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11/18/2019 9:14 am  #1

Alter Self

Digging the tweak of change self, but I'm hitting a wall on gilled or winged creatures that are men, humanoids, & bipedal species. Lizard men, Fish men, Angels, Demons ... what else are you people casting?


11/18/2019 12:41 pm  #2

Re: Alter Self

Buddy in my campaign was looking at the automatons from Kraggoth Manor. Mostly to see how I would rule it I think.

There are lots of interesting spell differences.

Well, you can have some homebrew bird men. Something like the Aarakocra from the 1e Fiend Folio.

What? Me worry?

11/18/2019 12:45 pm  #3

Re: Alter Self

Totally forgot about Bird-men. They might fit into the parameters for the spell...

What? Me worry?

11/18/2019 8:48 pm  #4

Re: Alter Self

I'd also allow vhuurmis and ape-men, and all sorts of beast-men/zoanthrops.

"It is all very well to point out that the man lacks facility; as he asserts, sheer force can overpower sophistication."
Jack Vance, Rhialto the Marvellous

11/19/2019 8:58 am  #5

Re: Alter Self


“How can I wear the harness of toil
And sweat at the daily round,
While in my soul forever
The drums of Pictdom sound?” 

11/19/2019 5:04 pm  #6

Re: Alter Self

gizmomathboy wrote:

Buddy in my campaign was looking at the automatons from Kraggoth Manor. Mostly to see how I would rule it I think.

The spell reads, in part:

The altered form is limited to men, humanoids, or other bipedal species with which the caster is familiar.

Said Buddy was simply becoming familiar with the creature, to satisfy the requirements of the spell.


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