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Hyperborea » Last year of Perpetual Darkness » 9/16/2024 4:03 pm

As of page 233 in the 3e Referee's Manual on table 263 it show that the last nightfall would be 572, and that 576 is Tempest

Bestiary » Lions of Heruclian Power » 9/16/2024 1:30 pm

Rumors posit wandering the Hyperborean Wildernesses, ranging from woods to Boreal forests, to the plains, and prairies wander cwicked lions of extraordinary power and size with a hunger for the flesh of men. Some Greecian sages believe these to be related to the Lion of Nemea that Herucles himself bested, be they siblings having lived for so long or decendants it is unknown. They are rumored to be reaching lengths of eleven feet and heights of 6 feet at the shoulder and estimates of weight would guess 1000 pounds.

AL: CE | SZ L | MV 70ft | DX 15 | AC -5 | HD 7+4 |
#A 3/1 (claw/claw/bite) | D 2d4+1/2d4+1/3d4+1 |
SV 13 | ML 11 | XP 1320 | TC nil | Special:
★ Immunity to mundane weapons
★ Magical Piercing and Slashing weapons below +3 only do their bonus +1 or +2 damage only
★ Fearsome Roar: Upon hearing the first time any creature of 6HD or lower must make a SORCERY save, failure indicates it flees in panic (d6, 1-3) or is paralyzed with fear (d6 4-6) for 2d4 rounds. The save is modified by willpower adjustment, if applicable.
★ Rake: If both claw attacks hit, rear claws automatically rake for 1d6+1 hp damage each.
★Vulnerabilities: Attackers can make a Test of Dexterity to attack the lion's open mouth for full damage. Attackers can make an unarmed attack and on a hit make a Test of Strength to begin to strangle the beast, after four rounds the beast will go unconcious, if held for a fifth round the lion will die. Attackers can also make Extraordinary Tests of Strength to break the lion's neck.

Bestiary » More Eight-Legged Foes » 11/10/2022 9:27 pm

Leto the Red wrote:

Giant Jumping Spider: a five-foot-long arachnid thatis an ambush predator, it leaps from great distances to catch its victims by surprise. With eyes on the back of its head it is able to have a perfect bestial understanding of its hunt. These dangerous predators do not spin webs and instead prefer to sleep in hammocks made of webbing. There is rumored to a larger, more intelegent variety that can be identified by its bigger fangs. These are said to be around 7-to-10 feet long.

Giant Jumping Spider: #E 1d4+1|AL N|SZ M|MV 30 (hop 90)|DX 12|AC 6|HD 3|#A 1/1 (bite)|D 1d8|Sv 15|ML 8|XP 107|TC nil| Special:

•Nimble: Can move across walls and ceiling at normal MV.

•Surprise: If it leaps atleast 40-feet and attacks a victim its chances to surprise are increased by 2-in-6 chances.

•Venomous: Bite victim must make death (poison) save or be paralysed in 1d2 rounds, lasting 2d6 turns. Wound becomes necrotic in any event, with 3-in-6 chance of infection unless a Cure Disease is cast. After 30 days victim must make another save or die; otherwise, infection subsides.

Giant Long-jawed Jumping Spider:#E1:10|AL N (or CE)|SZ L|MV 30  (90)|DX 15|AC 5|HD 5+2|#A 1/1 (bite)|D 1d10|SV 14|ML 8|XP 780|TC D|Special: (see Giant Jumping Spider.)

Upon further learning on Jumping Spider's intelligence, feel free to give them class levels.

Adventures » Lake Nova » 6/23/2022 2:40 pm

I was looking through the Atlas and came across Lake Nova and went to the Referee's Guide to look into it and read about a ship that crashed onto one of the islands. Is there an adventire released for it, will be released for it, or is it just a place to put the ship from Expedition to the Barrier Peaks?

Bestiary » More Eight-Legged Foes » 5/30/2022 10:14 am

Caveman wrote:

Nice one Leto

Mark II version.

This is Jimm.Iblis' Mark I version.


​Welcome to Hyperborea...

Thank you. I guess I should have expected someone else to make a giant version of these brilliant creatures. I thought I would try homebrew, but for my first time figured borrowing special abilities from other creatures to build them.

I think I prefer Jim's method of straight up showing the chances to surprise instead of the bonus to that chance I have listed.

Bestiary » More Eight-Legged Foes » 5/29/2022 4:59 pm

Giant Jumping Spider: a five-foot-long arachnid thatis an ambush predator, it leaps from great distances to catch its victims by surprise. With eyes on the back of its head it is able to have a perfect bestial understanding of its hunt. These dangerous predators do not spin webs and instead prefer to sleep in hammocks made of webbing. There is rumored to a larger, more intelegent variety that can be identified by its bigger fangs. These are said to be around 7-to-10 feet long.

Giant Jumping Spider: #E 1d4+1|AL N|SZ M|MV 30 (hop 90)|DX 12|AC 6|HD 3|#A 1/1 (bite)|D 1d8|Sv 15|ML 8|XP 107|TC nil| Special:

•Nimble: Can move across walls and ceiling at normal MV.

•Surprise: If it leaps atleast 40-feet and attacks a victim its chances to surprise are increased by 2-in-6 chances.

•Venomous: Bite victim must make death (poison) save or be paralysed in 1d2 rounds, lasting 2d6 turns. Wound becomes necrotic in any event, with 3-in-6 chance of infection unless a Cure Disease is cast. After 30 days victim must make another save or die; otherwise, infection subsides.

Giant Long-jawed Jumping Spider:#E1:10|AL N (or CE)|SZ L|MV 30  (90)|DX 15|AC 5|HD 5+2|#A 1/1 (bite)|D 1d10|SV 14|ML 8|XP 780|TC D|Special: (see Giant Jumping Spider.)

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