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11/08/2015 6:25 pm  #21

Re: Rats in the Walls

Ghul wrote:

Try NOT to do things that will set a demon free into the world! ;)


Michael Sipe 1979-2018
Rest in peace, brother.

11/08/2015 8:47 pm  #22

Re: Rats in the Walls

Ghul wrote:

Rastus_Burne wrote:

I ran this a few months ago within Xamboola. It was pretty fun from my side of the screen and the players were suitably creeped out!

Thanks! That's great to hear. It had a lasting impact in my campaign. Try NOT to do things that will set a demon free into the world! ;)

They were unbelievably frightened of a certain skeleton and must have spent at least 30 minutes deciding whether to enter the room or not!


11/09/2015 10:16 am  #23

Re: Rats in the Walls

This was all set to have a lasting impact in my campaign until giant ticks TPKed them in the swamps on the way to the Black Fief. Annesta was quite disappointed.

Also, I just got the pun in her name.


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