MACE (2017)

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Posted by Chainsaw
7/04/2017 3:41 pm

The Mid Atlantic Convention Expo (MACE) is scheduled for November 10-12, 2017 at the Hilton Charlotte University Place hotel in Charlotte, NC. The convention bills itself as, "one of the largest gatherings of gamers in the Carolinas," and features, "Board games, war games, role playing games, live action, video games, and miniature games."

I have never been to this one before (even though it's in my backyard), but I'll be there this year for the first time (and running AS&SH games). If you're thinking of attending, please chime in, so we can coordinate where possible.

MACE Homepage

Hotel Info

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face
Posted by blackmote
7/09/2017 3:52 pm

While I have yet to buy my badge for the weekend, I do plan to attend MACE again this year along with the rest of the 'Atlanta Invasion'. And I look forward to seeing what you're available to do, Chainsaw. 

Who knows? I may be tempted to run a little somethin' somethin' myself by that time. 

"We're always creating rules in the tacit pursuit of verisimilitude. This is a valid and noble pursuit.
But for some of us, that's a false idol. We harken to a different song." - Frank Mentzer, 2017
Posted by Chainsaw
7/09/2017 4:38 pm

blackmote wrote:

While I have yet to buy my badge for the weekend, I do plan to attend MACE again this year along with the rest of the 'Atlanta Invasion'. And I look forward to seeing what you're available to do, Chainsaw.

Me too! Let's coordinate. I'm happy to run a couple of games for you and your crew. Check your email!

blackmote wrote:

Who knows? I may be tempted to run a little somethin' somethin' myself by that time. 


Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face

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