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5/23/2014 11:48 am  #1

Steading of the Hill Gia.....Fomorian Chief

Will be running this oldie but goodie with a few Hyperborean tweaks over the next several sesions beginning this evening.  This adventure will quickly teach the players to use caution and cunning.

“How can I wear the harness of toil
And sweat at the daily round,
While in my soul forever
The drums of Pictdom sound?” 

5/23/2014 11:50 am  #2

Re: Steading of the Hill Gia.....Fomorian Chief

How many characters and at what level?

"Steel isn't strong, boy. Flesh is stronger. What is steel compared to the hand that wields it?"

Spriggan's Den

5/23/2014 12:14 pm  #3

Re: Steading of the Hill Gia.....Fomorian Chief

8 characters with good equipment and 6-7 level.  Couple npc Henchmen.  I will be adjusting a couple of the creatures to suit my perception of the giant races in Hyperborea.  The idea is to raid over and over not wrap it up in one grand melee.

“How can I wear the harness of toil
And sweat at the daily round,
While in my soul forever
The drums of Pictdom sound?” 
     Thread Starter

5/23/2014 12:50 pm  #4

Re: Steading of the Hill Gia.....Fomorian Chief

mabon5127 wrote:

The idea is to raid over and over not wrap it up in one grand melee.

Not that there's anything wrong with that!

Where have you placed it in Hyperborea? Gal Hills? Are you planning on the whole saga? What sort of slaves will you have in the basement? I kind of love the idea of the Hyperborean dwarves. I've placed some around, but my players haven't gone to those places yet. I *think* because they hate me.


5/23/2014 1:06 pm  #5

Re: Steading of the Hill Gia.....Fomorian Chief

Hyperborean dwarves!!!! Thats awesome! I was going to replace them with human villagers.  Great tweak.  Thanks good sir.    That's why I post things like this so that you guys will make me look smarter to my players.

“How can I wear the harness of toil
And sweat at the daily round,
While in my soul forever
The drums of Pictdom sound?” 
     Thread Starter

5/23/2014 1:11 pm  #6

Re: Steading of the Hill Gia.....Fomorian Chief

Now I'm trying to think of a way that you could get a tentacular horror in there. Guarding the treasure? Because tentacular horror! Nice doggie!


5/23/2014 1:15 pm  #7

Re: Steading of the Hill Gia.....Fomorian Chief

mabon5127 wrote:

8 characters with good equipment and 6-7 level.  Couple npc Henchmen.

No matter how it goes, it will be glorious.

"Steel isn't strong, boy. Flesh is stronger. What is steel compared to the hand that wields it?"

Spriggan's Den

5/23/2014 1:20 pm  #8

Re: Steading of the Hill Gia.....Fomorian Chief

Sounds great! Good luck with the game, mabon5127!

HYPERBOREA- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy

5/24/2014 10:14 am  #9

Re: Steading of the Hill Gia.....Fomorian Chief

Very cool, Mabon5127! I'd like to hear how you further alter the module to better fit the world of Hyperborea. The change to Fomorian is perfect, and I like the idea of enslaved dwarves as well. Sounds like a good time!

Last edited by joseph (5/24/2014 3:05 pm) ~ cartography, writing, game design
Author, Forgotten Fane of the Coiled Goddess

5/28/2014 1:15 pm  #10

Re: Steading of the Hill Gia.....Fomorian Chief

Hyperborean Dwarves are evil, aren't they? Wouldn't they maybe be aiding the Fomorians?  Maybe the Ixians are behind it all, as a replacement to the Drow?  Just some thoughts. Sounds very interesting and I look forward to hearing more about this. :-)


5/28/2014 2:01 pm  #11

Re: Steading of the Hill Gia.....Fomorian Chief

Are Ixians Stygians? Those would be the prime suspects in a world like this.

"Steel isn't strong, boy. Flesh is stronger. What is steel compared to the hand that wields it?"

Spriggan's Den

5/28/2014 2:18 pm  #12

Re: Steading of the Hill Gia.....Fomorian Chief

Ixians are like Stygians with a new coat of paint*.  Don't tell anybody.

* - Well, plus elements from the CAS stories "The Isle of the Torturers" and "Necromancy in Naat".  But it ruins the joke to make it so complicated.

Last edited by Blackadder23 (5/28/2014 2:18 pm)

Michael Sipe 1979-2018
Rest in peace, brother.

5/28/2014 2:54 pm  #13

Re: Steading of the Hill Gia.....Fomorian Chief

They were approached to investigate with legal standing to keep whatever they wrested from the fomorians.  A small fee of 500gp was given by the locals to aid the party in getting geared up for the expedition.  At this point they don't even know the source of the incursion or that there is a "steading".  They do know however that many fortunes have been stolen and hope to find this as their ultimate reward.  They started by interviewing survivors including a merchant who lost most of his fortune to the giants.  Those they talked to scared them so badly that there was a moment when they almost abandoned the adventure but greed overcame fear.  They hired some henchmen with various personalities and quirks, rolled them up, gave them equipment and are now ready to go to war.

“How can I wear the harness of toil
And sweat at the daily round,
While in my soul forever
The drums of Pictdom sound?” 
     Thread Starter

5/28/2014 3:40 pm  #14

Re: Steading of the Hill Gia.....Fomorian Chief

Awesome.  Sounds like a great start!

More! More I say!


5/28/2014 9:53 pm  #15

Re: Steading of the Hill Gia.....Fomorian Chief

Blackadder23 wrote:

Ixians are like Stygians with a new coat of paint*.  Don't tell anybody.

* - Well, plus elements from the CAS stories "The Isle of the Torturers" and "Necromancy in Naat".  But it ruins the joke to make it so complicated.

That's what the Kimmerians are always saying.

Hyperborean dwarves are evil enough to be behind the whole thing! For ultramondane purposes, of course.

Sounds great.


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