Regarding the drink a Runegraver can make with 12 of water and the specially prepared horn. it states if you add 4 drops of honey you can cure disease. Is this an either or, or both? I am currently taking it as both.
The healing drink can be prepared daily, the cure disease once weekly. I don't have a runegraver in my game (which disappointed me cause the runegraver is one of the coolest takes on a cleric I've yet to see in a game), but I'd read that as the cure disease drink counts as that day's healing drink as well, and would provide both benefits.
That is how i was taking it as well. Thanks
Hey Thrasaric!
I would say using the cure disease will not interfere with the healing aspect. My opinion though....
You'd have to ask Jeff what he had in mind, but my take is the healing draught is changed into a disease-curing draught and no longer heals.
A player asking for healing on top of a cured disease is just greedy IMO. And you know what they say: "Greedy players get stitches..."
Fellows, my intent was as follows:
1 per day, a healing draught can be created.
1 per week, a cure disease draught can be created.
Please note carefully: Once per
week, three drops of honey added to the water-filled
drinking horn will produce magical mead that can cure
disease (as the spell).
Bold emphasis mine. It is not the magical ale that is turned into a cure disease draught, but a separate instance of the horn being water filled.
Thus, the wound healing can be done every day, and the disease curing once per week. Both can be done on the same day. They are independent of one another, but use the same container (so you can't have both at the same time).
All that being said, do what thou wilt!
Having illustrated the runegraver it was my intent to play one at Garycon....I played one in Chainsaws game, and we had the same question. Fortunately chainsaw allowed my character to use both properties, the healing was spread around to several individuals to heal a few points, then we used it to cure disease as well, and spread it around to a few who needed it.
After the game we interrogated Jeff on his intent, and he was kind enough to correct us with only a few lashings for playing his game the WRONG way! (I jest).
The healing draft (as I recall) can be spread around to a few individuals. The cure disease draft cannot.
Fun character to play, unfortunately I was not able to use a nithing pole due to the level of the character I played, but as it turns out it would not have been any use for our game.
For those keeping track my Runegraver actually survived during Chainsaws game "Crash at Corpse Creek" !
mavfire wrote:
For those keeping track my Runegraver actually survived during Chainsaws game "Crash at Corpse Creek" !
In Chainsaw's defense, it was early in the day and he clearly hadn't warmed up yet to his usual killing standards. Beware of taunting Chainsaw of your character living, it may come back to haunt you. In the words of Saturday Night Live: "Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball".
Last edited by Ar'Pharazon (12/08/2017 12:18 pm)
Thanks for all the replies, and information, very informative and interesting.
Ar'Pharazon wrote:
mavfire wrote:
For those keeping track my Runegraver actually survived during Chainsaws game "Crash at Corpse Creek" !
In Chainsaw's defense, it was early in the day and he clearly hadn't warmed up yet to his usual killing standards. Beware of taunting Chainsaw of your character living, it may come back to haunt you. In the words of Saturday Night Live: "Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball".
Ha ha ha!