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11/04/2021 2:36 pm  #4761

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

SullyB74 wrote:

Tillak looks past Sigurn at the river. "I wonder if Guandrabu is alright," he mutters under his breath, steeling himself against the incoming night chill.  

Tillak is in Sigrun's crude camp - which is South of the South ridge. He cannot see the stream from here.


11/04/2021 2:48 pm  #4762

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

[Got it.]

  • “Moonglum licked his long lips. 'So it’s sorcery again. In truth, Elric, this whole country is beginning to stink of wizardry and the minions of hell.' Elric murmured for his friend’s ears: 'No hell-beings these—but honest elementals, equally powerful in many ways.'"

11/04/2021 6:29 pm  #4763

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Iron Ranger wrote:

[Kondor +1 HP]


Is Kondor conscious?


11/04/2021 6:31 pm  #4764

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

fireinthedust wrote:

Iron Ranger wrote:

[Kondor +1 HP]


Is Kondor conscious?

No, he was knocked good and senseless.
He has recovered 1 hp since they moved him to the campsite.

     Thread Starter

11/04/2021 6:44 pm  #4765

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

[How long until Kondor is awake?] 

  • “Moonglum licked his long lips. 'So it’s sorcery again. In truth, Elric, this whole country is beginning to stink of wizardry and the minions of hell.' Elric murmured for his friend’s ears: 'No hell-beings these—but honest elementals, equally powerful in many ways.'"

11/04/2021 7:13 pm  #4766

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

SullyB74 wrote:

[How long until Kondor is awake?] 

Tillak is unsure. But he is deathly aware that none of his group can remember when they last ate or slept.

Last edited by Iron Ranger (11/04/2021 7:14 pm)

     Thread Starter

11/05/2021 4:12 pm  #4767

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Once Sigrun gets the fire going, she tells Tillak to tend to it before heading off to check on the dead. She makes sure her movements are none threatening to the one Tillak named Gondrabu and when she’s close enough, Sigrun will shout out, “Gondrabu? Your comrades Tillak and Kondor are up on yon ridge. Both are alive. Is there anything I can help you with? If not, I will hunt us some food to eat.”

  • “He said it aloud, in a great ringing voice. Yuth-Kaathak ngom’m! Ygar naa Ithorthak! Sh’ayaa Ubb nagarr’nya Ib! Ib-nya gryalak!”
  • ― Lin Carter, The Flame of Iridar

11/05/2021 4:49 pm  #4768

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Iron Ranger wrote:

SullyB74 wrote:

Crawdad wrote:

OOC: Does this site have an online dice roller?

Not that I know of. I use the one on Wizards of the Coast. We just go by the honor system here. 

I think Votin just used something on here??

[ooc; you can roll the die [1d20] and the results can come in a link...sorry to be late ... new job like the old one but pays way more]


11/05/2021 5:07 pm  #4769

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Iron Ranger wrote:

[waiting for 2nd Votin d20 roll...]



11/06/2021 10:19 am  #4770

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Iron Ranger wrote:

fireinthedust wrote:

Iron Ranger wrote:

[Kondor +1 HP]


Is Kondor conscious?

No, he was knocked good and senseless.
He has recovered 1 hp since they moved him to the campsite.

Right, back I go!  *zzzzZZZZZzzzzzz


11/07/2021 11:28 am  #4771

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

bald_headed_yeti wrote:

Iron Ranger wrote:

[waiting for 2nd Votin d20 roll...]



     Thread Starter

11/07/2021 9:43 pm  #4772

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Crawdad wrote:

Once Sigrun gets the fire going, she tells Tillak to tend to it before heading off to check on the dead. She makes sure her movements are none threatening to the one Tillak named Gondrabu and when she’s close enough, Sigrun will shout out, “Gondrabu? Your comrades Tillak and Kondor are up on yon ridge. Both are alive. Is there anything I can help you with? If not, I will hunt us some food to eat.”

"Have you any skill in leechcraft, stranger? This man lives, but barely. I have naught I can do for him."
Though Gundrabu uncertainly turns the new ring find on his thumb, wondering if it has some boon within.
[Also, hilarious quotation. Well chosen! ]

“Our own age is not one which can afford to call its ancestors savage.” 
― Poul AndersonThe Broken Sword

11/08/2021 12:40 am  #4773

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Sigrun approached him and the man prone on the ground, or what was left of him. There was just a flicker of life still within, just barely. “Let me look and I will see if there’s anything I can do.”

OOC: Is there anything Sigrun can do? Sewing wounds shut with catgut and bone needle/hook? Stuffing wounds with chewed plants that would both coagulate blood and fight infection?

  • “He said it aloud, in a great ringing voice. Yuth-Kaathak ngom’m! Ygar naa Ithorthak! Sh’ayaa Ubb nagarr’nya Ib! Ib-nya gryalak!”
  • ― Lin Carter, The Flame of Iridar

11/08/2021 10:01 am  #4774

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Crawdad wrote:

Sigrun approached him and the man prone on the ground, or what was left of him. There was just a flicker of life still within, just barely. “Let me look and I will see if there’s anything I can do.”

OOC: Is there anything Sigrun can do? Sewing wounds shut with catgut and bone needle/hook? Stuffing wounds with chewed plants that would both coagulate blood and fight infection?

Sigun stands before the stream looking over to the cleric kneeling before the fallen barbarian. She touches her satchel, glad to have bought it from the camp, and ponders how to cross the water.

     Thread Starter

11/08/2021 10:08 am  #4775

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Tillak warms himself near the small fire as Helios slips behind the ridge, bathing the wood to the south in deep darkness. The viking's camp is recent. His stomach aches for nourishment - the only thing keeping him awake.
Kondor breathes evenly beside him on the ground. 

     Thread Starter

11/08/2021 6:30 pm  #4776

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Tillak shakes Kondor again, trying to wake him.

  • “Moonglum licked his long lips. 'So it’s sorcery again. In truth, Elric, this whole country is beginning to stink of wizardry and the minions of hell.' Elric murmured for his friend’s ears: 'No hell-beings these—but honest elementals, equally powerful in many ways.'"

11/08/2021 6:45 pm  #4777

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

SullyB74 wrote:

Tillak shakes Kondor again, trying to wake him.

It's no use - he's deep in slumber - as Tillak himself wishes he were, but

[Kondor +1HP]

     Thread Starter

11/09/2021 7:58 pm  #4778

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Iron Ranger wrote:

SullyB74 wrote:

Tillak shakes Kondor again, trying to wake him.

It's no use - he's deep in slumber - as Tillak himself wishes he were, but

[Kondor +1HP]

Kondor continues sleeping and healing. 


11/09/2021 8:00 pm  #4779

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

fireinthedust wrote:

Iron Ranger wrote:

SullyB74 wrote:

Tillak shakes Kondor again, trying to wake him.

It's no use - he's deep in slumber - as Tillak himself wishes he were, but

[Kondor +1HP]

Kondor continues sleeping and healing. 

[Kondor +100XP for barbarian smarts.]

     Thread Starter

11/10/2021 7:38 pm  #4780

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Iron Ranger wrote:

Crawdad wrote:

Sigrun approached him and the man prone on the ground, or what was left of him. There was just a flicker of life still within, just barely. “Let me look and I will see if there’s anything I can do.”

OOC: Is there anything Sigrun can do? Sewing wounds shut with catgut and bone needle/hook? Stuffing wounds with chewed plants that would both coagulate blood and fight infection?

Sigun stands before the stream looking over to the cleric kneeling before the fallen barbarian. She touches her satchel, glad to have bought it from the camp, and ponders how to cross the water.

Sigrun will first look for a shallow section to ford. If none is available, is there a canoe on her side of the stream? Maybe a fallen tree that has spanned some of the stream? Barring any of these, she will then divest herself of shield, bow, arrows, spear and outer furs and cross where she thinks is best.

  • “He said it aloud, in a great ringing voice. Yuth-Kaathak ngom’m! Ygar naa Ithorthak! Sh’ayaa Ubb nagarr’nya Ib! Ib-nya gryalak!”
  • ― Lin Carter, The Flame of Iridar

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