The bright purple light illuminates everything.
Narrhil makes it past the wooden table under the window and to the burned out doorway. Looking up through the falling snow and opened roof he sees a dazzling ball of purple flame moving across the sky westward. Its crackles with intense sparking not 200 yards above the far treeline.
Striking is that it seemingly floats rather than streaks with sluggish speed.
"It seems to be moving away from us?" says Narrhil in part question to Tillak.
The cryomancer stares at in awe and fear, "we should avoid it, as best as possible!"
Mesmerized they watch until it disappears.
The growing blanket of new snow atop the remaining wolf carcass, pews, harp, and raised dais glistens in the torchlight from the chapel.
The cryomancer stands aghast...
He looks to see if the door barricade was still secure...
Caveman wrote:
The cryomancer stands aghast...
He looks to see if the door barricade was still secure...
It is secure.
"We are safe for now," presumes Narrhil, "lets take the other wolves carcass downstairs and prepare it, and get that fire going, we have much to do!"
"I came from the south Sir Tillak, perhaps we could travel back that way together. We be safer in numbers...!""
Name: Narrhil Morrtos; Class: Cryomancer: 1st-level; Culture: Common.
Str: 11, Dex: 12, Con: 10, Int: 13, Wis: 10, Cha: 8. HP: 4; AL: N.
Saving Throw (SV): 16 (+2 vs Sorcery, +2 vs Device, -2 vs Fire, +2 vs Cold). XP: 1,135/2,500.
ToS: 2/6; EfoS: 4%, ToD: 2/6; EfoD: 4%, HPA: +0; PA: +0; TS: 75%; ToC: 2/6; EfoC: 4%, Lan: +1; MBS: +1 Level 1; MLNS: 65%, WA: +0, R/LA: -1; MNH: 3.
FA: +0. AC: 9. Mv: 40.
Mêlée: 1H Pick (horseman’s): +0 (1d6) #Att: 1/1; WC: 1.
Missile: Stone (x6): +0 (1+1) #Att: 1/1; Range: 30/60/90.
Abilities: Alchemy, Fire/Heat Vulnerability, Ice/Cold Affinity, Icicle, Read Magic, Read Scroll, Scribe Scrolls, Sorcery.
Gear: Winter robes, loincloth, belt, trews, boots, cloak, fur hat, pick (horseman’s): x2, dagger, hand axe, bandages, gauze (10-ft. ball), backpack, winter blanket, sinew cord 100 ft., drinking horn (stoppered), fishing hook: x12, fishing string (100 ft.), tinderbox, torch: x4, 50 ft. hemp rope (now 40 ft.), iron pry bar. (W: 19gp, Gear: 10gp, 4sp, 1cp). 110gp rolled.
Magical Items: Ring of Warmness**, Wand of Freezing (unknown charges).
Languages: Common, Esquimaux. Loot: 80gp; 5sp; 4cp.
Description: Long black hair, blue eyed, thick long pointy beard, 5', 11'' tall, weight, 160 lb. Trained as a gardener. Follower of 'The Ashen Worm,' beliefs. Dressed in white robes trimmed with pale blue and silver.
Spellbook (CA: +1; spells: 2/day): Chill Touch, Identify, Cold Resistance.
History: A seer of the cold north, he wanders, set loose to discover the cold lands by his master, Keeper of Ice, Ruler of the Freezing Lands and Seer of the Frozen Wastes.
Last edited by Caveman (9/26/2023 5:28 am)
and what of the Wand? Also, I need to look at these torches but I think you've only used the icicle and votin's old torch for light so far...
Caveman wrote:
"We are safe for now," presumes Narrhil, "lets take the other wolves carcass downstairs and prepare it, and get that fire going, we have much to do!"
"I came from the south Sir Tillak, perhaps we could travel back that way together. We be safer in numbers...!""
"Yes, we are brothers in this journey. You have my pick as well as my meager arcane abilities. Perhaps Ytha'qua will deign to show us some mercy in this arduous trek that lays before us."
Iron Ranger wrote:
and what of the Wand? Also, I need to look at these torches but I think you've only used the icicle and votin's old torch for light so far...
Ah, was old CS.
Edited it, also forgot Ring of Warmness, added.
Torches, yes, I use icicle, but trying to not use torches. Tillak, and yes Votin's torches, I just did a quick read through, used Votin's torch while guarding for an ohur (ish), had extinguished Tillak's torch. We are using Tillak's relit torch at present. Yes, I beleive I still have 4 torches left!
Last edited by Caveman (9/26/2023 5:36 am)
SullyB74 wrote:
"Yes, we are brothers in this journey. You have my pick as well as my meager arcane abilities. Perhaps Ytha'qua will deign to show us some mercy in this arduous trek that lays before us."
"Then let us make plans, we have much to do. We can store the wolf meat and use it on our journey!" Replies Narrhil.
[OOC: Just RP, I presume there is much to do in the 'Scorched Sanctuary?' ]
Caveman wrote:
SullyB74 wrote:
"Yes, we are brothers in this journey. You have my pick as well as my meager arcane abilities. Perhaps Ytha'qua will deign to show us some mercy in this arduous trek that lays before us."
"Then let us make plans, we have much to do. We can store the wolf meat and use it on our journey!" Replies Narrhil.
[OOC: Just RP, I presume there is much to do in the 'Scorched Sanctuary?']
Hyperborea is a large place, and home calls loudly to every adventurer's heart. But even the most homesick must count his torches wisely and check the holes in his winter furs once the calendar puts him in dreaded Nightfall.
Tillak and Narrhil dragged the wolf carcass down the stairs after securing the kitchen doors. And with Tillak torch still lit, the cryomancer set to work trying to dismantle one of the wine-racks for fire wood with his hand axe.
Caveman wrote:
Tillak and Narrhil dragged the wolf carcass down the stairs after securing the kitchen doors. And with Tillak torch still lit, the cryomancer set to work trying to dismantle one of the wine-racks for fire wood with his hand axe.
They drag the 2nd wolf down, now there are 2 carcasses in the cellar.
How do they secure the kitchen door? simply close it?
The cellar is very small, with the 2 large wolves and themselves, there is barely enough space on the floor to unload the bottles, but Narrhil begins this anyway accepting that movement with be minimal...
[OOC: Yes, just shut door, more a wind breaker, than a defence against intruders. Plus if open, perhaps we can hear it...
Hmm, did not realise cellar was cramped. Well he will stack bottles in the far corridor/passageway, between the racks. Dismantle the rack nearest the stairs. This will give us a bit more space at that end.
Also, campfire at stair, allow smoke to funnel up the stairway. Will leave door at top of stairs, slightly open so to allow smoke out. He will jam a bit of wood in hinges to stop it slamming shut on them.
Time to skin wolves and cook some wolf meat for breakfast. Later take the remaining meat and place in snow above in snow cover church area, to preserve it.]
Narrhill unloads dozens and dozens of the dusty bottles form the shelf near the stair opening to the far corridor blocking the secret opening to the low domed chamber. Tillak sets to stripping one of the wolves.
Narrhill breaks loose a few shelves and starts a fire at the foot of the stairs within the stone wall, its smoke drifting though slowly up the stairs toward the wedged door. Satisified there's enough firelight to work on these wolves, he butts the torch, saving the stub for the certain death he knows might come in this endless darkness.
After some time of this, Tillak begins shivering again, at first hardly noticing it himself until well obvious...
Caveman wrote:
[OOC: Yes, just shut door, more a wind breaker, than a defence against intruders. Plus if open, perhaps we can hear it...
Hmm, did not realise cellar was cramped. Well he will stack bottles in the far corridor/passageway, between the racks. Dismantle the rack nearest the stairs. This will give us a bit more space at that end.
Also, campfire at stair, allow smoke to funnel up the stairway. Will leave door at top of stairs, slightly open so to allow smoke out. He will jam a bit of wood in hinges to stop it slamming shut on them.
Time to skin wolves and cook some wolf meat for breakfast. Later take the remaining meat and place in snow above in snow cover church area, to preserve it.]
OOC: Is there a way to rig a secondary alarm?
Iron Ranger wrote:
Narrhill unloads dozens and dozens of the dusty bottles form the shelf near the stair opening to the far corridor blocking the secret opening to the low domed chamber. Tillak sets to stripping one of the wolves.
Narrhill breaks loose a few shelves and starts a fire at the foot of the stairs within the stone wall, its smoke drifting though slowly up the stairs toward the wedged door. Satisified there's enough firelight to work on these wolves, he butts the torch, saving the stub for the certain death he knows might come in this endless darkness.
After some time of this, Tillak begins shivering again, at first hardly noticing it himself until well obvious...
"Y'tha'qua's Bones, what I'd not give for a larger fur cloak!"
Last edited by SullyB74 (9/30/2023 9:25 am)
"I have hundred feet of sinew cord, perhaps we can construct a trip trap, so if someone came through the door they would fall down the stairs. Though this would be friend or foe?!" The cryomancer pondered. "Or just attach it to the door above and if it is opened, it will pull the string, and if we attached it, to say a couple of those bottles, yes that would work..!"
He gives Tillak his winter blank, "rap this around you, also walking back and forth, stomping your feet can generate heat!" Hoping Yikkorth was not listening as he encouraged warmth.
Caveman wrote:
"I have hundred feet of sinew cord, perhaps we can construct a trip trap, so if someone came through the door they would fall down the stairs. Though this would be friend or foe?!" The cryomancer pondered. "Or just attach it to the door above and if it is opened, it will pull the string, and if we attached it, to say a couple of those bottles, yes that would work..!"
He gives Tillak his winter blank, "rap this around you, also walking back and forth, stomping your feet can generate heat!" Hoping Yikkorth was not listening as he encouraged warmth.
Tillak helps the cryomancer build and set the trip-trap as suggested, then he accepts the blanket gratefully. "I have lost many companions on this wretched quest. I swear to you, though, I will not abandon you. Perhaps we will find Brother Kondor again."