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11/12/2018 1:31 pm  #1

GameHole VII (2019)

GameHole Con
Oct 31st - Nov 3rd, in Madison, WI.

A large, fun con, that features not only RPG's, but an extensive amount of boardgames, LARPing, True Dungeon etc. Very kid and family friendly for those who have that consideration when attending cons. 

The website: 

Last edited by Ar'Pharazon (11/12/2018 1:38 pm)


11/12/2018 1:37 pm  #2

Re: GameHole VII (2019)

Since the first evening of the con will be Halloween, I will be running TSR's classic i6 Ravenloft module via AS&SH. The game will start with the players entering into the castle (I'll be skipping the first half of the module since that takes 3 or so hours to get through), and we'll go as late as we need to see if Strahd or the PC's are victorious!

     Thread Starter

11/13/2018 9:50 pm  #3

Re: GameHole VII (2019)

No can do next year or the year after.  My son will be in the thick of football sectionals


Board footera

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