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8/29/2019 7:49 pm  #1801

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Iron Ranger wrote:

The windows are high on the wall, well above Kondor's reach.

There is a small door ajar in the northwest corner, but only darkness lies beyond.

OOC:  In the kitchen area?  Do you mean the north east?  As in the secret door Emral went down with Malak and came back out from, or is it a different one?


"Careful, Sol. There's blood in the air, with all that foulcraft. We may frighten evil with light. Did you bring your lantern?"  Kondor looks in every direction for the source of the scent, expecting anything. "Emral was here, and that thief, Malak. But they've fought undead, and spilt blood where necromancy is palpable. As the sun sets... we may be too late to help our friends."

He sets himself at the base of one of the windows, setting his knees and off hand so Sol can climb him, with his sword free and ready to fight if foes appear.


8/29/2019 9:51 pm  #1802

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

fireinthedust wrote:

Iron Ranger wrote:

The windows are high on the wall, well above Kondor's reach.

There is a small door ajar in the northwest corner, but only darkness lies beyond.

OOC:  In the kitchen area?  Do you mean the north east?  As in the secret door Emral went down with Malak and came back out from, or is it a different one?


"Careful, Sol. There's blood in the air, with all that foulcraft. We may frighten evil with light. Did you bring your lantern?"  Kondor looks in every direction for the source of the scent, expecting anything. "Emral was here, and that thief, Malak. But they've fought undead, and spilt blood where necromancy is palpable. As the sun sets... we may be too late to help our friends."

He sets himself at the base of one of the windows, setting his knees and off hand so Sol can climb him, with his sword free and ready to fight if foes appear.

[[You may recall the compass drawn here is incorrect. The sun rises on the chapel's double entrance doors and sets on the cemetery.  So, yes the kitchen - this door is on the North wall in the west corner. {p.s. it was never secret, just ignored for 2 days with Malak. - but Barbarian doesn't know that.]]


Kondor's biceps flex as he easily hoists the slight thief overhead.

Sol cannot see directly below the windows, but there is a small courtyard below littered with carcasses of wolves. Crimson splashes the white snow. A mass of wolf tracks heads out west toward a cemetery and a lone set of human bootprints follows.

A burned door hangs open on hinges on another building across the way and the courtyard is anchored by a 4 story wooden belfry. The huge bell silent in its nest catches a dim reflection of the sinking red sun.


     Thread Starter

8/30/2019 11:01 am  #1803

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

“There was a battle, then. If Emral lives, it’s through that doorway, or his are the foot prints following the wolves. The blood is fresh on the ground, and so recently spilled. Only one set of human tracks, means that one of them walked away. While I hope that Emral outlived the wolves, he’s got a warriors heart, while Malak is a survivor. Let’s go there, quickly, and be ready to set up a base camp inside. Night is coming, and this place is haunted, perhaps by one of our friends.”


8/30/2019 11:04 am  #1804

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Ooc: the map: ah, I thought something like that. Is the proper one too big?  I’m going to have to update it soon.  If we can get it done after we resolve the room where Emral died (if we get there), I will fix it up.
Good to be back. I needed to finish this adventure, and I am glad to have another player join us!


8/30/2019 11:14 am  #1805

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

fireinthedust wrote:

Ooc: the map: ah, I thought something like that. Is the proper one too big? I’m going to have to update it soon. If we can get it done after we resolve the room where Emral died (if we get there), I will fix it up.
Good to be back. I needed to finish this adventure, and I am glad to have another player join us!

Yes welcome back!
This map was the first I grabbed to show spotter where he is without showing too much of places Sol & Kondor have not yet ventured.

     Thread Starter

8/30/2019 6:58 pm  #1806

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Kondor motions for Sol to follow him.

“We should go around the side of the ruins, towards the battle scene. The wolves may still be around, so let’s keep our weapons ready.”

Ooc:  did we see treasure left behind by Malak? Considering he’s carrying it through wilderness, we had those heavy planks of melted platinum and gold he likely didn’t bring.


8/31/2019 9:00 pm  #1807

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

"After you,"
Sol grips his short sword.


9/01/2019 3:48 am  #1808

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Kondor leads the way, heading out the front door and around after the prints left by Emral when they left previously.


9/01/2019 6:29 am  #1809

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Standing outside the broken double doors, Kondor evaluates the condition of the hardened snow underfoot. Besides his own and Sol's fresh prints, there appears to have been a skirmish here making identification near impossible, but Kondor's superior tracking skills reveal older sets of prints leading around the north side of the church, and newer sets of prints leading around the south side of the church, but his skills stop there for Kondor cannot be sure that his old friend the Warlock was here at all.

Last edited by Iron Ranger (9/01/2019 6:29 am)

     Thread Starter

9/01/2019 5:46 pm  #1810

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Sol shivers.

"The daylight wanes, barbarian. Let's go back to the kitchen room and build a fire before we succumb to the cold."


9/02/2019 12:33 am  #1811

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

“We can camp in the room next to the battle, with the burned door. If Emral or Malak are wounded, they may need our help. I have fuel for a fire when we get there, and our winter gear.”

Ooc: if it’s okay?  I know he’s dead, but I also know that night is long here, and I have been waiting months to get back to the room. Any daylight hours should be better than nights for moving. After this we can chill out there.


9/02/2019 12:59 pm  #1812

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

OOR: heads up - Kondor is master of Bastard sword, but equipped with Long sword.

     Thread Starter

9/02/2019 1:53 pm  #1813

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

"Sounds like a good plan. What if they're inside?"


9/02/2019 2:18 pm  #1814

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Iron Ranger wrote:

OOR: heads up - Kondor is master of Bastard sword, but equipped with Long sword.

Oops! Can I adjust that?


9/02/2019 11:01 pm  #1815

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

fireinthedust wrote:

Iron Ranger wrote:

OOR: heads up - Kondor is master of Bastard sword, but equipped with Long sword.

Oops! Can I adjust that?

Of course, which way?
Also, going through your character sheet, I'll give you the 12+1 HP, but I'm only seeing a +1 AC bonus from DEX, so with the studded AC is 5.
And what is Kondor's extra language?

Last edited by Iron Ranger (9/02/2019 11:41 pm)

     Thread Starter

9/03/2019 6:47 am  #1816

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Iron Ranger wrote:

fireinthedust wrote:

Iron Ranger wrote:

OOR: heads up - Kondor is master of Bastard sword, but equipped with Long sword.

Oops! Can I adjust that?

Of course, which way?
Also, going through your character sheet, I'll give you the 12+1 HP, but I'm only seeing a +1 AC bonus from DEX, so with the studded AC is 5.
And what is Kondor's extra language?

The AC bonus for being a barbarian! He’s unencumbered when he drops his backpack, right?
Extra language... I will ponder this.


9/03/2019 8:52 am  #1817

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Going Bastard Sword, and I'm hoping to take back the whip from Emral when/if we get there.  I'm not sure if Medium Armor would automatically make him lose his barbarian unencumbered AC bonus.

I'll have to find the most recent copy of the map so I can transfer it to some graph paper I just got (it's fancy graph paper).

I'd like to have them follow the fresher footprints, also because we didn't go around that side of the map previously and I'm curious what's there.  


9/03/2019 8:56 am  #1818

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

fireinthedust wrote:

Iron Ranger wrote:

fireinthedust wrote:

Oops! Can I adjust that?

Of course, which way?
Also, going through your character sheet, I'll give you the 12+1 HP, but I'm only seeing a +1 AC bonus from DEX, so with the studded AC is 5.
And what is Kondor's extra language?

The AC bonus for being a barbarian! He’s unencumbered when he drops his backpack, right?
Extra language... I will ponder this.

Hahaha! I interpret that clause strictly as "and" not "or" --
Kondor only gets the AGILE +1 when he's simultaneously Unarmored & Unencumbered. 

but let me think about the logic of this.


     Thread Starter

9/04/2019 8:28 am  #1819

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

[Each add 60 XP plus bonus.]

The waning light guides Kondor and Sol around the south side of the church. A brittle wind whips across the barren fields from the treeline 100 yards away, further weathering away the prints Kondor  tracks. At the rear edge of the building an old wrought iron fence surrounds a small turf of chest high grasses. The two hunters cannot see the other side but the wild whipping of the grass occasionally reveals a stone headstone.

Kondor bends and examines the prints, "They paused here."

[Kondor and Sol roll d12.]

Last edited by Iron Ranger (9/04/2019 8:31 am)

     Thread Starter

9/04/2019 11:47 pm  #1820

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Iron Ranger wrote:

[Kondor and Sol roll d12.]



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