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7/17/2017 8:45 am  #21

Re: Gary Con X (2018)

Ar'Pharazon wrote:

I'm not sure if I'll be running it Friday or Saturday but I'll be running Descent into Krimmea at Gary Con. As I figure out my schedule with the 3 other games I want to run, I'll post here what day/time slot for DiK.

Cool! This one has a neat description. Krimmea's always been a place I wanted to explore.

mabon5127 wrote:

This sounds fun!


mabon5127 wrote:

What is a site-based adventure specifically?

I put that in mostly for newer-school players who may be expecting more of an linear adventure "path," where they're guided along from set piece to set piece, as opposed to a "site" where they wander around a bit more freely. May not be helping make that clear though, so I may ditch it.

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face

7/17/2017 9:03 am  #22

Re: Gary Con X (2018)

Ah I see. Sand box wouldn't really be understood by newbies either.

“How can I wear the harness of toil
And sweat at the daily round,
While in my soul forever
The drums of Pictdom sound?” 

7/26/2017 8:24 am  #23

Re: Gary Con X (2018)

Chainsaw, are you taking slot pre-regs for your off-grid games? If so, mark me down for Thursday and Friday! :-)


7/26/2017 9:12 am  #24

Re: Gary Con X (2018)

Druvas wrote:

Chainsaw, are you taking slot pre-regs for your off-grid games? If so, mark me down for Thursday and Friday! :-)

You're in! Thanks man.

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face
     Thread Starter

7/26/2017 10:00 am  #25

Re: Gary Con X (2018)

chainsaw wrote:

Druvas wrote:

Chainsaw, are you taking slot pre-regs for your off-grid games? If so, mark me down for Thursday and Friday! :-)

You're in! Thanks man.

I just won the fucking lottery. ;-)


7/26/2017 10:24 am  #26

Re: Gary Con X (2018)

Druvas wrote:

chainsaw wrote:

Druvas wrote:

Chainsaw, are you taking slot pre-regs for your off-grid games? If so, mark me down for Thursday and Friday! :-)

You're in! Thanks man.

I just won the fucking lottery. ;-)


Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face
     Thread Starter

7/26/2017 11:59 am  #27

Re: Gary Con X (2018)

Druvas wrote:

Chainsaw, are you taking slot pre-regs for your off-grid games? If so, mark me down for Thursday and Friday! :-)

Yeah count me in Wed-Fri as well if you're doing that.  


7/26/2017 12:06 pm  #28

Re: Gary Con X (2018)

Ar'Pharazon wrote:

Druvas wrote:

Chainsaw, are you taking slot pre-regs for your off-grid games? If so, mark me down for Thursday and Friday! :-)

Yeah count me in Wed-Fri as well if you're doing that.  

I'm flattered, man. So let it be written, so let it be done! 

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face
     Thread Starter

7/26/2017 1:54 pm  #29

Re: Gary Con X (2018)

chainsaw wrote:

So let it be written, so let it be done!

"To kill the first born pharaoh son" 

Last edited by Ar'Pharazon (7/26/2017 1:55 pm)


7/26/2017 2:24 pm  #30

Re: Gary Con X (2018)

Ar'Pharazon wrote:

chainsaw wrote:

So let it be written, so let it be done!

"To kill the first born pharaoh son" 

I'm Creeping Death-ah!


8/03/2017 10:13 am  #31

Re: Gary Con X (2018)

Ar'Pharazon wrote:

I'm not sure if I'll be running it Friday or Saturday but I'll be running Descent into Krimmea at Gary Con. As I figure out my schedule with the 3 other games I want to run, I'll post here what day/time slot for DiK.

Descent into Krimmea:
Krimmea: The lost underground Kimmerian city that sealed itself from the outside world a thousand years ago when the Green Death ravaged the lands.Recently, Krimmeans have emerged from their city, bringing rare metals, fungi and other goods that are prized in the markets of Khromarium.Your party has been commissioned by a wealthy merchant along with Khromarium's most prominent sage, to explore Krimmea, bringing back information, maps and if possible, goods.

Ooo! Sounds cool.


9/04/2017 9:51 am  #32

Re: Gary Con X (2018)

I'm running B4-The Lost City in two parts, Thursday at 10 AM and Friday at 10 AM(if my submission gets accepted). Returning players for part 2 can use the same characters from part .

Chainsaw, can I jump into your off-grid AS&SH Thurs-Fri games (Tim D)?

Last edited by mordegast (9/04/2017 9:54 am)


9/04/2017 10:58 am  #33

Re: Gary Con X (2018)

I will be running these but not sure of when or how many times....

Slade’s Cup:  A cup, broken at a convocation of demon princes, is the only remnant of their non-aggression pact.  Each of the princes took a shard as a reminder leaving only one on the floor of Slade’s Hostelry. The aging reaver would begin a most arduous and lasting pursuit.  Over the centuries the cup has been reassembled by Slade and his heirs that followed.  The heroes must retrieve the final piece. 
Unearned Shame:  The remaining Cataphract of the Shadow Wing must prove their innocence against charges of cowardice when a young noble leading them is killed in a disastrous battle. 

“How can I wear the harness of toil
And sweat at the daily round,
While in my soul forever
The drums of Pictdom sound?” 

9/04/2017 3:11 pm  #34

Re: Gary Con X (2018)

mordegast wrote:

Chainsaw, can I jump into your off-grid AS&SH Thurs-Fri games (Tim D)?

You bet! I will mark it down.

mordegast wrote:

I'm running B4-The Lost City in two parts, Thursday at 10 AM and Friday at 10 AM(if my submission gets accepted). Returning players for part 2 can use the same characters from part.

That sounds awesome, man. Carrying over characters really invests people, I have found. 

mabon5127 wrote:

I will be running these but not sure of when or how many times....

Slade’s Cup:  A cup, broken at a convocation of demon princes, is the only remnant of their non-aggression pact.  Each of the princes took a shard as a reminder leaving only one on the floor of Slade’s Hostelry. The aging reaver would begin a most arduous and lasting pursuit.  Over the centuries the cup has been reassembled by Slade and his heirs that followed.  The heroes must retrieve the final piece. 
Unearned Shame:  The remaining Cataphract of the Shadow Wing must prove their innocence against charges of cowardice when a young noble leading them is killed in a disastrous battle. 

Your games always look good, Morgan! I'm sure these will be great.

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face
     Thread Starter

9/05/2017 9:51 am  #35

Re: Gary Con X (2018)

Chainsaw wrote:

Your games always look good, Morgan! I'm sure these will be great. 

You are very kind. Thank you good sir.

“How can I wear the harness of toil
And sweat at the daily round,
While in my soul forever
The drums of Pictdom sound?” 

9/05/2017 10:52 am  #36

Re: Gary Con X (2018)

The submitted games with times.....

Thurs 12 pm-4 pm - Slade's Cup
Thurs  6 pm-10 pm - Slade's Cup
Friday  12 pm-4 pm - Unearned Shame
Friday  6 pm-10 pm - Unearned Shame


Slade’s Cup:  A cup, broken at a convocation of demon princes, is the only remnant of their non-aggression pact.  Each of the fiends took a shard as a reminder, leaving only one on the floor of Slade’s Hostelry. The aging reaver would begin a most arduous pursuit.  Over the centuries the cup has been reassembled by Slade and then his heirs.  The heroes must retrieve the final piece.

Unearned Shame:  The remaining Cataphract of the Shadow Wing must prove their innocence against charges of cowardice when a young noble leading them is killed in a disastrous battle. 


“How can I wear the harness of toil
And sweat at the daily round,
While in my soul forever
The drums of Pictdom sound?” 

9/07/2017 8:05 am  #37

Re: Gary Con X (2018)

This year.  This is the year I am going to get into one of Morgan's games.


9/07/2017 9:07 am  #38

Re: Gary Con X (2018)

francisca wrote:

This year.  This is the year I am going to get into one of Morgan's games.

That would guarantee at least one great player!

“How can I wear the harness of toil
And sweat at the daily round,
While in my soul forever
The drums of Pictdom sound?” 

9/15/2017 8:57 am  #39

Re: Gary Con X (2018)

Flights booked, arriving MKE 10AM Weds (should be at hotel by noon) and departing MKE 11AM Sunday morning. Pumped! Should be great.

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face
     Thread Starter

9/15/2017 11:06 am  #40

Re: Gary Con X (2018)

Chainsaw wrote:

Flights booked, arriving MKE 10AM Weds (should be at hotel by noon) and departing MKE 11AM Sunday morning. Pumped! Should be great.


“How can I wear the harness of toil
And sweat at the daily round,
While in my soul forever
The drums of Pictdom sound?” 

Board footera

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