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2/17/2020 9:04 pm  #1

NTRPG Con XII (2020)

Snagged my seat at Maedsid!  So psyched to check out Bingham's Masterpiece!

And Chainsaw, Bad Farroe is prepared to go even deeper in Atlantis!!!! 


2/17/2020 9:49 pm  #2

Re: NTRPG Con XII (2020)

Iron Ranger wrote:

Snagged my seat at Maedsid!  So psyched to check out Bingham's Masterpiece!

Will be very cool, no doubt!

Iron Ranger wrote:

And Chainsaw, Bad Farroe is prepared to go even deeper in Atlantis!!!! 

I'm flattered, man. 

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face

3/05/2020 4:46 pm  #3

Re: NTRPG Con XII (2020)

@IronRanger I'm back!!!!!

@ Ghul I'm gonna need to snag a seat for the Saturday game when a spot opens up!

@Chainsaw, do you plan on attending NTRPG 2020


5/17/2020 8:16 pm  #4

Re: NTRPG Con XII (2020)

Either of the North Texas Refs actually headed down?

     Thread Starter

5/17/2020 8:46 pm  #5

Re: NTRPG Con XII (2020)

achiriaco wrote:

@Chainsaw, do you plan on attending NTRPG 2020

Hey man! Apologies for missing this one somehow. I can't make it this year, unfortunately. Next year maybe?

Iron Ranger wrote:

Either of the North Texas Refs actually headed down?

Not this one.

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face

5/17/2020 9:18 pm  #6

Re: NTRPG Con XII (2020)

Hold my seat chainsaw!!

     Thread Starter

5/18/2020 10:47 am  #7

Re: NTRPG Con XII (2020)

Unfortunately not. I was leaning towards not attending and then the decision was made much easier when my flight was cancelled with no option for rebooking. 

HYPERBOREA- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy

5/18/2020 3:28 pm  #8

Re: NTRPG Con XII (2020)

Ghul wrote:

Unfortunately not. I was leaning towards not attending and then the decision was made much easier when my flight was cancelled with no option for rebooking. 

I thought that might happen. Bummed to miss that Bingham game. Will keep eyes peeled if you decide to run on zoom.

     Thread Starter

5/20/2020 10:05 pm  #9

Re: NTRPG Con XII (2020)

This con is still happening? Wow. I am shocked. And, really, very sad to hear that.


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