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5/05/2019 5:48 am  #1

Tabletop Audio

I often use Tabletop Audio for background ambients during game. Plenty to choose from and there are new tracks coming now and then. Lately combat soundpads were introduced if someone wants to introduce some special sound effects. It's free and great. The music doesn't overwhelm the gaming table either, most are balanced background ambients with nice touch. My favourite is Swamplandia.

Last edited by kane (5/05/2019 9:47 am)

Non-native English speaker - I apologize for any unclear phrasing

5/05/2019 6:13 am  #2

Re: Tabletop Audio

Very interesting Kane, nice 1, will be downloading a few of those sounds.


5/05/2019 9:46 am  #3

Re: Tabletop Audio

Cool, if you like it enough, consider donating author through Patreon. Patrons get access to some alternate tracks (like music only or ambient only versions). Also don't forget to check out SoundPad for creating special scenes.

Non-native English speaker - I apologize for any unclear phrasing
     Thread Starter

5/06/2019 5:42 am  #4

Re: Tabletop Audio

Sorted, sent a donation, but I have not used my paypal account in 5 years, still seems I did not need to bother sorting as after I click the donate button it gave me a choice of mastercard and visa also, still done.

It good stuff and deserves support...


5/06/2019 5:58 am  #5

Re: Tabletop Audio

Great find, thanks much!

"It is all very well to point out that the man lacks facility; as he asserts, sheer force can overpower sophistication."
Jack Vance, Rhialto the Marvellous

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