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Bestiary » Common name of mountain apes (ogres) in Hyperborea » 4/12/2024 1:53 am

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I was wondering whether mountain apes would be called ogres or mountain apes by the common man.

Swordsmen & Sorcerers » Levels Higher than 12 » 10/04/2023 8:40 pm

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I know that in the class part of the book they say its up to you how Higher levels are done but I just want to know how you guys would do it.

Bestiary » Why are dæmons undead? » 9/30/2023 1:28 pm

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Huh I never thought of that?

Bestiary » Why are dæmons undead? » 9/28/2023 5:28 pm

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I've looked at the stats and I now realize that every daemon is list as undead type 13; why is it that way?

Hyperborea » Daemon princes » 9/17/2023 12:31 am

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I always hear mention of the daemon princes but I never hear any names so please give me your take on the daemon princes.

Bestiary » Mi-Go Spacefolding » 9/13/2023 8:27 am

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I wanna know how long it takes for a mi-go to get to Hyperborea from Yuggoth and if they can take passengers with them (abducted or otherwise).

Bestiary » Mi-Go Spacefolding » 9/12/2023 9:08 pm

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In the special block of the mi-go it says they can fold space but does that mean they just teleport or is it a spell-like effect?

Bestiary » Oni in Hyperborea » 9/12/2023 7:15 pm

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I like the idea that oni might be the ogre equivalent of an orc in that they might come from the union of ogres and some kind of demon; perhaps a succubus to explain their shapeshifting ability?

Bestiary » Oni in Hyperborea » 9/11/2023 10:45 pm

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Do you think Oni would be considered giants or would they be more related to mountain apes (ogres)?

Bestiary » Oni in Hyperborea » 9/10/2023 7:35 pm

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I just started the ASSH system and I was wondering if any of you wise elders had any ideas for Japanese oni in hyperborea, I for one thought of giving a mountain ape spells.

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