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Rules Discussion » Backstabbing » 4/26/2015 12:27 am

Replies: 34

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Thanks, hopefully I'll get started playing soon!

Rules Discussion » Berserker attack rate » 4/25/2015 7:28 pm

Replies: 32

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I think I agree, I'm honestly not a big fan of 3/2 attacks starting at first level. It seems to make fighters a bit too dominate at early levels, especially with higher strength bonuses and specialization bonuses. Monsters are generally of the same power level as AD&D monsters, so it definitely makes characters much more powerful. But I haven't actually played AS&SH yet, just bought the pdf, but it looks like a lot of difficult AD&D monsters can be turned into mincemeat much like specialized characters in 1st edition.

Rules Discussion » Backstabbing » 4/25/2015 7:20 pm

Replies: 34

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I'm much more liberal with backstabs personally. In the described situation, I'd probably have the thief roll a hide in shadows check and then, if successful a move silently check with a hefty bonus since the other group would not know where he is coming from and if that fails, a suprise check. Then if all that fails, no backstab, otherwise I'd still give them a chance, they still have to hit. Thieves are prone to miss a lot of the time anyway, so I think my ruling is pretty fair.

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