Last edited by Jimm.Iblis (9/22/2018 1:44 am)
Very detailed recap, man! I know they take time, but you'll be glad you did it down the road. Anyway, sounds like a good game. Thanks for sharing.
Great write-up! What a cliff-hanger.
Presumably Rappan Athuk has conventional goblins and so on. Just curious if you are substituting them with other Hyperboean denizens (e.g. were the cavemen something else in the published scenario?).
Thank you very much! I wasn't initially going to spend a lot of time on session write-ups but I enjoy it. It is good practice.
This was the PCs pursuing something not in the published adventure, as I set it up as a hexcrawl for leveling outside the dungeon. But yeah, I'm subbing various hominins for the more fantastic fantasy races. My dad was an ecologist and I'm a big paleo-nerd so I've statted up a lot of miocene-era creatures.
Last edited by Jimm.Iblis (7/28/2018 1:03 pm)