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Hyperborea » Where is Stygia and Kush? » 9/30/2019 12:42 pm

Sir Vival
Replies: 7

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Ok thank you.

Does a map come with the hard copy?

Hyperborea » Where is Stygia and Kush? » 9/29/2019 2:19 pm

Sir Vival
Replies: 7

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I was lucky enough to buy the core rules pdf yesterday (Humble Bundle) for less than £2. What an interesting setting AS&SH has! 

But I was expecting there would be a Stygia / Kush type desert region in Hyperboreas but there isn't. The closest fit is the Diamond Desert but that doesn't really meet my expectations. I was more hoping for a hot sandy area with dunes, oasis, and brooding sorcerer-kings and such.

EDIT: Actually, upon another read, the Diamond Desert does more than less fit the criteria. I think first time I  read that passage of text, I read stuff about many diamond deposits, and instantly thought the desert was like, 95% diamonds and 5% sand!

Also, does anyone know where I can download a map of the setting? I did a search but to my surprise, I came up empty.

Thanks all. 

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