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4/13/2017 7:37 pm  #1

Gamehole V (2017)

Gamehole V's scheduled for November 2-5, 2017 at the Alliant Energy Center Exhibition Hall in Madison, WI. Very well organized, friendly folks and great beer. So, chime in if you plan to attend! Also, if you're attending, do you plan to run any AS&SH? Don't forget - Ghul's got special Russ Nicholson class VII daemon shirts for anyone running a Hyperborea game. They're badass. 

Gamehole Homepage

Hotel Info

Key Dates
Event Submissions Open – April 15th noon CST
VIG Renewals Open – June 10th noon CST
Main Registration Opens – June 24th noon CST
VIG Event Registration Opens – August 5th noon CST
General Event Registration Opens – September 2nd noon CST
Pre-registration and Event Submission Closes – October 1st

Schedule of Hyperborea Events (so far)
Thur 6PM-10PM - Descent into Krimmea (Ar'Pharazon)

Fri 8AM-12PM - Shooting Star Watcher (stahlnee)
Fri 8AM-12PM - Secrets of the Horned Helm.....part 1 (Eric Petersen)
Fri 10AM-2PM - Escape from Kor (Ar'Pharazon)
Fri 2PM-6PM - Foolsgrave (chainsaw)
Fri 2PM-6PM - Gutter Waifs and Sewer Rats .... (Eric Petersen)
Fri 6PM-10PM - This raggedy band..... (Eric Petersen)
Fri 8PM-12AM - Crash at Corpse Creek (chainsaw)
Fri 8PM-12AM - The Black Moss-Hag of Lug (ghul)

Sat 8AM-12PM - Foolsgrave (chainsaw)
Sat 8AM-12PM - Shooting Star Watcher (stahlnee)
Sat 12PM-4PM - Descent into Krimmea (Ar'Pharazon)
Sat 12PM-6PM - By this Axe I .....Drool? (Eric Petersen)
Sat 2PM-6PM - Crash at Corpse Creek (chainsaw)
Sat 6PM-10PM - What is this, song in the night? It keeps the stars Alight. (Eric Peterson)
Sat 8PM-12AM - The Strange Tale of Crystal Point (chainsaw)
Sat 8PM-12AM - The Beasts of Kraggoth Manor (ghul)

Sun 8AM-12PM - Escape from Kor (Ar'Pharazon)
Sun 10AM-2PM - The Table in the Woods (Eric Petersen)

The Beasts of Kraggoth Manor (ghul, Sat 8PM-12AM). Travelling to the hills north of Khromarium, seeking sanctuary beyond the Lug Wasteland, the party hears word of a place for respite, a small estate known as Kraggoth Manor which had recently been used as a settlement for a band of pictish adventurers. Yet when they arrive at the shattered walls outside the boarded-up house, the PCs find Kraggoth Manor under siege by a tribe of vicious mountain apes. To gain access to the house, and finally feel the warm comfort of a hearth, the party will have to assist the trapped picts against the mountain apes and their unholy shaman leader. Unfortunately for the PCs, the secrets inside Kraggoth Manor may prove far more dangerous than the beasts outside.

The Black Moss-Hag of Lug (ghul, Fri 8PM-12AM). Out on the farms east of the Town of Swampgate, Little People have been observed stealing across the moonlit fields. Until recently, they were considered nothing more than a nuisance; they neither stole nor vandalized. Of late, however, they have grown more audacious: trampling crops, stealing livestock, breaking fences, and causing other inconveniences. The farms stepped up nocturnal patrols and brought in guard dogs, but the dogs vanished, and the patrols came up emptyhanded.

A week ago, disaster struck: In the dead of night, two young sweethearts snuck out from their respective farms to rendezvous at a nearby toolshed used by local peat cutters. They never returned. Signs of a struggle were discovered at the site, as well as dozens of small, misshapen footprints. The outland farms have requested the aid of Swampgate’s rangers, but the wilderness warriors are occupied, reconnoitering barbarian activity in the north. Now, the town seeks brave and exceptional adventurers to help solve the woes of the eastern farms.

By this Axe I.... Drool? (Eric Petersen, Sat 12PM-6PM). What cursed God allowed this thing to be created a Viking will never know......but obviously they never reckoned with Viking stubbornness. Dragging this implement of Destruction around has been a chore, but perhaps this time there are spoils to be had worthy of a Viking Warrior....

Crash at Corpse Creek (chainsaw, Fri 8PM-12AM, Sat 2PM-6PM). A strange object has fallen from the stars, crashing into the cold, haunted swamp of Corpse Creek. Several curious trappers from a nearby camp went to investigate, but none have returned. The remainder have hired your group to find their friends, but they warn you that Corpse Creek teems with the living dead and that its strange bugs have awakened early from their winter freeze, including some giant varieties never seen before in Hyperborea. A site-based adventure for up to six player characters of levels 3-5.

Descent into Krimmea (Ar'Pharazon, Thur 6PM-10PM, Sat 12PM-4PM). Krimmea: The lost underground Kimmerian city that sealed itself from the outside world a thousand years ago when the Green Death ravaged the lands.Recently, Krimmeans have emerged from their city, bringing rare metals, fungi and other goods that are prized in the markets of Khromarium.Your party has been commissioned by a wealthy merchant along with Khromarium's most prominent sage, to explore Krimmea, bringing back information, maps and if possible, goods.

Escape from Kor (Ar'Pharazon, Sat 10AM-2PM, Sun 8AM-12PM). Your group of Vikings raided deep into the heart of the City State of Kor, seeking ancient Hyperborean treasures long abandoned from the time of the Ashen Worm. Things were going according to plan until the apes discovered your presence and the alarm was sounded. The city has come alive with the sounds of countless angry apes descending on your location. Can you escape or will you fall victim to the hordes of apes coming after you?

Foolsgrave (chainsaw, Fri 2PM-6PM, Sat 8AM-12PM). Khromarium's mysterious spiraling towers of black gneiss predate mankind, an ever-present reminder of how strange and alien things once ruled Hyperborea. During the Festival of Plutonia, a sombre commemoration of death, darkness and the all-consuming void, one such tower's impenetrable doors slowly creaked open, admitting anyone brave enough to descend into its depths. Many have entered, but few have returned - some with wealth overflowing, others simply mad, drooling and babbling. Locals now refer to the labyrinth as Foolsgrave. A megadungeon crawl for up to eight player characters of levels 1-3.

Gutter Waifs and Sewer Rats .... (Eric Petersen, Fri 2PM-6PM). It's a rough life in the City streets......but if you have friends.....and nimble fingers......How bad could it get?

Secrets of the Horned Helm.....part 1 (Eric Petersen, Fri 8AM-12PM). Our intrepid band of Vikings have born this cursed thing with them for leagues on their quest to find their way home..... What is it....and how does it seem to constantly drive their fate to the furthest reaches of Hyperborea......

Shooting Star Watcher (stahlnee, Fri/Sat 8AM-12PM). Passed down through generations is the story of a group of individuals foretold as rediscovering the fabled Royal Library containing the complete knowledge and wisdom of ancient Hyperborean’s. This story is the basis for a variety of rumors and legends told by parents to their offspring to impart their tribal morals and ethics. Consequently, this cycle has repeated itself over the past millennia. As discovered during a teaching exercise where your teacher whispers a phrase into one child’s ear and then the child does same to the next. This process continues between each child in the entire class. When the last child speaks aloud the phrase, the phrase spoken is drastically different than what the teacher originally whispered.

Recently your group has had a consultation with the witch Laveau. During the consultation, the witch Laveau channeled an ancient Hyperborean whom was discussing with their teacher the futile nature of spending years making written records. The teacher explains to the student that after a civilization is extinct, the only thing that exists proving your existence is the written record.

The Strange Tale of Crystal Point (chainsaw, Sat 8PM-12AM). In the far reaches of Hyperborea's Crab Archipelago, lies a small, mountainous island known as Crystal Point. Passing sailors have recently seen a crimson glow in Crystal Point's waters, beams of reddish-brown light shining up from its steep cliffs and frequent lightning storms overhead. One famous sage believes Crystal Point may hold the ruins of a lost Atlantean colony - and its secrets! Eager for adventure and treasure, you agreed to explore the island and, after a long journey, have finally set foot on its rocky beach. A site-based adventure for up to six player characters of levels 7-9.

The Table in the Woods (Eric Petersen, Sun 10AM-2PM). Deep in the woods, in a clearing in the trees, a table set with a fare fit for a King......

This raggedy band..... (Eric Petersen, Fri 6PM-10PM). Tired.....battle worn and weary, you and your band of mercenary companions have been sent to retrieve the personal property of the Sultan Amir Mustafa Hap Hazzrad......a simple brass hard could it be...

What is this, song in the night? It keeps the stars Alight. (Eric Petersen, Sat 6PM-10PM) As of late, things have been still. Too Still, the streets. Quiet, except for a faint tune. Not a rat, a begger, or a gutter snipe dare stray but something moves there in the mists in the back alley......

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face

4/19/2017 10:47 pm  #2

Re: Gamehole V (2017)

Type VII daemons?  Tell me more! :D



4/20/2017 12:02 pm  #3

Re: Gamehole V (2017)

grodog wrote:

Type VII daemons?  Tell me more! :D


Official AS&SH Referee business, pal!


4/20/2017 12:23 pm  #4

Re: Gamehole V (2017)

Handy Haversack wrote:

grodog wrote:

Type VII daemons?  Tell me more! :D


Official AS&SH Referee business, pal!

Haha! Handy means bidness!

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face
     Thread Starter

4/20/2017 1:04 pm  #5

Re: Gamehole V (2017)

I can bid, fear not! :D



4/20/2017 2:44 pm  #6

Re: Gamehole V (2017)

I am 80% sure I am in. Hope to see the lot of you again! 

Del Teigeler, Illustrator

4/22/2017 8:57 am  #7

Re: Gamehole V (2017)

mavfire wrote:

I am 80% sure I am in. Hope to see the lot of you again! 

Sweet! Can't wait to hang out.

I'm running:

Fri 12pm-2pm - Foolsgrave
Fri 2pm-4pm - Foolsgrave
Fri 4pm-6pm - Foolsgrave
Fri 8pm-12am - Corpse Creek

Sat 12pm-2pm - Foolsgrave
Sat 2pm-4pm - Foolsgrave
Sat 4pm-6pm - Foolsgrave
Sat 8pm-12pm - Crystal Point

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face
     Thread Starter

4/22/2017 10:11 am  #8

Re: Gamehole V (2017)

I hope I can succeed on my save vs registration. Garycon was a disaster...I registered, added games and then skipped the checkout button, thus losing all of my selections. 

I hope to get in on another foolsgrave, maybe survive by running again   

Also, Corpse Creek sounds fun.

Del Teigeler, Illustrator

4/22/2017 1:31 pm  #9

Re: Gamehole V (2017)

Thanks for posting your time Chainsaw, this way I can run mine around yours, as I'd like to get into Foolsgrave again. 



4/22/2017 1:52 pm  #10

Re: Gamehole V (2017)

Ar'Pharazon wrote:

Thanks for posting your time Chainsaw, this way I can run mine around yours, as I'd like to get into Foolsgrave again. 

Awesome - I'm super flattered!

You and Del make sure sure to bring your same PC. 

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face
     Thread Starter

4/22/2017 3:20 pm  #11

Re: Gamehole V (2017)

Chainsaw wrote:

You and Del make sure sure to bring your same PC.

I gave the PC sheet back to you at the end of our Sat session at Gary Con. I hope you still have it? 


4/23/2017 2:36 pm  #12

Re: Gamehole V (2017)

Ar'Pharazon wrote:

Chainsaw wrote:

You and Del make sure sure to bring your same PC.

I gave the PC sheet back to you at the end of our Sat session at Gary Con. I hope you still have it?

Did you have the Viking Berserker with a great axe? Made level 2?

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face
     Thread Starter

4/23/2017 3:09 pm  #13

Re: Gamehole V (2017)

Yep, Halthorr IIRC. 


4/23/2017 3:34 pm  #14

Re: Gamehole V (2017)

Ar'Pharazon wrote:

Yep, Halthorr IIRC. 

Great! I've got him and will bring him to GameHole.

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face
     Thread Starter

4/23/2017 3:38 pm  #15

Re: Gamehole V (2017)

He shall wade in the blood of his enemies!



4/23/2017 3:59 pm  #16

Re: Gamehole V (2017)

Ar'Pharazon wrote:

He shall wade in the blood of his enemies!


Excellent! He definitely kicked some ass at Gary Con!

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face
     Thread Starter

4/26/2017 7:11 pm  #17

Re: Gamehole V (2017)

I'm on the fence, but I'd love to go and run some AS&SH. I'm not sure what game I'd submit, maybe something I come up with myself. Are there any published modules that haven't had a lot of showings at cons?

Edit- wow, I didn't realize this was my first post!


Last edited by mordegast (4/26/2017 7:12 pm)


4/26/2017 7:16 pm  #18

Re: Gamehole V (2017)

mordegast wrote:

I'm on the fence, but I'd love to go and run some AS&SH. I'm not sure what game I'd submit, maybe something I come up with myself. Are there any published modules that haven't had a lot of showings at cons?

That would be awesome man! Plus, you'd get a special Class VII daemon shirt. 

Ghul would probably know best what's not been run in a while, maybe TAKEN from Dunwich or Charnel Crypt of the Sightless Serpent?

mordegast wrote:

Edit- wow, I didn't realize this was my first post!


Welcome, man! It was great meeting you at Gary Con. I hope our gaming overlaps next time.

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face
     Thread Starter

4/26/2017 7:19 pm  #19

Re: Gamehole V (2017)

mordegast wrote:

I'm on the fence, but I'd love to go and run some AS&SH. I'm not sure what game I'd submit, maybe something I come up with myself. Are there any published modules that haven't had a lot of showings at cons?

Edit- wow, I didn't realize this was my first post!


If you do, there is a special reward for being the best of the best:

Welcome aboard!

Jeff T.

HYPERBOREA- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy

4/26/2017 7:20 pm  #20

Re: Gamehole V (2017)

Oh, and it has this on the back:

HYPERBOREA- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy

Board footera

© 2009-2025 North Wind Adventures, LLC. “HYPERBOREA” is a registered trademark of North Wind Adventures, LLC. “Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea,” “AS&SH,” and all other North Wind Adventures product names and their respective logos are trademarks of North Wind Adventures, LLC in the USA and other countries. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.