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Play-by-Post » The Scorched Sanctuary » 2/02/2025 4:26 pm

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"The priests were hiding the portal, not attempting to use it," states Narrhil out loud, "so we need to find away to activate it. I have the identify spell ; if it is magical, I could learn the process?"

Play-by-Post » The Scorched Sanctuary » 2/02/2025 10:40 am

Replies: 7791

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He then moves to the depression, looking for clues. He searches any remains of priests robes... 

[How thick was the secret chute? No etching, hidden runes? I actually went wrong way, so much for urgency, still there maybe something useful].

Play-by-Post » The Scorched Sanctuary » 2/02/2025 3:36 am

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Due to urgency, Narrhil goes to examine the secret chute entrance first.

Play-by-Post » The Scorched Sanctuary » 1/31/2025 12:23 pm

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Narrhil searches the domed chamber for any resent activity, granted they only had a torchlight to see by the last time they had been in this chamber, but now his spherical light spell was active, he hoped to see more.

[I believe we can still see using the light spell? It might be deep enough?]

Play-by-Post » The Scorched Sanctuary » 1/31/2025 3:31 am

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He ponders whether the heat of the portal, once its is activated could heat the surroundings, then moves to the crawl space to the domed chamber.

Play-by-Post » The Scorched Sanctuary » 1/30/2025 12:47 pm

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Narrhil tries to sense if it is warmer down in the cellar. 

Play-by-Post » The Scorched Sanctuary » 1/30/2025 7:18 am

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[Sorted, just so you know Eakratz is ill; he not even GMing his own game, so must be bad, some headbug? I try moving it along here. Try get the trio to the portal chamber].

Now he is ready, and feeling more like a warrior that a magic-user, Narrhil moves forward down the gap between the winestacks.

Play-by-Post » The Scorched Sanctuary » 1/29/2025 8:14 am

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[Error Horseman's pick, duh. So fine, I at 47# at present, so could take silk rope to 49#.]

Play-by-Post » The Scorched Sanctuary » 1/29/2025 8:11 am

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[Okay, sorted.

I keep meaning to give these scrolls to Kéet.
Scrolls of Cure of Deafness, Scrolls of Poison Neutralization, Scrolls of Healing of the most Critical Wounds, Scrolls of Protection of a Barrier of Blades

Also Votin was carrying the found Backpack: Can someone else carry it?
Torch: x3 (number might be wrong?)1 Charcoal stick (loose)1 charcoal stick (heavily used nub) 50' of silk rope (coiled)1 piece of chalk (unused) 1 waterskin (empty) 1 hourglass (laterally packed) Set of metal picks (in pouch)4 bandages (unused)

Narrhil is: Weight Total (Encumbrance): W: 18#, Ar: 20#, In BP: 13#. = 51#

Str 11 is Light: 50#/ Medium: 50-100#/ Heavy: 101-150#

So, 1 # over light weight, I want to keep to light weight, so, if someone wants a footman's pick? That would drop him to 49# ].

Play-by-Post » The Scorched Sanctuary » 1/28/2025 3:04 pm

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[So, just to confirm, Narrhil is taking the axe (still not know what type it is) as a new weapon at 4th-level. Yes, he donned armour. Can he place his robes over top of stubbed leather? just to keep warm].

Narrhil prepares, now with his new protection hanging over his torso; it felt good to have some sturdy leather and metal between him and his enemies, but at such a cost. The loss of Votin, once more they had watched him disappear into nothing, like snow melting on a warm day. He gripped the heavy axe. It was strange to feel this new weapon in his hands. He hoped he could do it justice and keep Votin's memory alive.

Play-by-Post » The Scorched Sanctuary » 1/27/2025 10:30 am

Replies: 7791

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[Well good luck, I just watched a few minutes of TV news on the area, and it just a vast array of destroyed buildings. Horrific. I bought the Drivethru appeal bundle, only £20 but if plenty of folk do it, it should help. Still, as you state: game on].

Play-by-Post » The Scorched Sanctuary » 1/27/2025 3:35 am

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[Indeed. Things fine there Iron?]

Play-by-Post » The Scorched Sanctuary » 1/21/2025 1:25 pm

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Magic Ice Dart
Lvl: cry 1 | Rng: 60 feet | Dur: instantaneous
Cyan-glowing icicles form in the hand of the caster and
fire at single target for 1d6+1 hp damage. For every
CA level, the sorcerer can fire an equal amount of magic
ice darts (i.e., one at CA 1, two at CA 2, three at CA 3,
and so forth). All missiles are fired at once, though each
requires a separate attack roll, modified by dexterity
attack modifier, if applicable. Cryomancers (but not
other sorcerers) gain +1 “to hit” for every 2 CA levels
(i.e., CA 1–2 = +1, CA 3–4 = +2, and so forth). N.B.: If
using the optional critical hits and misses rules, each
magic ice dart is subject to critical success or failure.

Play-by-Post » The Scorched Sanctuary » 1/21/2025 11:36 am

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Armour-Clad Sorcery:                                        Chance of Spell Failure
Light (padded, leather, studded)                                        1-in-6

I know you enjoy 1E Iron, but just for the record, I not see this rule in 3E? Not know if I looking in wrong place. Still, is it acceptable?

So, it was a choice between Invisibility or Magic Ice Dart; and the Darts won, I need an assault spell.
So, if Narrhil uses armour, which I plan to, it a 1-in-6 chance of spell failure?

Play-by-Post » The Scorched Sanctuary » 1/21/2025 10:54 am

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[Okay, , so, Votin's axe is it a battle axe? 1d8 (2H 1d10) if it blunt, is it at -1 damage? Narrhil gets to choose a new weapon, this seems appropriate. I just examining spells]. 

Play-by-Post » The Scorched Sanctuary » 1/21/2025 10:32 am

Replies: 7791

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[Wow, +5,734 XP, that him at 13,117 at present by my numbers. I will do the upgrade and get back to you. ]

Play-by-Post » The Scorched Sanctuary » 1/21/2025 3:42 am

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"There has been one too many," informs Narrhil.

Narrhil starts collecting Votin's gear, in fact he starts donning the studded armour. "Better protection than cloth, and I have no major offensive spells to cast at present."

Play-by-Post » The Scorched Sanctuary » 1/20/2025 3:57 pm

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Narrhil picks up his lent (more a gift) footman's pick with sadness, "Votin, rest well!" He says, for this time the man is without armour or weapons. Was it this time, the man truly dead?

Play-by-Post » The Scorched Sanctuary » 1/20/2025 1:54 pm

Replies: 7791

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"By the gods, Votin, not again...," exclaims Narrhil, "...this place is surely accursed!"

[Is there a footman's pick in amongst that pile?]

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