Since moving to Miami I've started up a new group at the rec center, so I'm running some level 1 modules once again. We've just completed Rats in the Walls, having relocated it to the docks of Xambaala, and over the two sessions (about 8 hours total) of play, there were multiple opportunities for me to drop some hooks into Lamia's Heart. A statue recovered beneath the Silvery Eel had to be fenced (a helpful merchant warned the party that it represented the old religion of the slaves, long since outlawed and stamped out in Xambaala), so Garros Imports was a helpful resource. And the party's purloiner spent some time at the Temple of Rel, where he heard some rumblings of some intrigue involving the principal parties of the Heart.
Now the player of the purloiner really liked the idea of the Temple of Rel/thieves' guild mashup and was quick to pay his dues. So I'm contemplating how best to flip the adventure around a bit so that the player characters are hired by the Temple of Rel rather than Tull Kamtose.
Anyone have any ideas? I could have Garros in possession of the heart by some other means and the Temple just wants it, so they hire the PCs just so the party's purloiner can prove his merit, but that is a bit too straightforward and also leaves no reason for the decoy.
Of course, tie-ins to the caravanserai or a particular lotus den would be nice as well.
Since Tull himself is a purloiner, perhaps the Temple of Rel favors his upstart guild over the official guild. This can in turn lead to more city intrigue as a religion sticks its nose into the affairs of rival thief guilds.