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1/23/2019 9:03 am  #1

Empty Hands and Fingers of the Void

Need some temple muscle for your entropy cults? Ever wonder what happens to the converts who lose faith and decide they want to get out? Maybe you just like jamming magical tendrils of eldritch Void into people's brain stems? Do I have a deal for you!

Created to expand the staff of the temple in Praise the Fallen (

Empty Hand: AC 0, F6, Atk. 3/2 (spcl.); dmg. 1d8+2 (battle axe)** or 1d2+1 (bola)*; AL: CE, XP
Fingers of the Void: AC 4 (chain + voidsight); F1-5, Atk. 3/2; dmg. 1d8+1 (battle axe)* or 1d2+1 (bola)*;
* Mastery, ** Grand Mastery
The Empty Hands are sixth-level fighters who have fully devoted themselves to the void, sacrificing their identities to become the controlling intelligences of packs of lower level fighters. The Hands are nude, but shifting patterns of raw Void stuff writhe over their skin, protecting them from most attacks. Their scalps and eyes are covered by hoods of Void, and from these, tendrils of Void stuff extend to the brain stems of the Fingers, who are culled from the ranks of those acolytes whose faith begins to waver.
The Hand can divide its Fighting Ability among the five Fingers. As each is killed or incapacitated, it can shift its FA around as needed. When first encountered, all will be at FA1. When a finger dies, the FA goes where the hand deems best. Hand keeps HP and saves as F6.
Hand and Fingers immune to sleep, charm.
Raw Voidstuff covers the scalp and eyes of the Hands, masking them in emptiness. Tendrils of Void reach to Fingers. This stuff is uncuttable but can be disrupted by a light or invisibility spell on a Finger; Fingers cut off from the Hand collapse, sobbing and traumatized.
The Hand is blind and sees only through the Fingers' eyes. If all are killed or incapacitated, the Hand gets some sense map through Void tendrils, which whip immaterially around the area and transmit information on what they pass through, but all attack roles are at -2.
There are 5 Hands in the temple. They have long since sacrificed their names and identities to the Void. But for Hyperborean purposes, it's useful, I think, to be able to give some hint about how they read, gender- and tribe-wise to the players. And then since there's at least a decent shot some of the Fingers will end up surviving their Hand, using Waifs of the Boreas, second edition, to give them some details (based on the region where I dropped this adventure), seems prudent:

1. Ixian, M, 6’2” 180#

  • Common F Name: Rilxellesta Tainrentose Age: 17 Height: 6’ 1” Weight: 165 lbs Eyes: Dark brown Hair: Dark blond Language: Common Secondary Skill: Miller
  • Kimm. F: Name: Euphrasia the Loathsome Age: 18 Height: 5’ 9” Weight: 145 lbs Eyes: Dark gray Hair: Black Languages: Common, Hellenic (Kimmerian) Secondary Skill: Stevedore
  • Viking Male Name: Arnthórr Ásgíslson Age: 19 Height: 6’ Weight: 238 lbs Eyes: Light blue Hair: White Languages: Common, Old Norse Secondary Skill: Tinker
  • Kimmerian Female (Plains) Name: Xeno the Mercurial Age: 19 Height: 5’ 7” Weight: 162 lbs Eyes: Dark gray Hair: Black Languages: Common, Hellenic (Kimmerian)
  • Secondary Skill: Saddler

2. Esq., F, 5’2”, 135

  • Kimmerian Male (Plains) Name: Pantaleon the Hunter Age: 16 Height: 6’ 2” Weight: 215 lbs Eyes: Dark gray Hair: Black Languages: Common, Hellenic (Kimmerian) Secondary Skill: Messenger
  • Common Female Name: Rhunvonna Zelcaitos Age: 18 Height: 5’ 7” Weight: 115 lbs Eyes: Dark brown Hair: Black Language: Common Secondary Skill: Gardener
  • Common Male Name: Qann Tantos Age: 17 Height: 5’ 8” Weight: 176 lbs Eyes: Dark brown Hair: Medium brown Language: Common Secondary Skill: Tailor
  • Viking Female Name: Jórunn Steingísldóttir Age: 19 Height: 5’ 7” Weight: 135 lbs Eyes: Light hazel Hair: Light blond Languages: Common, Old Norse Secondary Skill: Hunter
  • Viking Male Name: Brandulfr Kolbiarnarson Age: 18 Height: 5’ 10” Weight: 192 lbs Eyes: Dark blue Hair: Dark red Languages: Common, Old Norse Secondary Skill: Tinker

3. Amaz., M, 220#

  • Viking Female Name: Álfhildr Hildulfsdóttir Age: 16 Height: 5’ 9” Weight: 145 lbs Eyes: Dark hazel Hair: Medium red Languages: Common, Old Norse Secondary Skill: Linkboy
  • Kimmerian Female (Subterranean) Name: Dentusucu the Shadowy Age: 18 Height: 5’ 8” Weight: 145 lbs Eyes: Dark gray Hair: Black Languages: Common, Thracian (Kimmerian) Secondary Skill: Navigator
  • Common Male Name: Qull Saitos Age: 19 Height: 6’ Weight: 153 lbs Eyes: Light hazel Hair: Black Language: Common Secondary Skill: Roper
  • Viking Male Name: Oddleifr Hólmgeirsson Age: 16 Height: 5’ 11” Weight: 136 lbs Eyes: Light blue Hair: Dark blond Languages: Common, Old Norse Secondary Skill: Carpenter
  • Viking Male Name: Ingimundr Ballason Age: 19 Height: 6’ Weight: 170 lbs Eyes: Dark blue Hair: Light red Languages: Common, Old Norse Secondary Skill: Linkboy

4. Pict, M, 5’6”, 140#

  • Amazon Male Name: Phoibos Theodoradoros Age: 19 Height: 6’ 1” Weight: 180 lbs Eyes: Light blue Hair: Dark auburn Languages: Common, Hellenic (Amazon) Secondary Skill: Grocer
  • Kimmerian Male (Plains) Name: Timaios the Antiquarian Age: 18 Height: 6’ 2” Weight: 153 lbs Eyes: Dark gray Hair: Black Languages: Common, Hellenic (Kimmerian) Secondary Skill: Wheelwright
  • Kimmerian Male 9 (Subterranean) Name: Skaris the Explorer Age: 16 Height: 6’ Weight: 170 lbs Eyes: Dark gray Hair: Black Languages: Common, Thracian (Kimmerian) Secondary Skill: Soldier
  • Common Male Name: Rhilkul Martose Age: 16 Height: 5’ 8” Weight: 208 lbs Eyes: Light brown Hair: Black Language: Common Secondary Skill: Engineer
  • Common Male Name: Zartar Reltose Age: 16 Height: 5’ 8” Weight: 144 lbs Eyes: Dark blue Hair: Medium blond Language: Common Secondary Skill: Armourer

5. Viking, F, 5’7’,160#

  • Kimmerian Male (Plains) Name: Agathon the Orange Age: 17 Height: 6’ 4” Weight: 185 lbs Eyes: Dark gray Hair: Black Languages: Common, Hellenic (Kimmerian) Secondary Skill: Sailor
  • Viking Female Name: Hólmfrídr Vígfastsdóttir Age: 19 Height: 5’ 7” Weight: 162 lbs Eyes: Dark hazel Hair: Light red Languages: Common, Old Norse Secondary Skill: Animal trainer
  • Kimmerian Male (Plains) Name: Heliodoros the Civilized Age: 16 Height: 5’ 10” Weight: 187 lbs Eyes: Dark gray Hair: Black Languages: Common, Hellenic (Kimmerian) Secondary Skill: Fisherman
  • Kimmerian Male (Plains) Name: Timaios the Mutable Age: 16 Height: 6’ 2” Weight: 180 lbs Eyes: Dark gray Hair: Black Languages: Common, Hellenic (Kimmerian) Secondary Skill: Stabler
  • Common Female Name: Quldunnesta Rhaiqultose Age: 18 Height: 5’ 9” Weight: 116 lbs Eyes: Dark blue Hair: Dark brown Language: Common Secondary Skill: Engineer



1/23/2019 1:58 pm  #2

Re: Empty Hands and Fingers of the Void

Ooh, this stuff is good. Nice work, Handy (and BA)!

HYPERBOREA- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy

1/23/2019 2:55 pm  #3

Re: Empty Hands and Fingers of the Void

Ghul wrote:

Ooh, this stuff is good. Nice work, Handy (and BA)!

Thanks, pal. Couldn't get the image out of my head! And I like the idea of these zealots just using bolas to drop you under their puppets' axes . . .

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