[Great. Figured you guys got busy with the Trappers game, so just hanging out.]
[Naw, I been waiting for someone to respond]
[The others look to your leadership??]
All awaken.
Narrhill recovers completely from fatigue and his mind refills with the intricacies of all of his magics. The memories of the harp's song remain sharp. Even the inking across his hands seems somehow more purposeful.
The other two are more groggy though, stretching and yawning yet, and holding their tongues.
Narrhil ponders then speaks, "we can do naught but wait!"
He share the magical bowl with his comrades, the strew providing the liquid they need also.
"We cannot be certain how many will come through the portal or when, but if a time-travelling portal, it not matter how long we wait. We will still arrive where we need to once we have got the key!"
This he hopes, as he has no comprehension of how it works.
[An Instant replay....]
NARHILL awakens, recovered completely from fatigue and his mind refills with the intricacies of all of his magics. The memories of the harp's song remain sharp. Even the inking across his hands seems somehow more purposeful.
HE ponders then speaks, "we can do naught but wait!"
Luckily He shared the magical bowl with his comrades before their slumber, the strew providing the liquid they needed also.
"We cannot be certain how many will come through the portal or when, but if a time-travelling portal, it not matter how long we wait. We will still arrive where we need to once we have got the key!"
This he hopes, as he has no comprehension of how it works.
His comrades do not rally though.
holding their tongues.
Narrhill looks beyond the limp form of TILLAK. But the dome is empty. No sign of the thief.
His pack is gone as well. And Narrhil's pockets seem suddenly light!
[NARRHIL roll d12!]