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Swordsmen & Sorcerers » Paladin » 12/26/2024 6:27 pm

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I would say it depends on the paladin, but a quick read of the paladin description doesn't specifically call out necromancy as something they oppose, though consorting with daemons is so I assume that as long as the neutral necromancer isn't using the summon daemon spells the paladin could put aside any qualms for the mission.

Sorcery » A sword, a scabbard, a helmet » 10/13/2024 6:16 pm

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Grand Cycle Sword: A grand cycle sword is a finely crafted short sword, with a jade hilt decorated with astrological symbols. For most a grand cycle sword is a short sword +1, but when wielded by one who knows the proper techniques its true powers become known. In the hands of a monk, the weapon is effectively a long sword +2 in almost all respects, including WC, though not designed to be wielded two-handed. The blade does not physically extend, though one can see a small white bead of energy, perhaps the wielder's own ka/qi, that travels up from the hilt to the "tip" of the "blade." In addition, the grand cycle sword adds 3 to the wielder's dexterity for purposes of determining who strikes first when initiative is tied.
It is said that there were 13 of these swords made, each with unique hilts pairing both monthly and yearly zodiacal symbols but, in the countless ages since their creation, most have been lost. Rumours hint darkly at the swords bringing misfortune to their wielders when both month and year match the sword. An up-and-coming thief in Port Zangerios is known to possess one of these blades, with the signs of Taurus and Fish.
XP 1000; GP 10000

Kingly Scabbard: A well crafted hard leather scabbard for a long sword or broad sword, lined with fur and decorated with the image of a bear in a Keltic style and a silver spiderweb design. When worn its owner does not bleed, allowing them to continue fighting from 0 to -9 hp (death still occurs at -10). In addition, while at 0 to -9 hp, the owner will regenerate 2 hp per round until reaching 1 hp or more, and furthermore natural healing is doubled. Finally, if a non-magical weapon is sheathed with this scabbard, it is treated as a +1 magical weapon while in use.
These scabbards are considered a sign of nobility and lordship among the group of Kelts known as the Children of Camlann, and anyone wearing one receives a +2 reaction bonus while dealing with them. Mere dream-imitations of the original reli

Rules Discussion » Few question on rules for new referee » 10/03/2024 5:09 pm

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Blackadder23 wrote:

One useful method here is to put the PCs on a time limit right up front: "In three days my daughter will be executed by the bandits who kidnapped her. Rescue her before then and you get 500 gp each; if she dies, you get nothing." That will reduce the chance of them fooling around. Another method (although it's heavy-handed, and I would use it less often) is to cut off their retreat (with a collapsed hallway, overwhelming numbers of monsters, or whatever).

Yeah, I wasn't expecting them to try to leave off. Were I to run it again, I'd probably play up Annesta being sick, probably make Xill more sickly too. Maybe even have her already be a wererat locked up in the attic and you have to kill the gnagana before the next full moon or its permanent, make the whole thing more explicitly supernatural from the get-go. You'd lose the escalation where they realise it's not merely a really bad rat infestation, but the trade-off of having a definite time limit would help give them a push to keep going.

Rules Discussion » Few question on rules for new referee » 10/02/2024 6:24 pm

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Neat! I never moved to 5e so I can't compare how it works with that, but hopefully this should answer your questions:

- Percentile rolls, like extraordinary feats, are generally bottom to top, so if you have a 16% chance, you're looking for 01-16 on the die roll.
- Yes, scrolls are basically single-use items that replicate casting the spell, so it doesn't affect your daily spell usage.
- It varies on a case-by-case basis, but if they do require an attack roll than it will mention it in the description. So burning hands and magic missile don't need an attack roll, but magic ice dart and acid arrow do, for example. If you do make an attack roll, then yes, you roll d20 and use the THAC0 table.

Hope that helps! Rats in the Walls is a good adventure and pretty easy to run. If your players aren't super used to OSR-style gameplay, it might be useful to try and keep pressure up to keep them moving forward. When I ran it, my players tried to back out and rest basically right at the finish line, but luckily went to talk to a priest who was able to tell them it was probably a bad idea to leave a rat daemon around to plot revenge. Luckily they listened, if they had waited the night I'd have had to have them come back to the whole inn infested and the NPCs stripped to the bone by ravenous rats.

Rules Discussion » D&D 5E to Hyperborea for Caverns of Thracia? » 7/17/2024 4:35 pm

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I mean, the mechanical shortcomings of 5e are a bit of a moot point; a) the maps and encounters aren't going to be radically different and most of them you can just replace with the equivalent monster or encounter, plus using Hype3e means you're not going to be engaging with 5e mechanics, and b) 5e or DCC, the OAR releases come with a reprint of the original adventure packed in (with history and commentary, the OAR releases are also reference books). I'd still recommend going for the DCC version; if you do find something in the expanded section you want, it's easier to convert from a system you're already familiar with (and as I understand it, it's easier to convert to 5e than to convert from 5e), but really the big question is which cover do you prefer?

Rules Discussion » D&D 5E to Hyperborea for Caverns of Thracia? » 7/06/2024 5:06 pm

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I suspect the DCC version would be easier to convert over (or at least it would if you're more familiar with it), but both editions should come with the original AD&D version as well which would probably be the best bet.

Adventures » The Tower of the Elephant » 5/07/2024 1:11 am

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I saw this get a shoutout on r/osr, and of course it seemed like the kind of thing this board would be interested. The Tower of the Elephant for OSE on Drivthru. No idea how it is, I haven't picked it up just yet, but it seems like some good fun.

Adventures » the Brazen Bull (SPOILERS THEREIN) » 5/07/2024 1:07 am

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Chainsaw wrote:

Maybe next time. 

Does mean there's still a dude going around kidnapping people for sacrifice, for sure!

Adventures » the Brazen Bull (SPOILERS THEREIN) » 5/05/2024 8:59 pm

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I thought I was gonna get to chat about this one, but then my players looked down the hole after Naitol got thrown down it and decided, nah. The session turned into more of a consolidation session, and then they went off to find the Frog Demon Temple where I'm worried they're gonna die.

Swordsmen & Sorcerers » Acrobat » 5/03/2024 2:33 pm

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Nice! I did the same thing a while ago, borrowing a lot from the OSE-AF version of the class too. For the 'Falling' ability I just gave them the monk's Controlled Fall. I also kept the Evasion ability from OSE, it seemed fitting that they would have an advantage in dipping out of a fight. How do you see them advancing? I just used the Assassin's XP/FA track.

HYPERBOREA 3E » Ixians » 4/19/2024 2:22 pm

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Thinking more, I've come to like the idea that while most Ixians look like someone you can meet in real life, there are Ixian sorcerers who are actually grey, but in a monochrome kind of way. Thinking about the "grey dust of corroded planets" found in Sharath, I think people who spend enough time messing with the weird energies and radiations at the edge of the world might find their colour draining away until they look like they're out of a black and white movie. I imagine this is a weird effect that will even affect their clothes and other wearables, or at least as long as they're worn. Laboratories in Sharath end up looking like a scene from the '31 Frankenstein.

Swordsmen & Sorcerers » Levels Higher than 12 » 12/25/2023 4:46 pm

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It's something I pondered a bit as I look at TSR settings I'd like to run, while Hyperborea has easily become my preferred ruleset. Do I tone stuff down to Hyperborea scale, or expand out? It's easy enough to port over the basics for levels 13+ from 1e, there's just a few points of AS&SH rules that you'll have to judge on, for instance FA is capped to 12 (3e RM pg. 19) and saves cap out at HD 17. Should those advance further, or do you leave them as-is? If you do leave them, does giving spell-casters more spells per day/spell levels tilt the balance too much in favour of casters? What about thief abilities? Should those end up capping out at 10:12, should you advance up the dice chain (to borrow a DCC-ism), or just allow for thieves that are so good at what they do it's basically supernatural? I think once you make your decisions about those, you're pretty much good to go.

Bestiary » MMM - Mini-Monster Manual » 12/23/2023 4:42 am

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digitalelf wrote:

Was curious if anyone here has converted any of the genies, particularly the Djinni and/or Efreeti?

I know I can just use them out of the Rules Cyclopedia or the 1e/2e Monster Manuals pretty much as is, but it would be cool to see what others may have done.

Not sure if it's quite what you're looking for, but seeing as I have adventures that use them and I needed to convert them over anyways, here are fairly direct, quick and dirty conversions from the MM:

Djinni: #E 1|AL CG|SZ L|MV 30 (fly 90)|DX 14|AC 4|HD 7+3|#A 1/1 (pummel)|D 2d8|SV 13|ML 12|XP 1480|TC Nil| Special:
Beneficent Host: Once per day can cast Create Food and Water, Hallucinatory Terrain, Major Creation, Invisibility, and Alter Self (CA 12).
Whirlwind: A djinni can create a whirlwind and send it up to 50 feet away. Creatures caught in the whirlwind are buffeted by powerful winds and whatever debris has been picked up, taking 2d6 damage and having to make a transformation save or be blown off their feet and knocked 1d10 feet away in a random direction.
Lord of Air: If attacked by creatures of the air, enemies suffer -1 "to Hit" and -1 damage. Further, a djinni subject to air based spells recieves a +2 to its saves.
Noble Djinni: 1% of djinni encountered are nobility, and are in most respects treated as an efreeti. Noble djinn's pummel attack deals 3d8 damage, while their whirlwind deals 3d6 and transformation saves are made at -2. XP 2350.

Efreeti: #E 1|AL N (LE)|SZ L|MV 30 (fly 90)|DX 12|AC 2|HD 10|#A 1/1 (pummel)|D 3d8|SV 12|ML 12|XP 1900|TC Nil| Special:
Born of Fire: Once per day can cast Wall of Fire, Hallucinatory Terrain, Enlargement (self only), Invisibility, and Alter Self (CA 10).
Master of Flame: At will can cast Pro

HYPERBOREA 3E » Ixians » 11/04/2023 1:50 pm

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It is worth noting that both Scythium and IX are right at the edge of the world. Who knows what weird energies and radiations they get there and the effects they have on the human body, especially over thousands of years.

General Discussion » Megadungeon Idea: Lost Sea-Hold of the Hyperborean Captains » 9/26/2023 3:22 pm

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Just seeing the bolded "Lotus Bear" before actually reading the post, I thought it was going to be a monster, some kinda undead bear with lotuses growing from it, scattering pollen wherever it goes. Maybe if they don't deal with the necromancer and he decides on revenge.

HYPERBOREA 3E » Energy/ level drain in 3E » 9/23/2023 3:41 pm

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Yeah, I think simplifying level drain into an ability drain just makes it easier. I know that my preferred house rule for your standard level drain is taking a hit die in permanent health drain (so a fighter will lose 1d10 hp, ect.), which is still less brutal than level drain as-is but is also fairly simple to handle while still being bad.

Hyperborea » Daemon princes » 9/17/2023 6:54 pm

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Going back to 1e AD&D, the MM entry for type VI demons notes that "[e]ach type VI demon has its own name. (Balor is a type VI demon of the largest size.) Six are known to exist." which tracks with the entry in the Hype3e Referee's Manual for both type VI greater daemons and Thaumagorga. The DMG appendix E then lists out the following names under the entry for type VI demons: Alzoll, Balor, Errtu, Ndulu, Ter-soth, and Wendonai.

Of course, I have a fondness for the classic named fiends, Orcus and Anthraxus and the like, though choosing six and Hyperborea-izing them could be tricky and some of the big ones feel like they'd fit in elsewhere (Demogorgon feels like something to do with Xathoqqua to me, and Juiblex might be an appendage of Yog) so probably not saving oneself too much time going that route. Still, raiding an ancient Hyperborean temple to Orcus, general of Thaumagorga sounds pretty good. Could even keep the first option as like, Thaumagorga's praetorian guard or whatever, in case this fractious set of princes steps out of line.

Adventures » DCC adventures in Hyperborea » 9/17/2023 5:09 pm

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Ah, so it was a funnel but for hirelings. Thanks, I think I'll definitely use Sailors. I've done a bit of adapting Neon Knights, though the very premise makes that one pretty simple.

Adventures » DCC adventures in Hyperborea » 9/17/2023 2:02 pm

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How's running it go? I'd heard that the funnel adventures could be a little rough even for higher level characters just due to their inherent lethality, was that an issue?

Adventures » DCC adventures in Hyperborea » 9/15/2023 8:57 pm

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So, there is (or was, might be over now) a Humble Bundle containing a bunch of DCC adventures and I was thinking, despite the bit of difficulty in converting them over due to different base assumptions at the core of each game, that there's several that'd work well in Hyperborea. The 3e-based adventures should convert over decently well with minimal mechanical changes (but probably requiring a bit of Hyperborea-izing) while the DCC RPG ones are a bit more finicky to translate over but could probably be dropped in with few changes and fit the setting.

Anybody done a DCC adventure in Hyperborea? Anything you found particularly difficult or simple to convert over? Any adventure that stands out as working great?

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