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12/22/2017 2:00 pm  #1

HYPERBOREA: Beasts and Cannibals

Coming to a Kickstarter campaign near you! ;)

Jeff T.

HYPERBOREA- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy

12/22/2017 2:35 pm  #2

Re: HYPERBOREA: Beasts and Cannibals

This looks like it may have a little tribute to the hills have eyes in it! Can't wait.

Has anyone seen one? Has anyone seen one in a hundred years??

12/22/2017 3:19 pm  #3

Re: HYPERBOREA: Beasts and Cannibals

This is great news! I love the cover art and evocative titles.  


12/22/2017 5:16 pm  #4

Re: HYPERBOREA: Beasts and Cannibals

I'm ready to buy.

Michael Sipe 1979-2018
Rest in peace, brother.

12/22/2017 5:41 pm  #5

Re: HYPERBOREA: Beasts and Cannibals

Looks good! Save me a plate. 

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face

12/22/2017 7:58 pm  #6

Re: HYPERBOREA: Beasts and Cannibals

Eagerly awaiting the kickstarter.


12/23/2017 12:09 pm  #7

Re: HYPERBOREA: Beasts and Cannibals

Having played in The Anthropophagi of Xambaala a couple of years ago, I greatly look forward to these.

"It is all very well to point out that the man lacks facility; as he asserts, sheer force can overpower sophistication."
Jack Vance, Rhialto the Marvellous

12/23/2017 4:16 pm  #8

Re: HYPERBOREA: Beasts and Cannibals

Huzzah!  SOOOOOO in...


12/24/2017 9:17 pm  #9

Re: HYPERBOREA: Beasts and Cannibals

Forgive my ignorance, but is "Beasts & Cannibals" just the Kickstarter title for the two adventure modules, or will it be a separate product? And if so, is it a sourcebook of some sort?

"I, Satampra Zeiros of Uzuldaroum, shall write with my left hand, since I have no longer any other, the tale of everything that befell Tirouv Ompallios and myself in the shrine of the god Tsathoggua..."

12/24/2017 11:37 pm  #10

Re: HYPERBOREA: Beasts and Cannibals

I believe it's an allusion to the module titles.

Michael Sipe 1979-2018
Rest in peace, brother.

1/09/2018 1:53 pm  #11

Re: HYPERBOREA: Beasts and Cannibals

Would you like to see a sneak peek of our next Kickstarter campaign, HYPERBOREA: Beasts and Cannibals? We are getting closer to launching! The writing is done, the covers are done, editing is underway, interior art is underway, and cartography is underway. But that is not enough! I require more work "in the can" before officially launching. But for now, have a look at what we're building, and please keep in mind that the contents of this preview are subject to change. Cheers! ~Jeff T. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1806106772/948634192?ref=blo46o&token=c87975bc

HYPERBOREA- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy
     Thread Starter

1/09/2018 1:59 pm  #12

Re: HYPERBOREA: Beasts and Cannibals

Can I play test it for you with my gaming group? :-)

What? Me worry?

1/09/2018 3:18 pm  #13

Re: HYPERBOREA: Beasts and Cannibals

foxroe wrote:

Forgive my ignorance, but is "Beasts & Cannibals" just the Kickstarter title for the two adventure modules, or will it be a separate product?

I think "Breasts and Cannabis" was deemed too worrying to Concerned Parents (TM), so he went with Beasts and Cannibals.


1/09/2018 3:43 pm  #14

Re: HYPERBOREA: Beasts and Cannibals

Wow that was quick... just submitted that illo this weekend!

Del Teigeler, Illustrator

1/09/2018 6:14 pm  #15

Re: HYPERBOREA: Beasts and Cannibals

Take my monies!!!


1/10/2018 3:43 am  #16

Re: HYPERBOREA: Beasts and Cannibals

francisca wrote:

foxroe wrote:

Forgive my ignorance, but is "Beasts & Cannibals" just the Kickstarter title for the two adventure modules, or will it be a separate product?

I think "Breasts and Cannabis" was deemed too worrying to Concerned Parents (TM), so he went with Beasts and Cannibals.

You know, funny you should say that, because when I first saw "Beasts & Cannibals" my polluted mind did in fact read "Breasts and Cannabis", and I thought "Feck yeah! Now that's Old School! I'm in!"

"I, Satampra Zeiros of Uzuldaroum, shall write with my left hand, since I have no longer any other, the tale of everything that befell Tirouv Ompallios and myself in the shrine of the god Tsathoggua..."

1/10/2018 11:00 am  #17

Re: HYPERBOREA: Beasts and Cannibals

mavfire wrote:

Wow that was quick... just submitted that illo this weekend!

Del, that picture is amazing. So freaking good.


1/10/2018 10:09 pm  #18

Re: HYPERBOREA: Beasts and Cannibals

This is excellent - looking forward to the final product!

Jacques de Molay, Grand Master

1/17/2018 8:19 pm  #19

Re: HYPERBOREA: Beasts and Cannibals

My players are presently returning to Zamboula in my Hyborian Age campaign, and we just converted to AS&SH, at levels 2-3. The timing was almost perfect.

"Role-playing isn't storytelling. If the dungeon master is directing it, it's not a game."  ~ Gary Gygax

1/22/2018 10:45 am  #20

Re: HYPERBOREA: Beasts and Cannibals

Has their been an announcement when the Kick goes live?

Has anyone seen one? Has anyone seen one in a hundred years??

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© 2009-2024 North Wind Adventures, LLC. “HYPERBOREA” is a registered trademark of North Wind Adventures, LLC. “Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea,” “AS&SH,” and all other North Wind Adventures product names and their respective logos are trademarks of North Wind Adventures, LLC in the USA and other countries. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.