Uplifted Vhuurmis

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Posted by bald_headed_yeti
7/03/2022 2:35 pm

I figured somebody had to mess with the DNA of the Vhuurmis that occupy the city of Kor.

This is Doctor Sardonicus, an NPC that I just started using in my campaign.

I probably should get rid of the picture frame.

Last edited by bald_headed_yeti (7/03/2022 2:36 pm)

Posted by Caveman
7/15/2022 11:05 am

Ha, a Vhuurmis with money, now that is unusual!

Posted by Chartauk
7/25/2022 9:49 pm

I (we) have a Vhuurmis/Voormis shaman/sorcerer in our current game,(NPC). NE in alignment and is one of the parties/groups only true healers. He was found in an ancient crypt, perserved over the aons by pre human sorcery and science. He might be more trouble then he is worth in the end,....still,....those ancient secrets he knows of,......


Na Chuba! Na Gita! Negatorie Na! Na! Natoota! 
Posted by BlackKnight
12/07/2022 12:23 pm

Seeing this in the Lovecraft Wiki about them, They would be perfect creatures for the Underborea, Just build them out some more, add some structure to their culture, Some shamans, Chiefs, and Subchiefs, and go with it...

"This caused them to retreat to their cavernous habitats beneath the great volcano Voormithadreth, where they still survive, living a subterranean existence in imitation of their master Tsathoggua."

BlackKnight, AKA Sausage
Older than Dirt, Crusty, and set in my ways. Been playing TTRPGs for over 45 years...
Posted by Chartauk
2/28/2023 1:41 pm

Our Vhuurmis/Voormis shaman/sorcerer is making some waves in our home game.


Na Chuba! Na Gita! Negatorie Na! Na! Natoota! 

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