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Rules Discussion » Scouts » 10/30/2023 8:01 am

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gizmomathboy wrote:

That’s a fantastically useful PC generator!  Thanks for this.

Adventures » DCC adventures in Hyperborea » 9/16/2023 7:38 am

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I’d not seen this offer on Humble Bundle - thanks for the heads-up 

Literary Inspirations » House of Cthulhu - Brian Lumley » 9/16/2023 7:25 am

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Just to add… for those of you who like to listen to audio books, the Audible version is fantastically read by Joshua Saxon; he gives the tales the appropriate doom and gravitas.

HYPERBOREA 3E » HYPERBOREA 3E Ready Reference Sheets » 9/09/2023 12:32 pm

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 Might be good to include illumination distances for various light sources, as well as how long they last before burning out.

Literary Inspirations » House of Cthulhu - Brian Lumley » 9/05/2023 12:36 pm

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I’ve been very much enjoying Brian Lumley’s House of Cthulhu (Primal Land tales).  They seem to me to be a highly delicious slice of Sword and Sorcery in the vein of Clark Ashton Smith (though with a lot less of his wonderfully purple prose, but atmospherically written none the less).  I flag here because the tales seem to be very much in the vein of Hyperborea (sans the weird science) and are available on Amazon.  One thing to note, so far as I have got, the Cthulhoid aspect is more set dressing than taking a central theme or place, but lend the appropriate sense of ancient horrors lying in the shadows.

Announcements » The Thousand Eyes of Thaumagorga » 8/14/2023 1:25 pm

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Just wondering if there is a rough ETA on when we might get our claws on this…?

Sorcery » [2E] Restoration » 5/13/2023 8:10 am

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Ah Restoration…. It is written in the Tablets of Zin Ra that such is necromancy and a price must always be paid.  The greater the malady restored, the higher the price exacted by the gods or demons that are trafficked with.  The Powers demand part of the soul so ‘restored’, be it in the form of salving the decay in rare ointments, blood sacrifice, corrupting carnality, or other unsavoury practices.  Yes, one will be ‘fully restored’, but the wise know that one gets nothing for nothing.  The Tablets of Zin Ra also speak of ‘resurrection’, but let us not tread that dread path just yet.

Announcements » OGL 1.1 and Hyperborea » 1/28/2023 12:04 pm

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This is excellent news, and a huge relief.  These changed licensing arrangements posed an existential threat to the D&D influenced hobby, and the collective of players put aside its day-to-day differences and spoke with unity.  Glad WotC seemingly listened and have done the right thing.  Long live Hyperborea! 

Announcements » OGL 1.1 and Hyperborea » 1/25/2023 8:09 am

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gizmomathboy wrote:

Ferrophagic Horror...

That's fantastic! 

Announcements » OGL 1.1 and Hyperborea » 1/15/2023 12:25 pm

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Matt Finch discusses implications for OSR and retroclones here:

My overall impression from the discussion was more positive than I had been feeling up to that point in that it seems Swords & Wizardry is well placed to break free from the WotC licence.  I wonder if this may make for a model of how Hyperborea might move forwards.

Hyperborea » Khopeshes and Rapiers » 2/09/2022 7:25 am

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The khopesh is in Unearthed Arcana, doing 2d4 (vs small/medium), which seems sensible given its axe-like qualities. I’d also suggest using this for swords such as the Canaanite style sickle sword given similarities with the Khopesh (I assume they are related weapons).  For the smaller agricultural-type sickle, 1d4 seems sensible.

Announcements » Important HYPERBOREA 3E Update » 12/20/2021 3:27 am

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A bright light in these dim wintery Hyperborean times.  Yay, huzzah for Santa-claws…

Announcements » Important HYPERBOREA 3E Update » 10/17/2021 6:07 pm

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No worries Jeff, and thanks for the heads-up. All part of this pandemic merry-go-round…

(As with both previous editions, I’ll be printing off a ‘working copy’ from the PDF for use at the game table anyway).

HYPERBOREA 3E » What makes it a Third Edition? » 6/15/2021 3:27 pm

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Presumably, with the system as originally set out by Ghul (where the side with initiative do all their actions, and then the losing side do all theirs), a stationary archer with initiative can declare a hold action with an intention to shoot any advancing opposition.  They can then take their shot when the other side moves.  This seems fair even though it’s no longer the turn of the archer because each side would have declared actions at the start, and if that’s what the winning archer intended to do, then so be it.

HYPERBOREA 3E » What makes it a Third Edition? » 6/08/2021 6:46 am

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Looks very neat and 'playable'.  Good compromise between the original AS&SH phases and the much simpler Basic/BX approach.   

HYPERBOREA 3E » What makes it a Third Edition? » 5/14/2021 12:57 pm

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shankspeare wrote:

... will any of the awesome charcoal art be staying? The Bard in particular might be some of my favorite RPG art.

Second that.  I hope the plan is to retain the 1st ed art.  I love those charcoal/pencil pictures...

HYPERBOREA 3E » What makes it a Third Edition? » 5/10/2021 11:14 am

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Ghul wrote:

 Hyperborea is a cold, unforgiving world..... I want my players to struggle, because they deserve to suffer. 

Wow!  If this is the players' fate, I dread to think what's in store for their PCs...  

HYPERBOREA 3E » What makes it a Third Edition? » 4/30/2021 9:20 am

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BlackKnight wrote:

I always understood it as Belief makes the illusion real. If you fail saves, the illusion should be "real" to you...

The issue relates to illusions being touched or hit.  In AS&SH, I seem to recall that, if touched, the illusion is effectively dispelled (no save required). 

Castles & Crusades has an interesting take on illusionists in that the sorcerer is able to create a quasi-reality - the term 'illusionist' being somewhat of a misnomer.  In this sense, illusionists are the most powerful of sorcerers, being able to forge their own (quasi) reality.  In game terms, this seems to me to be a good take on the illusionist, because it makes their craft both more attractive to a player (because their incantations cannot be readily dispelled by someone merely touching it) and as NPC antagonists (for the same reason).  I imagine a successful save against an illusion spell represents the protagonist using force of will or some such to reimpose their own subjective realty on the way they perceive the world and hence break - in their mind - the quasi-reality of the 'illusion'.  Or something like that, anyway... 

HYPERBOREA 3E » What makes it a Third Edition? » 4/30/2021 4:56 am

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Sounds great!

One thing I noticed from Castles & Crusades is that illusionist spells don’t dissipate when touched - they persist because the illusion is quasi-real.  I can see that this makes illusionists a much more powerful (and attractive) class.  It also makes them potent as NPC antagonists.  I mention this because I recall that touching an illusion in AS&SH causes it to dispel.  This may be too much of a change, but I wonder if something similar might be considered for the next edition of AS&SH, particularly for some of the higher level illusions.  Just a thought...

HYPERBOREA 3E » HYPERBOREA 3E has been announced. » 4/30/2021 4:43 am

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Super excited about the new edition.  The next few months are going to really drag whilst waiting to get my claws on this...

I can see the logic of shortening the name, but it seems to me that the full title is as much of a feature as it is a bit of a mouthful - one of it’s stand out characteristics.  Perhaps an eye-catching ‘Hyperborea’ on the front cover (I can see the large font now in my mind’s eye - looks great!), but the full title on the inside, or similar...?  Anyway, this is Jeff’s baby and I’m excited about this whatever he decides to call it.


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