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3/12/2018 11:05 am  #1

Gary Con XI (2019)

Gary Con XI’s scheduled for March 7-10, 2019 at the Grand Geneva in Lake Geneva, WI. Always a great event - hope everyone can attend! If you're already thinking of attending, do you plan to run anything? If so, what and when? 

Gary Con Homepage

Grand Geneva Homepage

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face

3/12/2018 1:17 pm  #2

Re: Gary Con XI (2019)

I've already gotten a room and am very much looking forward to next March.

I'm going to be running probably 4 Hyperborea games next year as well. Details and times TBD.


4/25/2018 8:14 pm  #3

Re: Gary Con XI (2019)

Yes. It's finally time for me to playtest OSTIUM UNDERBOREA


5/24/2018 1:44 pm  #4

Re: Gary Con XI (2019)

I got my room booked and will be running a session or two over the weekend. For those of you who have run Hyperborea at conventions in the past.  Is it a practical option to let players generate their characters at the table?  So far my test runs with vic.. err.. "volunteers" have averaged 45 minutes or so using a printout of Book 1.

Behold! The Wizard.
Beware his powers!

5/24/2018 5:16 pm  #5

Re: Gary Con XI (2019)

SuperPheemy wrote:

I got my room booked and will be running a session or two over the weekend.

Awesome! You will have a blast.

SuperPheemy wrote:

For those of you who have run Hyperborea at conventions in the past.  Is it a practical option to let players generate their characters at the table?  So far my test runs with vic.. err.. "volunteers" have averaged 45 minutes or so using a printout of Book 1.

I have run a convention game or two. My strong recommendation would be to provide pregens. If it’s a level one (or low level) scenario, it shouldn’t take you too long. I would recommend a pool consisting of a few fighting men, a couple of magic-user types, a couple of cleric types and maybe one thief type. Make sure you have a few extras so that players whose PCs die in the first two-thirds of the game can rejoin quickly.

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face
     Thread Starter

5/24/2018 5:50 pm  #6

Re: Gary Con XI (2019)

pregens all the way.  make sure you make them early in the prep process and get them out of the way.


5/24/2018 6:26 pm  #7

Re: Gary Con XI (2019)

Yeah, totally pregens. Let's get to playing the game!


5/25/2018 6:46 am  #8

Re: Gary Con XI (2019)

francisca wrote:

pregens all the way.  make sure you make them early in the prep process and get them out of the way.

+1. Following Francisca's suggestion about when to make the pregens will save a bit of stress. It sucks having to scramble at the 11th hour to make a ton of pregens. 
Not that I've experienced that personally.. several times. 


5/25/2018 1:14 pm  #9

Re: Gary Con XI (2019)

I side with Pre-gens, with one caveat....I dont ever have to make them again! If we had a thread on this forum that just collected pregens in a certain format that would be super helpful. The absolute worst part of running a game for me was creating the pregens. Fun at first, but after the 12th one jeesh! YMMV

In hindsight i know the system a ton better now for having gone through the process of creating 15 pre-gens for each session run. Maybe I am an overachiever.

Del Teigeler, Illustrator

5/25/2018 3:51 pm  #10

Re: Gary Con XI (2019)

mavfire wrote:

creating 15 pre-gens for each session run.

15? That's crazy! Apparently, Del plans on killing all his players. Some at least twice. lol. 


5/25/2018 4:49 pm  #11

Re: Gary Con XI (2019)

Well... Three sessions of Charnel Crypt, and two TPK's, the other one at least two character deaths and the untimely death of the torchbearer. I guess next time I should creat several torchbearers too!

Del Teigeler, Illustrator

7/28/2018 4:04 pm  #12

Re: Gary Con XI (2019)

Badge Registration's open! I'm in.

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face
     Thread Starter

7/29/2018 12:19 am  #13

Re: Gary Con XI (2019)

Gold badges sold out already!  Wow, after a couple of years of getting one I'm out for the second year in a row.   Oh well, silver it will be then.

Other bands play, Manowar kill!

7/29/2018 5:42 pm  #14

Re: Gary Con XI (2019)

Chainsaw wrote:

Badge Registration's open! I'm in.

Awesome dude, glad to see you're planning to attend.


7/29/2018 9:33 pm  #15

Re: Gary Con XI (2019)

MrManowar wrote:

Gold badges sold out already!  Wow, after a couple of years of getting one I'm out for the second year in a row.   Oh well, silver it will be then.

Exact same boat! But silver rocks with a couple walk-ons!


7/29/2018 9:38 pm  #16

Re: Gary Con XI (2019)

In as well. Really looking forward to March!


7/30/2018 10:53 am  #17

Re: Gary Con XI (2019)

Skipped gold, as per usual.  Grabbed a silver.  Registered 2 events:

Lankhmar: The Lost Treasures of Tyaa (AS&SH) Thusrday 4PM-10PM
T-1: Village of Hommlet (AD&D, 1st edition no UA) as kind of a 40th anniversary thing.  Friday 4PM-10PM.


8/09/2018 9:18 am  #18

Re: Gary Con XI (2019)

Chainsaw, is it too early to launch your annual event summary? 


8/09/2018 9:41 am  #19

Re: Gary Con XI (2019)

Iron Ranger wrote:

Chainsaw, is it too early to launch your annual event summary? 

Never! I will get that rolling this evening.

I'm probably running less this year myself and doing mostly afternoon games so that I can drink more in the evenings and sleep it off. I'll definitely run The Lost Treasure of Atlantis (formerly known as The Strange Tale of Crystal Point) on Fri/Sat afternoon (like 12-4 or 2-6) in conjunction with the KS for it that may be happening around the same time. I'm also toying with the idea of an all day sandboxy come-and-go Xambaala thing on Thursday with all kinds of stuff to do (other short dungeons plugged in) but I'm not sure yet. Kinda depends on how much progress I make in my online game (I'm trying to avoid running anything that requires a ton of prep this time).

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face
     Thread Starter

8/09/2018 10:24 am  #20

Re: Gary Con XI (2019)

Chainsaw wrote:

Iron Ranger wrote:

Chainsaw, is it too early to launch your annual event summary? 

Never! I will get that rolling this evening.

I'm probably running less this year myself and doing mostly afternoon games so that I can drink more in the evenings and sleep it off. I'll definitely run The Lost Treasure of Atlantis (formerly known as The Strange Tale of Crystal Point) on Fri/Sat afternoon (like 12-4 or 2-6) in conjunction with the KS for it that may be happening around the same time. I'm also toying with the idea of an all day sandboxy come-and-go Xambaala thing on Thursday with all kinds of stuff to do (other short dungeons plugged in) but I'm not sure yet. Kinda depends on how much progress I make in my online game (I'm trying to avoid running anything that requires a ton of prep this time).

Yes! Do it all! There's no Sleeping @ GaryCon!


Board footera

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