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10/30/2021 9:45 am  #4741

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

When it is time for Gundrabu’s action, he lays his sharpened pike lengthways athwart an undamaged canoe, seats himself within, and begins to paddle across to the fallen.

“Our own age is not one which can afford to call its ancestors savage.” 
― Poul AndersonThe Broken Sword

10/30/2021 8:47 pm  #4742

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

SullyB74 wrote:

If he sees her, Tillak stops in his tracks. If he is with in earshot, he speaks. "Who are you? Where is my brother, Kondor? If you've harmed him, then you'll wish that the lizard had taken your life  as well as the life of the brave barbarian who feel while saving us!" Tillak begins to think of his spell while raising his shield in a defensive posture and crouching.  

Her voice is cold, haughty even as she remembers her bloodline. "I am Sigrun, daughter of Hjallmar Half-Hand, son of Ulfgar Bear-Killer," she roared out,  slamming the butt of her spear into  the ground. "Your brother is alive, for the moment.  The great ormr, the serpent has left, the men who are not men are dead and scattered.  I have no quarrel with you but if wish me harm or foul trickery, I will fight till my last breath leaves my lips.  I haver not seen humans in these lands in for...some time.  I would talk in peace. If not, we go on our own way."

"What say you?"

  • “He said it aloud, in a great ringing voice. Yuth-Kaathak ngom’m! Ygar naa Ithorthak! Sh’ayaa Ubb nagarr’nya Ib! Ib-nya gryalak!”
  • ― Lin Carter, The Flame of Iridar

10/31/2021 9:31 am  #4743

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Crawdad wrote:

SullyB74 wrote:

If he sees her, Tillak stops in his tracks. If he is with in earshot, he speaks. "Who are you? Where is my brother, Kondor? If you've harmed him, then you'll wish that the lizard had taken your life  as well as the life of the brave barbarian who feel while saving us!" Tillak begins to think of his spell while raising his shield in a defensive posture and crouching.  

Her voice is cold, haughty even as she remembers her bloodline. "I am Sigrun, daughter of Hjallmar Half-Hand, son of Ulfgar Bear-Killer," she roared out,  slamming the butt of her spear into  the ground. "Your brother is alive, for the moment.  The great ormr, the serpent has left, the men who are not men are dead and scattered.  I have no quarrel with you but if wish me harm or foul trickery, I will fight till my last breath leaves my lips.  I haver not seen humans in these lands in for...some time.  I would talk in peace. If not, we go on our own way."

"What say you?"

"If you offer parlay, then I accept it. What of my brother, though? You say he's alive, but I do not know if this is true. We were victims of those beast men, not their allies. Will you allow me to see him and know that he is well, then I will parlay with you."  

Last edited by SullyB74 (10/31/2021 11:45 am)

  • “Moonglum licked his long lips. 'So it’s sorcery again. In truth, Elric, this whole country is beginning to stink of wizardry and the minions of hell.' Elric murmured for his friend’s ears: 'No hell-beings these—but honest elementals, equally powerful in many ways.'"

10/31/2021 10:19 am  #4744

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

“Come in peace, then, and see your brother,” Sigrun replied. She relaxes her stance and waits.

  • “He said it aloud, in a great ringing voice. Yuth-Kaathak ngom’m! Ygar naa Ithorthak! Sh’ayaa Ubb nagarr’nya Ib! Ib-nya gryalak!”
  • ― Lin Carter, The Flame of Iridar

10/31/2021 11:53 am  #4745

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Tillak lowers his shield and advances up the hill, but keeps his pick at the ready. As he reaches the top, he moves past the hunts-woman, keeping and eye on her, and towards the prone form of Kondor. Tillak kneels next to his companion and examines Kondor to see if he lives. He shakes the barbarian in order to awaken him as he gives the warrior woman with the spear a cold glare, the eldritch power of his arcane might giving his normally brown Esquimeaux eyes a bluish tinge. 
"Why did you do this. Kondor is an honorable man. Did he attack you?"  Thinking of her name, and marking it's Nordic keen, Tillak asks the same question in his passable Norse tongue. 

Last edited by SullyB74 (10/31/2021 12:00 pm)

  • “Moonglum licked his long lips. 'So it’s sorcery again. In truth, Elric, this whole country is beginning to stink of wizardry and the minions of hell.' Elric murmured for his friend’s ears: 'No hell-beings these—but honest elementals, equally powerful in many ways.'"

10/31/2021 11:21 pm  #4746

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Sigrun matches the Esquimeaux’s cold glare with her own. “He was at the edge of my camp. I did not want him to catch the attention of either the men who are not men or the ormr. I told him not to make a noise, and he did. I knocked him out cold rather than run him through with my spear.  Who are you? Why are you out here?”

  • “He said it aloud, in a great ringing voice. Yuth-Kaathak ngom’m! Ygar naa Ithorthak! Sh’ayaa Ubb nagarr’nya Ib! Ib-nya gryalak!”
  • ― Lin Carter, The Flame of Iridar

11/01/2021 6:59 am  #4747

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

I am Tillak, Esquimaux. This is my brother, Kondor. We and my other brother, Gundrabu, were tricked by the beast men and captured. We mean you no harm. We just want to leave this place." Tillak kneels and shakes Kondor again, calling his name while doing so.

Last edited by SullyB74 (11/01/2021 11:57 am)

  • “Moonglum licked his long lips. 'So it’s sorcery again. In truth, Elric, this whole country is beginning to stink of wizardry and the minions of hell.' Elric murmured for his friend’s ears: 'No hell-beings these—but honest elementals, equally powerful in many ways.'"

11/01/2021 10:08 pm  #4748

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Kondor remains unresponsive.

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11/01/2021 10:47 pm  #4749

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

It was strange, she thought, talking to humans again. It had been many winters since the last of her hunting party had died.

“Come to my camp and I’ll get the fire going again. I’ll help you with your brother.” Sigrun will help Tillak drag Kondor over to the small ring of stones in the middle of the clearing. Then she will crouch low to the fire and breathe life to the embers, keeping the two within sight.

  • “He said it aloud, in a great ringing voice. Yuth-Kaathak ngom’m! Ygar naa Ithorthak! Sh’ayaa Ubb nagarr’nya Ib! Ib-nya gryalak!”
  • ― Lin Carter, The Flame of Iridar

11/02/2021 6:31 am  #4750

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

As Tillak helps drag Kondor over to fire, he speaks to Sigurn again, this time in Norse. "How long have you been out here? This is a hostile place. The beastmen, the ormr," he stumbles over that last, unfamiliar word. "Where are your people? You are obviously strong and brave, but to withstand so much alone. If I had not seen it with my own eyes I would not believe it."

Last edited by SullyB74 (11/02/2021 6:46 am)

  • “Moonglum licked his long lips. 'So it’s sorcery again. In truth, Elric, this whole country is beginning to stink of wizardry and the minions of hell.' Elric murmured for his friend’s ears: 'No hell-beings these—but honest elementals, equally powerful in many ways.'"

11/02/2021 8:59 am  #4751

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

[Kondor +1 HP]


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11/02/2021 9:01 am  #4752

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

[Tillak +100XP for keeping the peace.]

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11/02/2021 9:02 am  #4753

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

[waiting for 2nd Votin d20 roll...]

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11/02/2021 9:03 am  #4754

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Gundrabu walks to the water's edge and looks across to the fallen barbarian.

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11/02/2021 9:09 am  #4755

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

The air cools as Helios begins a slow sink behind the ridge.

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11/02/2021 9:05 pm  #4756

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Gundrabu kneels and checks for signs of life. If he finds any, he binds wounds — searching through any belongings the person has that may be of help.

“Our own age is not one which can afford to call its ancestors savage.” 
― Poul AndersonThe Broken Sword

11/02/2021 9:19 pm  #4757

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Eirvit wrote:

Gundrabu kneels and checks for signs of life. If he finds any, he binds wounds — searching through any belongings the person has that may be of help.

No, gundrabu is on the canoe side of the water, the barbarian on the other.

     Thread Starter

11/02/2021 10:22 pm  #4758

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Oh, okay. I do the below, then. I think the newcomer before the latest is Votin and that he is “dead.” I’m trying to get to him.

Eirvit wrote:

When it is time for Gundrabu’s action, he lays his sharpened pike lengthways athwart an undamaged canoe, seats himself within, and begins to paddle across to the fallen.


“Our own age is not one which can afford to call its ancestors savage.” 
― Poul AndersonThe Broken Sword

11/02/2021 11:25 pm  #4759

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Ah missed that.
Gundrabu arrives at the fallen man. His wounds are deep and much blood is lost but he yet clings to life.

     Thread Starter

11/04/2021 2:27 pm  #4760

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Tillak looks past Sigurn at the river. "I wonder if Guandrabu is alright," he mutters under his breath, steeling himself against the incoming night chill.  

  • “Moonglum licked his long lips. 'So it’s sorcery again. In truth, Elric, this whole country is beginning to stink of wizardry and the minions of hell.' Elric murmured for his friend’s ears: 'No hell-beings these—but honest elementals, equally powerful in many ways.'"

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