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12/07/2021 1:45 pm  #4861

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Sigrun left her camp behind the south ridge. The only thing mentioned on her character sheet is a blanket. Undoubtedly left behind by Kondor and Gundrabu when they came looking for the others. I think they left the few sticks burning in the fire as well. Sigrun travels light and there has been no need to burden with excess shelter items for quite some time.


12/07/2021 6:33 pm  #4862

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Votin yet whines for his food.

[ooc: more of a least I have my boots]

Last edited by bald_headed_yeti (12/07/2021 6:34 pm)


12/07/2021 6:54 pm  #4863

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

bald_headed_yeti wrote:

Votin yet whines for his food.

[ooc: more of a least I have my boots]

Cleric might be eyeing those too. watch out.

     Thread Starter

12/08/2021 7:32 am  #4864

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Tillak follows Kondor, of course.

  • “Moonglum licked his long lips. 'So it’s sorcery again. In truth, Elric, this whole country is beginning to stink of wizardry and the minions of hell.' Elric murmured for his friend’s ears: 'No hell-beings these—but honest elementals, equally powerful in many ways.'"

12/08/2021 2:46 pm  #4865

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

D12- 2!

Gundrabu finally speaks, “If anyone wants any healing, you have to let me sleep! Keep me warm, provide me with food if you have it, and guard me against any peril and I will heal your hurts when I wake.”

“Our own age is not one which can afford to call its ancestors savage.” 
― Poul AndersonThe Broken Sword

12/08/2021 3:16 pm  #4866

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Sigrun eyes the barbarian she had laid flat with some amusement as he vents.  When he is done, she eyes him cooly while replying to all of them.  "I follow the game for much of my needs, so I have no need for cave or cabin.  I was about to make a lean to when the beast men came 'round.  I've done what I could for Votin here, stitching his mighty wounds with flax thread and applying poultices to draw out any poisons or infections.  To move him any further would rip his wounds open.  When the sun rises we shall know if your friend lives or dies.  Right now, there is only a fire.  If everyone agrees, I shall go and check my traps and hunt for game to eat."

OOC: If Sigrun has any roots, tubers, nuts, berries, and/or jerky, she'll hand over her bag for them to  share.  I'm sure she has a skin of water or some harsh fermented brew.

  • “He said it aloud, in a great ringing voice. Yuth-Kaathak ngom’m! Ygar naa Ithorthak! Sh’ayaa Ubb nagarr’nya Ib! Ib-nya gryalak!”
  • ― Lin Carter, The Flame of Iridar

12/08/2021 3:17 pm  #4867

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Tillak says to Gundrabu, in Esquimaux, "Sleep well, brother. I will watch you." If I have it, then I give Grandrabu the bird. (Dried seabird, that is. 😋)

  • “Moonglum licked his long lips. 'So it’s sorcery again. In truth, Elric, this whole country is beginning to stink of wizardry and the minions of hell.' Elric murmured for his friend’s ears: 'No hell-beings these—but honest elementals, equally powerful in many ways.'"

12/08/2021 3:19 pm  #4868

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

SullyB74 wrote:

Tillak says to Gundrabu, in Esquimaux, "Sleep well, brother. I will watch you." If I have it, then I give Grandrabu the bird. (Dried seabird, that is. 😋)

Votin understands the strange tongue not, but whines all the more as he watches the cleric - already filled on gifted meats - accept the seabird!

     Thread Starter

12/08/2021 3:28 pm  #4869

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

     Thread Starter

12/09/2021 1:17 pm  #4870

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

And Gundrabu sloooooowly raises the succulent morsel to his salivating lips.

“Our own age is not one which can afford to call its ancestors savage.” 
― Poul AndersonThe Broken Sword

12/09/2021 8:16 pm  #4871

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Eirvit wrote:

And Gundrabu sloooooowly raises the succulent morsel to his salivating lips.

[Gundrabu +100XP for unnecessary taunting!]

     Thread Starter

12/11/2021 9:41 am  #4872

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Iron Ranger wrote:

Eirvit wrote:

And Gundrabu sloooooowly raises the succulent morsel to his salivating lips.

[Gundrabu +100XP for unnecessary taunting!]


  • “Moonglum licked his long lips. 'So it’s sorcery again. In truth, Elric, this whole country is beginning to stink of wizardry and the minions of hell.' Elric murmured for his friend’s ears: 'No hell-beings these—but honest elementals, equally powerful in many ways.'"

12/12/2021 8:47 am  #4873

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

If I have food I give it the miraculous Votin.

Last edited by SullyB74 (12/15/2021 3:08 pm)

  • “Moonglum licked his long lips. 'So it’s sorcery again. In truth, Elric, this whole country is beginning to stink of wizardry and the minions of hell.' Elric murmured for his friend’s ears: 'No hell-beings these—but honest elementals, equally powerful in many ways.'"

12/12/2021 10:05 am  #4874

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Tillak is out of seabird, but the viking produces quite of spread of hard berries and treenuts from her pack.

     Thread Starter

12/12/2021 7:48 pm  #4875

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Iron Ranger wrote:

Tillak is out of seabird, but the viking produces quite of spread of hard berries and treenuts from her pack.

Ignoring the taunting from Gundrabu,  Votin accepts all food offered...

"Thank you, I will return your aid threefold when I am well."


12/12/2021 8:13 pm  #4876

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

bald_headed_yeti wrote:

Iron Ranger wrote:

Tillak is out of seabird, but the viking produces quite of spread of hard berries and treenuts from her pack.

Ignoring the taunting from Gundrabu,  Votin accepts all food offered...

"Thank you, I will return your aid threefold when I am well."

At this, Kondor thinks he sees the faint of a smile cross the viking's lips...

     Thread Starter

12/21/2021 7:10 pm  #4877

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Eveyone hears the sudden sound of limbs snapping from trees over the far side of the north ridge.

[All players roll d12]

     Thread Starter

12/22/2021 8:42 am  #4878

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

1d12: 8!

  • “Moonglum licked his long lips. 'So it’s sorcery again. In truth, Elric, this whole country is beginning to stink of wizardry and the minions of hell.' Elric murmured for his friend’s ears: 'No hell-beings these—but honest elementals, equally powerful in many ways.'"

12/22/2021 10:54 am  #4879

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

SullyB74 wrote:

1d12: 8!

Eight deer explode over the crest of the north ridge above the group, moving in breakneck chaos down to the stream!

     Thread Starter

12/22/2021 4:22 pm  #4880

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Tillak's eyes widen. "Huntswoman," he says to Sigurn, "can you bring one of those down?" His wisdom then kicks in as he realizes that those deer could easily be running from a large, fierce predator.

  • “Moonglum licked his long lips. 'So it’s sorcery again. In truth, Elric, this whole country is beginning to stink of wizardry and the minions of hell.' Elric murmured for his friend’s ears: 'No hell-beings these—but honest elementals, equally powerful in many ways.'"

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