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General Discussion » AFS 6 - Upcoming » 7/30/2014 12:59 pm

Replies: 40

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That map picture is very inspiring- got me to do a search on it to see who did it 

The void there, the Nightmare Drink, that's awesome.  I'm picturing that somewhere in Hyperborea- a place on the mainland where there is a huge pit that goes through the foundations of the Hyperborea and into the Boreas below.

Announcements » Rats in the Walls » 4/14/2014 9:29 am

Replies: 22

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Picked one up.  Thanks for posting it

Adventures » Mystery at Port Greely » 3/26/2014 8:50 am

Replies: 33

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Ghul wrote:

It's a good thought, but this is a short adventure. It doesn't make sense to send just a part of something that is short in the first place. Benoist and Ernie gave a glimpse of a much larger mega-dungeon adventure, so what you suggest makes more sense for them. I appreciate the thought, though. 

No worries  I'm looking forward to seeing more modules put out for the game.  I don't think one can have too many.

General Discussion » Introduction Thread » 3/25/2014 6:06 pm

Replies: 610

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Aaronhd wrote:

Hello Everyone:

I have recently picked up the boxed set, and both the adventure books and I have ordered two more players books for my group to share. I have been gaming since Chainmail arrived in our local boardgame shop and have forgotten more games then I can mention. I am now runing a Pathfinder game at that same game store (Citidel Games in Groton Ct). But it is my advanced age or Pathfinder has too damn many rules, for me so I run it like 0 edition anyway.  I have told them that we will be switching to AS&SH soon and as the party is all human it should not cause to much of an uproar. 

Anyway It's good to be here

Aaron Davis

Good to see a fellow nutmegger

General Discussion » Minimalist Character Sheet for AS&SH » 3/24/2014 2:22 pm

Replies: 7

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Thanks for posting it- downloaded

Adventures » Mystery at Port Greely » 3/23/2014 12:35 pm

Replies: 33

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Ghul wrote:

The only con to this development, as I see it, is that placed in Gygax Magazine, it could have exposed thousands of people to what we're doing who otherwise may have never heard of the game. See, I'm of the opinion that the best material in GM is the content oriented material: Mike Curtis' swamp town, Luke's desert campaign material, Ernie and Benoist's dungeon material -- stuff that I can use as a gamer.  

What about submitting part of the adventure to Gygax mag?  Like the Marmoreal Tomb- an intro as to what's coming later.  Then you could have the larger part released as NW.  Just a thought.

Adventures » Rats in the Walls » 3/21/2014 10:51 am

Replies: 45

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Ghul wrote:

joseph wrote:

Sounds excellent Jeff, and quite fair. Put me down for a remainder copy!
Any plans to put a pdf up on DriveThru?

Yes, shortly after Gary Con. And then I'll start taking orders on the remaining signed & numbered copies. I'm leaving 20 copies here in my office, so at the very least, the handful of you fine fellows here who want one will be able to get one.


Adventures » Which modules have you played? » 3/21/2014 8:25 am

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None yet.  Hopefully that will change at some point.  Still making my way through the rules.

At some point though, I want to grab some of those AFS issues.  One can never have enough modules.

Adventures » Mystery at Port Greely » 3/20/2014 9:16 am

Replies: 33

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Another module to be on the lookout for.

Music » Inspiring Classical Music » 3/17/2014 7:24 pm

Replies: 10

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Very good.  Thanks for posting it  I've been seeing all this great music beiing posted here, it's great.

General Discussion » Favorite piece of AS&SH art? » 3/15/2014 9:24 pm

Replies: 18

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Lots of great pictures, tough to pick just one, but the knight with the laser pistol on the vol. 3 page is awesome.

Adventures » Rats in the Walls » 3/15/2014 6:00 pm

Replies: 45

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Looks sweet  Going to keep an eye out for it.

General Discussion » Introduction Thread » 3/08/2014 2:42 pm

Replies: 610

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Thanks Ghul- I took advantage of the sale you have and ordered the box set and both modules yesterday.  Looking forward to getting them soon

General Discussion » Introduction Thread » 3/08/2014 2:26 pm

Replies: 610

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Hi everyone.  My name is Al- have been playing since the early 80's and playing AD&D at the moment. 

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