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11/22/2016 6:15 pm  #1

Charlotte, NC

If you live near Charlotte and want to play AS&SH, feel free to post here or PM me. 

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face

6/08/2017 11:01 pm  #2

Re: Charlotte, NC

4 hours down the road from you, but hopefully we can either meet up at MACE and/or plan a big gaming weekend before the end of this year. HUZZAH!!! \m/

"We're always creating rules in the tacit pursuit of verisimilitude. This is a valid and noble pursuit.
But for some of us, that's a false idol. We harken to a different song." - Frank Mentzer, 2017

6/09/2017 7:43 am  #3

Re: Charlotte, NC

blackmote wrote:

4 hours down the road from you, but hopefully we can either meet up at MACE and/or plan a big gaming weekend before the end of this year. HUZZAH!!! \m/

Yes! I plan to run at least two games there this year. I missed MACE in 2016 because it fell at the same time as GameHole, but this year it's a week later. I suppose I should probably make a MACE post in the Convention and Game Day forum.

Anyway, separately, if you and Stephen want to ride up one week, we can grab locals (capitalbill, fridge) and another guy that lives in Spartanburg and do a kind of mini-con one Saturday. Food for thought!

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face
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