According to Smith's stories, Uzuldaroum became the capital of Hyperborea after the populace left Khromarium.
Anyone use this city in their campaign? Smith placed it about a day from Khromarium, but I'm thinking of putting the ruins in Brigand's Bay and potentially tying it to the Hyperborean's brief flirtation with Druidism prior to the Green Death.
A day from Khromarium would still be in the same hex on the big map! CAS wasn't thinking on our scales. Given that, your idea sounds good. Why not?
I also like the thought that every Hyperborean household that retreated with its slaves, icons, incunabula, artifacts, immanence engines, and particular scent etiquette to a fastness in the Spiral Mountain Array to live or die in decadent isolation called that retreat Uzuldaroum, which would have to mean something self-aggrandizing and dramatically ironic like "Eternal Splendor of the Last Righteous Demons" or "Whence Springs the New and Final Paradise" or something.
Hmm; an Amazonian skyship can travel 90 miles in a day. Perhaps the more advanced Hyperborean vessels could make the trip from Khromarium to Brigand's Bay in a single day?
Indeed; each isolated Hyperborian retreat within the Spiral Mountain Array deserves its own pretentious title.
I was thinking about this too! I seem to remember Uzuldaroum was eons post Hyperboria in CAS' cannon and a part of the Zothique Setting. I imagine that is why Jeff left it off map. still I will definitely be using it in my game because I have such a strong mental image of the place.