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General Discussion » AS&SH GM/Referee Screen » 11/29/2016 8:21 pm

Replies: 38

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Still useful and still needed. Thanks!

General Discussion » Hey all! New GM and Member here! » 11/24/2016 12:35 am

Replies: 12

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I'll be there. I'm up there about once a month anyway!

General Discussion » Hey all! New GM and Member here! » 11/22/2016 1:34 pm

Replies: 12

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I live in Houston, but the game is in Dallas. It's face to face.

So far it has been fun. After session zero the party went into the wilderness and encountered a Great White Ape of Barsoom (Burrough's Mars) that ripped the scout apart. To north is the Goblin Market run by a merchant species of goblins who use Talos (lava fueled animated statues) to maintain and protect the market from troublemakers. There are literally hundreds of things they could find depending where they go and what they do.

General Discussion » Hey all! New GM and Member here! » 11/22/2016 12:15 pm

Replies: 12

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I just wanted to say thanks for having me as a member!

I ref’ed my first session a month ago and I really liked the feel of the game. I liked it well enough to buy the 1st edition print on top of PDF bundle I had already purchased. This was right at the start of the 2nd edition hardcover. That gives you some idea of how wowed I was by the system.

It’s my long standing practice to homebrew my own settings and adventures and I continued this tradition with my Wastelands Hex Crawl campaign. It takes place after reality has been shattered and one village in the Wastelands sends our an expedition to find out if anyone is left out there.
Anyway just wanted to say hello!

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