Working the Green Diamond Mine

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Posted by gizmomathboy
5/19/2020 6:46 pm

So...the party got themselves into a quest to go kill a blasphemous demigod  that lives on the Lemurian Remnant in exchange for dealing with some damage from some clay automatons done to some party members. Not as bad as a geas so they have some leeway to sort things out.

So...they have used about 40% of the diamonds so far and will definitely not have enough to even get their using the skyship.

So...I get to figure out how they get to mine more green diamonds...

Any ideas from the Hyperborean Hive Mind?

The module alludes to some possibilities, just thought I would see what you would all dream up.

Just to compare.

Basically...they need to drain a bunch of water...

What? Me worry?
Posted by Ghul
5/19/2020 7:19 pm

One thing I have often imagined is the sequins (crystals) from Vance's Planet of Adventure novels. Here is a description from a blogger from TOR who summarized them:

But of all the locations on Tschai, it is the Carabas that stands out as one of the most evocative and memorable places in all the locations in the world of SF I’ve ever visited. The main currency on Tschai are sequins, made out of a uranium mineral called chrysospine. Nodes of this mineral grow, like crystals, in the Carabas, the Dirdir hunting preserve. Anyone can go into the preserve and look for sequins. Purple are best, worth a hundred of the base clear sequins. Other lesser colors also exist in between. Anyone is welcome to go and dig up as many sequins as you can carry. The trick is that the Dirdir and Dirdirmen are equally welcome to try and track down any and all prospectors, and kill anyone they catch…and probably eat them. Replete with a border town to sell over-priced lodging, tools, maps, and more to visitors, the dusty badlands of the Carabas is like the deadliest western frontier gold rush territory you can possibly imagine. And Reith’s solution to the problem of how to profit at such a rigged, deadly game is bold, and brilliant.

I've imagined the green crystals to have once been found in this sort of manner, when the Atlanteans were building such vessels, in addition to the mine as seen in Ghost Ship. Perhaps locations like that still exist in the Diamond Desert, just under the surface of the sand...



HYPERBOREA- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy
Posted by gizmomathboy
5/20/2020 12:12 am

For tonight's session I did some quick accounting of their fuel stash. They had used about 41% of it so far.

After some discussion they decided to head back to Khromarium (after returning to Port Greely to find much of it in flames, and added some of their own) to try to find more.

I rolled horrible for the black market attempt.

They asked around town for some sage advice. Only got 1 hit and they were mildly helpful. Basically gave some hints but mostly "in deserts". With the Diamond Dessert and the area by Larchmere Yss of the Red Desert  being the most prominent/likely in the lore and literature. I added a possibility in the The Black Waste along the River Leng.

They settled on the Diamond Desert since that's where they go the skyship and diamonds.

The module did allude to the diamonds being in the pool, so that led to some initial fun.

Also, they smashed up some large gypsum chunks. I gave a low chance of finding some in those. They got lucky and found some so that will instigate a bit of a goose chase.

The real fun is figuring out what happens when they have the clay automatons they grabbed from Port Greely do mining related stuff. Daring move on their part to grab the gold scepter when Morlokk died but the automatons were moments away from getting a TPK on the group.

Next session will be a trip as it always is.

Also, the Lemurian Remnant is far, far away from Khromarium.

What? Me worry?
Posted by gizmomathboy
6/08/2020 2:31 pm

So...I created a way for them to drain the pool that is flooding the mine.

Now, they have the clay automatons from Greely.

They are scheming to use them to "bash" things is my guess.

However, I think I will rule that it will damage them because they take full damage from blunt trauma.

Also, what are the side-effects of green diamonds on automatons? My first thoughts are "ain't gonna be good".

What? Me worry?

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