire, also a pretty cool proposition ... Very happy that I was actually able to get into every event I hoped for ... also stoked to get into two of Jim Wampler's MCC events. Hope to see some of you fine fellows/gals at the Con.


3/09/2022 3:20 pm  #6

Re: Gary Con 2022!

measuredrums wrote:

So Stoked! ... I actually finally got into one of @ghul's events at GC! ... Can't wait to sit at Mr. Talanian's table, been a long time coming ... I also noticed I get to play in a second Hyperborea event with @mavfire, also a pretty cool proposition ... Very happy that I was actually able to get into every event I hoped for ... also stoked to get into two of Jim Wampler's MCC events. Hope to see some of you fine fellows/gals at the Con.

Sounds fun! Looking forward to it.

HYPERBOREA- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy

3/22/2022 11:35 am  #7

Re: Gary Con 2022!

So ... Who's all going to Gary Con XIV?!? ... I know @Ghul and @mavfire are going, any other of you fine fellows and gals going? ... Perhaps we need an ASSH/HYPE3 meetup at the Con at some point, any ideas? I personally left my Saturday night free and clear for socializing/open gaming. Could maybe use the #lfg channel at the NWA Discord to coordinate?


3/22/2022 9:03 pm  #8

Re: Gary Con 2022!

I'll be there!  Looking forward to seeing  you all.


3/22/2022 9:05 pm  #9

Re: Gary Con 2022!

Have fun dudes! Hope some of you make it down to N. Texas this year!


3/23/2022 4:20 am  #10

Re: Gary Con 2022!

The wife and I will be there, ready for whatever mischief presents itself. 

Looking forward to finally seeing everyone again! 

Here is the Hyperborea game I’m running on Saturday:

     Thread Starter

3/28/2022 1:42 pm  #11

Re: Gary Con 2022!

Had a great time, and it was good to see you, Big Shiny! Where was Mr Manowar! I looked far and wide, but my brother in metal was not to be found...

HYPERBOREA- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy

3/29/2022 5:02 am  #12

Re: Gary Con 2022!

Ghul wrote:

Had a great time, and it was good to see you, Big Shiny! Where was Mr Manowar! I looked far and wide, but my brother in metal was not to be found...

Ah, yes. Mr. Murder, Death, Kill (or something like that) was unable to make the trek so far south this season. I did hear murmurings of a possible trip to Texas one of these years, though. So, you never know. 

It was great to chat with you a few times again sir! We rarely get to play in your GC games, but hopefully we can manage to sneak into another at a different venue again someday. 

Always great to hang out with all our Hyperborea brothers and sisters at these events! Can’t wait for the next one! 

     Thread Starter

3/29/2022 10:50 am  #13

Re: Gary Con 2022!

Per usual, Gary Con was great!  I got some feedback on my Lankhmar game, the "Lost Treasure of Tyaa" (using Hyperborea rules), and people tell me it went well.  I give myself a C+ on it, however, and I'll be putting a pause on further Lankhmar games.  So for Gamehole, and the next Gary Con (at least), I'll be running Hyperborea IN Hyperborea, one slot each con.


3/30/2022 9:16 pm  #14

Re: Gary Con 2022!

Big Shiny wrote:

Ghul wrote:

Had a great time, and it was good to see you, Big Shiny! Where was Mr Manowar! I looked far and wide, but my brother in metal was not to be found...

Ah, yes. Mr. Murder, Death, Kill (or something like that) was unable to make the trek so far south this season. I did hear murmurings of a possible trip to Texas one of these years, though. So, you never know. 

It was great to chat with you a few times again sir! We rarely get to play in your GC games, but hopefully we can manage to sneak into another at a different venue again someday. 

Always great to hang out with all our Hyperborea brothers and sisters at these events! Can’t wait for the next one! 

I missed seeing that guy too!  A lot of people I look forward to seeing didn't make it this year.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed for next year.  Great seeing all of you who were there!


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