How many Druid Sect, Coven Cabals, etc. are there on Hyperborea, I know I have some say in this, but as it a Keltic religion, is there only one main source in Gal which any druid must return to or are there coven being created in other parts of Hyperborea.
For Example, the Kelts in my Blackmarsh are organised around their druid rituals, and structure. But, would it be consider that they would have to acknowledge the High Druid of Gal, it reasonably close to my Blackmarsh area?
Stuff like this I think is the purview of the individual DM. I would give each druidic sect a different geographic zone of control. Witch covens...lots I guess since that is more ad hoc than druids in my mind.
But, to each their own.
Yeah, but still a small placement of land to operate from. I suppose I would think I had one major sect in Blackmarsh, and there might be about 2-3 in the Gal Hill, spread throughout the region!
Have you read the bit in the Druid (Cleric) subclass description about the Druidic Triumvirate?
DMPrata wrote:
Have you read the bit in the Druid (Cleric) subclass description about the Druidic Triumvirate?
Sure, spoil the fever dreams of a few with by the book canon or some nonsense. ;-)
DMPrata wrote:
Have you read the bit in the Druid (Cleric) subclass description about the Druidic Triumvirate?
Ah, yes, had read it, but giving it one more read, it does technically state that is it. One Druid Triumvirate.
Well at least it is the facts I looking for, Cheers GMPrata.
But now I thinking about it (which helps), as my new Keltic tribes are separate and out of contact with Gal, etc. They may have developed their own coven. Much like what the Kimmeri-Kelts would do in Field of Vol and may develop their own sect also. Good, cheers man, gives me something to think about!