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11/06/2017 8:41 pm  #1

Gamehole VI (2018)

Gamehole VI’s scheduled for November 8-11, 2018 at the Alliant Energy Center Exhibition Hall in Madison, WI. Very well organized, friendly folks and great beer. So, chime in if you plan to attend! Also, if you're attending, do you plan to run any AS&SH?

Gamehole Homepage

Hotel Info

Key Dates
Event Submissions Open – TBA (mid-April in 2017)
VIG Renewals Open – TBA (early June in 2017)
Main Registration Opens – TBA (late June in 2017)
VIG Event Registration Opens – TBA (early August in 2017)
General Event Registration Opens – TBA (early Sept in 2017)
Pre-registration and Event Submission Closes – TBA (early Oct. in 2017)

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face

11/06/2017 10:32 pm  #2

Re: Gamehole VI (2018)

I am attending!  Just waiting on the whole hotel block info and THIS time I think I may run one AS&SOH game!

Other bands play, Manowar kill!

11/07/2017 10:08 am  #3

Re: Gamehole VI (2018)

MrManowar wrote:

I think I may run one AS&SOH game!

Yes!!! I can't wait to see the game description!


11/11/2017 7:27 am  #4

Re: Gamehole VI (2018)

MrManowar wrote:

I am attending!  Just waiting on the whole hotel block info and THIS time I think I may run one AS&SOH game!

Cool! Any initial thoughts? An excerpt from an existing module? Something of your own?

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face
     Thread Starter

12/12/2017 10:43 pm  #5

Re: Gamehole VI (2018)

Chainsaw wrote:

MrManowar wrote:

I am attending!  Just waiting on the whole hotel block info and THIS time I think I may run one AS&SOH game!

Cool! Any initial thoughts? An excerpt from an existing module? Something of your own?

Hey Chainsaw, one of my own.  I am doing prep work now for my upcoming AS&SOH campaign which will begin in early 2018 when I finish Gunderman's awesome SotDL campaign.  I like the modules but thought I'd try something of my own making to see how it goes.

Other bands play, Manowar kill!

2/03/2018 6:54 pm  #6

Re: Gamehole VI (2018)

Hotel Reg opened today.  gizmo and I will be at the Sheraton across the street from the convention hall.


2/03/2018 7:51 pm  #7

Re: Gamehole VI (2018)

Hi Rich, I'm at the Sheraton also!  Looking forward to another great Gamehole and more AS&SOH!  Hope to see you there and catch up!  But before that hope to see you at Gary Con.  As always, look for the guy in the Manowar shirts, haha!

Other bands play, Manowar kill!

2/04/2018 9:57 am  #8

Re: Gamehole VI (2018)

You bet, Brother!


3/19/2018 8:05 am  #9

Re: Gamehole VI (2018)

I am 90% in... Looking for ride sharing from Michigan.... and/or room-mate... chime in if interested in either! Willing to meet 1/2 way in the chi-town or surrounding area. Driving 6 hours alone sucks after the 1st few hours!

Del Teigeler, Illustrator

3/20/2018 10:53 am  #10

Re: Gamehole VI (2018)

mavfire wrote:

I am 90% in... Looking for ride sharing from Michigan.... and/or room-mate... chime in if interested in either! Willing to meet 1/2 way in the chi-town or surrounding area. Driving 6 hours alone sucks after the 1st few hours!

Take the ferry! That will break up the drive.


6/17/2018 3:21 pm  #11

Re: Gamehole VI (2018)

Badge Reg is open.  I submitted 2 events, both the same adventure, at 10AM-2PM and 4PM-8PM on thursday.  This adventure will be an overhaul of my Onja Cot adventure I ran at GaryCon. 


6/24/2018 1:00 am  #12

Re: Gamehole VI (2018)

One game is accepted and that is "A Crow's Nest Upon Bleak Shores".  If you are game then go for it!  I'm looking at adding another game.  Right now I have this session and a 2E AD&D game on the Kid's track for Gamehole.  I ran 5E last year for the kids game, but after Evercon and experiences with my own kids, they seem to gravitate towards the old school stuff.  YMMV.

Other bands play, Manowar kill!

7/06/2018 7:09 am  #13

Re: Gamehole VI (2018)

I'll be there to get my Hyperborea on!


7/06/2018 2:02 pm  #14

Re: Gamehole VI (2018)

I'm jealous - you all will have a blast!

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face
     Thread Starter

7/06/2018 4:26 pm  #15

Re: Gamehole VI (2018)

When you fellows are all confirmed, please let me know and I will turn up the signal through our social media to draw some great attention to your games. Thank you for representing! I'll be at Carnage, in Vermont for November. Cheers!

HYPERBOREA- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy

7/07/2018 7:32 pm  #16

Re: Gamehole VI (2018)

Mine are confirmed.  Thursday 10-2 and 4-8, I'll be running my re-tooled Onja Cot adventure I ran at Gary Con.


7/09/2018 10:34 pm  #17

Re: Gamehole VI (2018)

Submitted and approved.


8am - 12pm The Tablet of Gal - You’re recuperating from your most recent sojourn into the wildlands when a crazed looking person from Gal tracks you down, demanding someone from your party translate an ancient Hyperborean tablet. The tablet seemingly deals with an ancient site a few days outside of Gal and looks promising. No experience with =9.75ptAS&SH=11.0pt necessary. This adventure is for levels 3–5, pre-gens provided.

8am - 12pm The Jewels of Shuven - Your party has pooled its money together and bought the map of a long forgotten passageway underneath the ruins of a dæmon cult’s temple. The dæmon cult was wiped out generations ago and was known to have a few gems of great value. Buying the map seemed like a good idea at the time and besides, what could possibly go wrong? No experience with =9.75ptAS&SH=11pt necessary. Pre-gens for levels 3–4 provided.
6pm - 10pm Castle Amber - Castle Amber or Chateau d' Amberville. The classic X2 module reskinned for AS&SH. In the province of Averoigne, the House of Amber awaits! Levels 3-6, pregens will be provided. No experience is necessary. May go later than 4 hours..

8am - 12pm The Tower of Larchmere Yys - Strange recent events have caused a near panic amongst the Apollonians of Larchmere Yys. Desperate, the local elders successfully begged your party to investigate these strange events, particularly an eldritch tower which has mysteriously appeared. With the logger who discovered the tower as your guide, you set off. No experience with =9.75ptAS&SH=11.0pt necessary. 2nd-level adventure, pre-gens provided.

6pm - 10pm The Chains of Minotaurios - Your last memory was drinking with an odd group of strangers and possibly an Ixian in Port Zangerios. You’ve woken to utter darkness, the smell of metal and sweat abound. The sounds of heavy breathing is coming from on both sides of you along with the muffled sounds of violence—cries of pain and the howls of a bestial cheering coming from above. No experience with =9.75ptAS&SH=11.0pt necessary. 1st-level adventure, pre-gens provided.

Last edited by Ar'Pharazon (7/10/2018 10:19 am)


8/11/2018 3:57 pm  #18

Re: Gamehole VI (2018)

Got everything I wanted but one event, but found another great option in more or less the same time slot.

My morning adventure is all sold out, and the afternoon only has one ticket left, a mere 4 hours after event reg opened.  I'm very humbled.


8/12/2018 9:29 am  #19

Re: Gamehole VI (2018)

So excited! Got into a Hyperborea game each day! Thu: Dengines and Drayguns, Fri: Game of Spells, Sat: Tower of Larchmere Yys!


8/12/2018 12:24 pm  #20

Re: Gamehole VI (2018)

Only got 1 of my initial wish list, but there were still plenty of stuff to choose from.

I got in on Francisca's afternoon game, I don't think there were any other Hyperborea games that fit my schedule.

What? Me worry?

Board footera

© 2009-2025 North Wind Adventures, LLC. “HYPERBOREA” is a registered trademark of North Wind Adventures, LLC. “Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea,” “AS&SH,” and all other North Wind Adventures product names and their respective logos are trademarks of North Wind Adventures, LLC in the USA and other countries. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.