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2/16/2025 7:20 pm  #7821

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

It smells like wood, but a bouquet you don't recognize easily.
[NARRHIL roll d12]


2/17/2025 3:59 am  #7822

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary



2/17/2025 12:06 pm  #7823

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary


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2/18/2025 4:08 am  #7824

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Uncertain of the cause of the smell, Narrhil is forced to continue his search, he awaits Kéet's and Tillak's opinions.

[BTW: Eakratz is on holiday at present]


2/18/2025 9:28 am  #7825

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

While Narrhil ponders his companions' lackadaisical actions, he performs a deep search of the domed chamber for secret passageways and finds none.
He lies within the depressed stone lift but it doesn't move.
He cannot find a source of the smell or see any wisps of actual smoke in the dome.


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2/18/2025 11:00 am  #7826

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

"Perhaps we still need a form of key to activate portal?" Narrhil was perplexed.


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